2+2=4=Hate Crime

“Mathematical violence” is due to “whiteness and heteromasculinity”…When Black female students are repeatedly disciplined for being social, loud, or goofy in the mathematics classroom, they experience mathematical violence… [More]

It figures expecting situationally appropriate behavior is racist and sexist.

“Progressive” academics: Is it any wonder that I love them so?

[Via Michael G]

Buckeye Bolsheviks

The public college in a deep-red state that blows $13M on DEI and fighting ‘whiteness’ [More]

Now tell us how much they’ve spent on the John Glenn Second Amendment Research Center, headed until recently by Saul Cornell, or as I call him, the Slippin’ Jimmy of the revisionist history movement.

[Via Michael G]

Homerphobia on Rise in UK

British University Issues Trigger Warning on Greek Mythology [More]

I understand. I’ve suffered PTSD from The Odyssey myself.

I was six or seven, and saw Ulysses with Kirk Douglas. The Cyclops scared the hell out of me, and I remember waking up that night crying from a bad dream about it.

These students are the emotionally disturbed equivalents of first or second graders. Like the saying goes, it’s a mental disorder. They are children, unworthy heirs of the terrible sacrifices that ended up enabling them to “grow” into entitled collectivist weaklings deserving of the replacements they are demanding.

Speaking of Polyphemus, he’s a regular in these parts, usually brought up when talking about Quislings, Fudds, and “compromisers” willing to obey him if he eats them last.

The rest of us are heating up sharpened stakes in the fire.

Trump and Musk Immigration Stance Ignores MAGA Pledges and U.S. Education Failures

The whole point of the last election was to turn all that around. [More]

A sinking ship doesn’t need to take on more water, especially if it means excusing Democrats helping send it to the bottom.

Look on My Works, Ye Mighty, and Despair


Somehow, I don’t think they mean that in a good way. I’m probably going to spring for a paid upgrade to find out.

My biggest laugh is seeing how many papers there cite my stuff. I wish I’d saved the letter from the dean who threatened to expel me unless I shaped up. And could remember my physics professor’s name

Some of us are more interested in life’s teachings, and learning based on passions and interests.

More Proof That Trump and His Supporters are Racists

An investigation into racist, pro-Trump graffiti messages at @RhodesCollege in Memphis, Tenn. that caused a panic has revealed that it was a hoax from a student. The college is not releasing information about the student behind the hoax. The n-word and “Trump rules” were written on pieces of paper on campus. [More]

Why not? The racist lying $h!+wad ought to be expelled and have this follow him around until he publicly sincerely confesses and begs forgiveness.

And why do “we” tolerate having photographic evidence which provides full visceral effect kept from us through obscuration/falsification?

[Via Michael G]

The Icon We All Need and Deserve

University of Pennsylvania prof praises CEO-killer suspect [More]

Any word from the well-heeled capitalist alumni who are financing Marxist subversives to indoctrinate future generations? And who decided letting her into this country was in American interests?

Would it be OK if we encouraged the low-hanging fruit out there to start taking out academic commies, or would that get us shunned, unemployable, and potentially prosecuted?

[Via Michael G]

Stephanie Must Be Fun at Thanksgiving

This paper positions public mass gun violence (PMGV) as an intergenerational consequence of the violence of colonization, coloniality, and slavery in the United States. I map how the shooter’s white privilege, alongside his white/male fragility, combined with a national consciousness built on an ethos of colonization and coloniality, leads him to believe he has unearned “rights” to the social riches of the center. I proffer that most of us who benefit from capitalist, neo-liberal, patriarchal state and social institutions are complicit in co-creating the conditions that produce PMGV’s gunboys and gunmen because in order to benefit from these institutions, we perpetuate a system of insiders and outsiders. As illustrated, some possibilities for allaying violence are grounded in practicing critical self-reflection and capacities for discomfort. [More]

Angry and militant feminist collectivists get to using Marxist buzzwords and I be like

Especially when my name pops up for no apparent reason:

It’s just not worth it to me to pay to see what I supposedly have to do with any of this, aside from not being too fragile to identify as a male and a father, and not overly worried if some bitter frostback believes using loaded terms like “gunboys” enhances her academic gravitas…

The Bloody Professor

The objection isn’t because all “women aren’t smart enough.” He knows he’s lying.

Remember the name Phil Lowcock (and talk about an aptronym). Let him reap the cancel culture his kind demands for us. How the school handles this will tell us much.

What strikes me most about this is how passive “rebellious youth” are. Not one student yelled “FY, A!”

Kansas Reflector Opinion Editor Clay Wirestone says “Republicans [who’] bellow over [this are] all bonkers.”

The Meat of the Matter

Bioethicist S. Matthew Liao: In order to fight “climate change”, we should genetically modify humans to be intolerant to meat. [More]

Flesh the implementation out for us, Matthew. A global central comittee, right? And as with Covid, “my body my choice” doesn’t apply — for the greater good?

