It Depends Upon What the Meaning of the Term ‘Due Process’ Is

So, when he designed his training, he emphasized due process protections embedded in these laws: Gun owners get ample notice about the petition, and they have the right to defend themselves in court through multiple hearings. [More]

But their guns are taken before anything’s proven, right?

Figures this Carita character works with 97Percent.

[Via Steve T]

Speaking of GunKapos…

Don’t let anyone ever tell you they speak for all gun owners. The face of gun ownership is changing, and Americans who own firearms aren’t monolithic in their opinions. [More]

Yeah, we know.

We know about you liars, too.

Why else would you limit who can respond?

[Via WiscoDave]

97Percent’s Devolving Influence

Trump’s Evolving Stance on Guns [More]

Vichyconnette Olivia Troye continues to strive for 97percent relevance by straddling both sides of the issue while coming down on the side of more controls.

What’s telling after all the years, all the funding, and all the free publicity, they still only have 10K Facebook followers and 11.3K on Twitter, which respectively has not moved and lost 1.5K since August of 2024.

Fine, let the grabbers waste their money on a sucking hole. How do I check and see if they got any USAid?

Worst Comes to Worst

Year in Review: The Worst of the Gun Industry in 2024 [More]

Judas goat Greg Lickenc…uh…brock carries on the contemptible betrayal of fellow gun owners exemplified by Ryan Busse and a cavalcade of gunkapos.

It’s fair to ask what kind of idiot/mole/embedded enemy (pretends to or actually falls) for solidarity with “Gun Culture 2.0” or 97Percent.

[Via Jess]

97Percent’s Executive Director Rips Mask Off ‘Non-Partisan’ and ‘Objective’ Facade

We’ve seen it all before, Astroturf groups funded by elites that ostensibly spoke for ‘reasonable’ gun owners. [More]

It shouldn’t neeed to be explained that both sides can’t be accommodated when their goals are antithetical, and that anyone relying on cognitive dissonance is a gaslighting swindler.

The Mask is Off

Our executive director, Olivia Troye, will be joined by Joshua Horwitz and Shannon Frattaroli from Johns Hopkins University, which just launched a national red flag law resource center with the U.S. Department of Justice – as well as Christopher Carita, a former detective from the Ft. Lauderdale, FL Police Threat Response Unit, who will speak about his experience with red flag laws in a state leading the nation in usage [More]

I’m just here for the ratio.

This former Pence aide is proving to be even more ineffectual than the last figurehead.

I may do another article…

Playing the Percentages

However, the recent investigation by the Second Amendment Foundation revealed that 97Percent supports bans on “assault weapons,” standard-capacity magazines, and bump stocks and has called for permits to carry, purchase, and even possess firearms. It supports mandatory background checks and mandatory storage laws and claims the Second Amendment is “overprotected.” [More]

Welcome to the party, pals.

House of Dicks

DICK’S Sporting Goods (NYSE: DKS) has continued to expand the House of Sport brand as nine new locations celebrated their grand openings in July and August. These locations join the first three House of Sport stores in Victor, New York; Knoxville, Tennessee; and Minnetonka, Minnesota. [More]

So none of their customers own guns?

Or are the ones who do just further proof that “Gun Culture 2.0” is no reason for gushing “gun influencers” to sound so damn triumphant and instead enable the spread of 97percent subversion?

[Via Michael G]

Blast from the Past

In his last line, Mr. Codrea seems to be skating pretty near the legal edge of making threats of violence. [More]

While checking to see how the work is propagating, I ran across this 10-year-old letter to the editor I’d never seen before.

Here’s the article he objects to.

Funny thing… he uses the exact same words to attack it CSGV did.

All the while pretending his motive is to be inviting to shooters of all stripes…

Just like the phonies at 97percent

And There Was War in Heaven

This Democrat has led an anti-gun violence group in Congress for a decade. Now some want a change. Black Caucus members and activists are pointing to Reps. Lucy McBath and Robin Kelly as potential successors. But Rep. Mike Thompson said he’s still “effective” and is not going anywhere. [More]

I’m thinking if they let the radicals have it they’ll be less mature about keeping their extreme plans hidden.

That and it’ll further show what deceptive liars the phony 97percent “peacemakers” are.

[Via Jess]

Siegel’s Proctoscope

Received via email from 97percent:

Each episode ends with a segment we call Siegel’s Scope, where Dr. Michael Siegel, a renowned researcher and professor, magnifies a particular area of gun ownership and gun policy.

Listen to a clip of Siegel’s Scope below!

Well, you can, but you know what he’s going to say.

R-E-S-P-E-C-T, Find Out What It Means to Me

[W]e remain committed to having these honest, civil discussions about ways to reduce gun-related deaths, while respecting the 2nd Amendment. [More]

By collaborating with Hard Left Hakeem

And notice they operate out of “Best Gold Standard” Santa Monica.

Meanwhile, Joe WalshRob Pincus, Stephen Gutowski, and Amy Swearer are joining in to “legitimize” the Astroturfers and show how fair they are.

Clue: They’re not.

True Scotsmen

97Percent is getting its @$$ handed to it on a tweet I referenced in my AmmoLand piece about their fraudulent “targeted” poll. [More]

Comment poster Boss Chonk shows us the perfect rebuttal for every time some gun-grabbing pretender employs the “responsible gun owner” deception:

I am a responsible gun owner… and so call you out on your No true Scotsman logical fallacy that one must believe the same as you to be a responsible gun owner.

Here’s the fallacy, that is, the lie, explained.

So a good rejoinder to those who resort to that might be “Take your ‘responsible gun owner’ sophism and shove it up your kilt.”

