Dr. Birx Admits Young and Healthy People Didn’t Need COVID Vaccine [More]
So, in the absence of comprehensive drug trials, can we have human ones?
[Via Michael G]
Notes from the Resistance
Face mask mandates return in multiple states as doctors warn of ‘quad-demic’ of four viral infections [More]
If at first they don’t succeed… turn on the fog machine!
Sorry. But you tell me why I should trust official narratives.
Now he’s stepped further into the morass. He is suggesting artificial intelligence, or AI, censor people who are “inciting violence” by expressing doubt about vaccines. [More]
I suspect if we were violent, he’d know it by now.
Republican Coronavirus Report:
AFTER ACTION REVIEW OF THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC: The Lessons Learned and a Path Forward
Partisan Probes Over Pandemic Prevention and Preparedness – Select Subcommittee Republicans Spent the 118th Congress Putting Politics Over People and Public Health
Nope. Haven’t learned a thing.
[Via Antigone]
New York’s former Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo has officially been referred for criminal prosecution after a lengthy congressional investigation into his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic and his decision to force nursing homes to take in sick patients — resulting in thousands of deaths. [More]
Yeah, but he did it for the greater good.
So… will he be ordered to surrender his guns…?
BREAKING: Doctors tells @Project_Veritas undercover that MILLIONS of excess deaths resulted from the FDA’s pandemic-era “horse medicine” tweets against ivermectin. Now we have the lawyer who defended the FDA in court ADMITTING on undercover video that the FDA abused its authority! [More]
Forget “When do the tribunals begin?”
When are people going to even learn about this from networks and newspapers?
[Via Michael G]
Army Admits Link Between COVID Vaccine and Soldier’s Heart Condition [More]
The coercion was strong.
For the rest, there was propaganda. Now let’s listen to those same celebrities on guns!
[Via Michael G]
Related UPDATE
Explosive Study Once Removed by Lancet within 24 Hours, Now Peer-Reviewed and Public: Reveals 74% of Deaths Directly Linked to COVID-19 Shot [More]
You’d think if this were real news it would be all over the DSM… no…?
[Via bondmen]
Fauci Trashes Conservative Media, Says the Unvaccinated Were Responsible for 200,000 to 300,000 Additional Covid Deaths [More]
So BMJ Public Health and Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam are “conservative media”?
[Via bondmen]
World Health Organization warns a NEW strain of bird flu has jumped to humans with ‘potential for high public health impact’ – as man in Mexico, 59, tests positive before dying from it [More]
Scientists Decode Deadly Blood Clot Disorder Triggered by COVID Vaccines [More]
But…but…but conspiracy theory…
[Via Michael G]
New Research Reveals That Wearing Face Masks Did Not Reduce Risk of COVID Infection After First Omicron Wave [More]
So these celebrity idiots are also wrong about guns…?
[Via Michael G]
As the Gain of Function Lies Are Exposed, Elon Musk Issues Call to ‘Prosecute/Fauci’ [More]
I know the government shielded the pharmaceutical companies, which I’m wondering is challengeable on Constitutional ground, but I’m also wondering why there’s no class action civil suit against Fauci et al…
[Via bondmen]
These officials knew that the Chinese lab was proposing to create a COVID 19-like virus and not one of these officials revealed this scheme to the public. In fact, 15 agencies with knowledge of this project have continuously refused to release any information concerning this alarming and dangerous research. [More]
So, when do the scaffolds go up?
[Via bondmen]
I looked ’em up. They’re both white.
Has anyone reported these deniers to the SPLC yet for Hatewatch inclusion, a prerequisite for a Garland/Wray “Greatest Threat” designation?
[Via Michael G]
An Open Letter to the American People from Signatories of this Declaration of Military Accountability [More]
Following this thread it appears they will be following up with petitions others can sign…
Any way to add these Benedict Arnolds…?
Hal Turner of Hal Turner Radio Show suggested the COVID-19 vaccine was a factor in Vandaelle’s death. [More]
He may be right.
But I take it as a sign the writer and editor haven’t been around that long if they assume an established “conservative” enterprise using that source won’t end up having it used against them.
[Via Michael G]
CDC Issues Health Advisory Over ‘Low Vaccination Rates’ Across US [More]
Damn cattle won’t enter the chute…
It’s almost like government can’t be trusted without a custodian…
[Via bondmen]
Texas AG Ken Paxton sues Pfizer for vaccine efficacy misrepresentation, ‘conspiring to censor the vaccine’s critics’ [More]
I’d like to see the short list for plans being evaluated to destroy him, and know where the final approval will come from.
I’ve never talked about this before but for some reason it seems tangentially relevant: Back in an earlier life when I was the plant manager for a pharmaceutical company, I got a commendation from Pfizer for a successful national product launch, along with a not-so-subtle dig at corporate for almost derailing things. Just to show how coroporate politics work, that earned me some resentment among one of the higher-ups and put a target on my back.
[Via Michael G]
The U.S. Army is ‘Begging’ Unvaccinated Soldiers to Return [More]
Talk about changing their tune…
No worries. They’ll resume the demonization and the purge when they no longer need you.
[Via Michael G]