Now, what about holdouts with guns…?

During the lawless famine this genocidal useful idiot is helping usher in, he, with his ideas, will get no acceptance from those dragging him out of his ivory tower except as a source of protein.

“Progressive” academics… is it any wonder I love them so?

Loser Lashes Out in Frustration

Kari Lake’s daughter, Ruby Halperin, gets a drink thrown at her by triggered leftist [More]

Some children were never taught to use their words.

As difficult as it is to tell with that crowd, I wish the story had identified the assailant’s gender.

Curious, how the side that says it’s for women’s rights results in “men” attacking them:

I wonder what you’d find it you did a study of the political affiliations of households where spousal abuse most occurs…

[Via bondmen]

Graphic, But Hardly Novel

Professor Sends His ‘What If Jan 6 Succeeded’ Comic-Book To All Pennsylvania High Schools [More]

Does it say how they did that while unarmed?

He’s equating Trump agenda supporters with Nazis and white supremacists, replete with Confederate swastikas.

Now tone down the rhetoric before somebody gets hurt!

[Via bondmen]

Mayday, Mayday

Gun Policies That May Decrease Outcomes… Gun Policies That May Increase Outcomes [More]

So “may” means it’s spcualtion, not “fact.”

What other outcomes “may” arise from citizen disarmament and a monopoly of violence, and how come they aren’t even acknowledged, let alone factored in?

Leftist ivory tower eggheads– is it any wonder we love them so?

Them and false authority gunquacks.

[Via Dan Gifford]

Speaking of Compensating

This is not to excuse pornography, but rather refocus inquiry and reflection (as I do here) on the ways in which guns amplify phallocentrism. [More]

Academia sent me a link to this 2007 “study.”

Sounds like author C. Richard King has too much time on his hands and/or too much of something else in his hands…

He even cites SPLC’s Mark Pitcavage, who looks like his hands wouldn’t reach, at least his own…

Best and Final Offer

“So we have a best alternative to a negotiated agreement. Our BATNA is that we are going to stop all other gun control work and focus all our resources on a campaign to repeal the Second Amendment. We have a template for that; the amendment outlawing alcoholic beverages was passed and a decade later that Amendment was repealed. We are either going to get your commitment to allow our democratically produced local and state laws honored or we will end our negotiations and begin a massive campaign to overturn the Second Amendment.” [More]


Your move.

I think I may have found my next article.

[Via Jess]

As Opposed to HypOmasculinity, I Suppose…

In my attempt to come to an understanding why so many people oppose and resist common sense firearms safety regulations, I have developed a proposition that regulations on firearms challenge the promises of a patriarchal system based on notions of hypermasculinity with the elements taken to the extreme of control, domination over others and the environment, competitiveness, autonomy, rugged individualism, strength, toughness, forcefulness, and decisiveness, and, of course, never having to ask for help or assistance. [More]

As long as he’s taking us there, why does the phrase “Ribbed for HIS pleasure” come to mind?

BREAKING: Academic Discovers Violent Crime Not Committed by ‘Law-Abiding’!

“If state lawmakers really want to reduce gun violence, the most effective policy they can enact is one that requires permits in order to purchase or possess a gun.” [More]

Don’t bother telling author Michael Siegel that “correlation = causation” is a logical fallacy. He knows.

But that trough won’t fill itself.

Because What Could Be Safer Than Utter Helplessness?

You see what they’re doing by throwing neighborhood gang shootings into the mix and leaving out schools. Lies, damned lies, and leftist ivory tower eggheads with an agenda: Is there anything they DON’T know?

What they can’t refute:

100% of school shootings occur in “gun-free zones.”

[Via Starvin Larry]

Wisdom from Wakanda

ignored him because trump & secrete service staged theatrics to win idiots’ vote🇺🇸 https://t.co/gdSs7152GE — Prof. Mokoko (@SethunyaMokoko) July 14, 2024 [More]

Lesotho, eh?

With His Majesty King Letsie III to serve as the exemplar of smarter politics…?

Yeah, sounds like ol’ Mokoko’s got a lot to teach us.

It might be fair to ask how he attained such a privileged international education coming from a land of such profound poverty, and if that might account for his self-perception of superiority…?

[Via Michael G]

An Effective Combination

For the crime of running a huge survey on defensive gun use in the U.S. that was not forced into the narrative structure of today’s gun-control activism, William English, an assistant professor at Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business, has been subpoenaed, attacked in The New York Times and by many other “mainstream” outlets and, basically, pilloried in order to, as he put it in The Wall Street Journal, “warn off other academics thinking of doing similar research, and to influence courts where states are losing on the merits.” [More]

Or as the Keeper always said:

[Via Jess]

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