It’s encouraging to see that almost no one is giving any credibility to these transparent rights swindlers. Besides Rob, Joe, Amy, Stephen

And that’s despite yahoo!finance running a press release created by a high-priced New York ad agency as “News.”

I sure hope money man Adam Miller doesn’t fire Executive Director Mathew Littman. I can’t think of a more qualified incompetent to waste his money.

Deceptive Petition: Falsely Claiming Gun Owner Support for Infringements

For any gullible gun owner lured in through 97Percent’s slick presentation, ask some questions and you’ll see how hollow their assertions are. Because if you buy into their rights swindle, you’re really just being bare naked in the town square conned by apparatchiks, useful idiots, and Judas goats. [More]

If you know what to look for, the signs of a scam in the making are unmistakable.

Finding Common Ground

I got this invite by email, along with the edresses of over 100 other recipients, because who better to talk about safety and security than someone who doesn’t know how and why to use “BCC”?

The Astroturfers behind this include 97percent, which I’ve done a lot of exposing of. Anyway, the email said “Firearm owners are especially welcome to participate in the Q&A period,” so I thought I’d pass this along and see if anybody wants to virtually “attend” and ask questions.

Gunkapo Carl

I’m a gun owner. I know I’m a sitting duck until common sense gun laws are on the books. [More]

This is the exact divide-and-conquer subversion the 97percent Astroturfers, the Gun Culture 2.0 squishes, and the Fudds for Biden are counting on. They are all AHSA on steroids, and coming at us on multiple fronts.

If I were an FFL and Carl came into my store I’d tell him to get the hell out.

[Via Dan Gifford]

97percent Deception

It also adopted a new test for Second Amendment cases. Gun laws today must be consistent with the laws that existed when the Second Amendment was adopted in the late 17 hundreds. This means that gun regulations will be assessed according to their conformity with laws that were in place during the 18th and 19th centuries. [More]

The 19th Century is not ” the late 17 hundreds.” I’ve been telling you these people were liars. These “kinder, gentler” citizen disarmament Astroturfers want us to believe “equal protection” means we’re now all subject to post-Civil War Black Codes introduced by Democrats a century after the Founders ratified the Bill of Rights.

“Our side” participating lends them underserved “credibility.”

Tangentially related, WarOnGuns Correspondent Jess shares a video on a First Amendment case raising similar points.

The Judas Goat Bleats

I joined 97Percent because they are a gun safety organization taking a different approach to this seemingly intractable issue. [More]

The kinder, gentler citizen disarmers.

Divide and conquer is hardly a different approach. Like all “progressive” ideas, it’s a dusting off of an old ruse relying on apparatchiks and useful idiots to draw the suckers in.

Not to mention make a buck.

There’s never been a shortage of gunkapos presenting themselves as Gun Culture 2.0.

WarOnGuns Correspondent Andy M. sent me a couple more examples that are a few months old but timely in regard to this:

  • This dope.
  • And these. I’m just surprised they don’t wear their “Moms Demand” shirts to the range.

A Trainer Wreck

But when Rob Pincus told FOX News he supported Biden’s ideas, even shooting a shotgun out a door to scare away bad guys, it was too much. Even with Pincus’ previous statements calling for more gun control, he had crossed the Rubicon. There was no going back. [More]

He crossed the Rubicon for me when he came unglued and went all ad hominem over questioning one of his fellow trainers supporting Hillary. He secured his position in the enemy camp when he teamed up with one of its leaders and then joined up with the kinder, gentler gun-grabbers.

That makes his allies subject to scrutiny too, in my book. They’re the ones who advise ignoring the greatest threat.

The thing is, he doesn’t care about burning bridges. He knows he can continue to make a good living off of Gun Culture 2.0, where useful idiots have their “allowed” guns, for now, as they witlessly vote in rulers aiming to change that as soon as they think they can.

[Via Andy M]


In the interests of fairness, TTAG directs us to the documentation of incomplete quotes.

That has no bearing on my observations.

‘Roadmap’ Latest ‘Commonsense’ Ploy to Advance Citizen Disarmament

What makes 97percent’s “roadmap” all the more insidious is that the organization is (at times) successfully employing a “divide and conquer” strategy by claiming to represent both “responsible” gun owners (as if opponents are irresponsible) as well as “bipartisan” (that is, RINO) interests. We’re essentially talking Fudds and Democrat gun owners, who place faith in centralized government disarmament diktats and hostility to “deplorables” above uninfringed freedom for their countrymen. [More]

In the third and final installment in this series, we look at the gun owners who are helping make the grand disarmament deception possible.

Can We All Get Along?

Received via email:

We’re sharing some advice for those challenging conversations with family members around the dinner table. We believe there are ways to discuss politics that include others and make them feel heard, not alienated. Check out our post below for a few tips on how to have conflict-free gatherings. [More]

Stop demanding to sic the jackboots on us to disarm us by force and we’ll get along just fine.

No matter how much 97percent tries to present itself as the “reasonable” alternative to find “common ground,” their supporters show they just can’t control their militant hostility.

Tangentially-Related UPDATE

Four Mass Shooting Truths To Shut Down Your Liberal Family Members At Thanksgiving Dinner [More]

What “liberal family members”…?

[Via bondmen]

‘Roadmap’ Latest ‘Commonsense’ Ploy to Advance Citizen Disarmament: Part Two

Let’s now look at the four “policy” infringements the 97percent group wants to see imposed under the force of law. [More]

This is Part Two of a three-part series exposing a group of “kinder, gentler” Astroturf gun-grabbers employing a divide-and-conquer strategy that low-information gun owners may fall for without an intervention by those who can see through the weasel words.

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