Meet the Faces of Firearms [Watch]
Happy talk from NSSF ignores the most important question:
[Via Andy M]
Notes from the Resistance
The public college in a deep-red state that blows $13M on DEI and fighting ‘whiteness’ [More]
Now tell us how much they’ve spent on the John Glenn Second Amendment Research Center, headed until recently by Saul Cornell, or as I call him, the Slippin’ Jimmy of the revisionist history movement.
[Via Michael G]
Costco defends DEI program as other major retailers drop controversial diversity push [More]
That’s bad enough but irrelevant to the reason I won’t join the one that opened just down the road:
At Costco, we don’t believe it’s necessary to bring firearms into our warehouses, except in the case of authorized law enforcement officers. For the protection of all our members and employees, we feel this is a reasonable and prudent precaution to ensure a pleasant shopping experience and safe workplace.
Money that enriches their billionaire chairman enabled Obama and Biden to undermine RKBA. Not that oblivious/disinterested American consumers mind.
Besides, look how much they saved on eggs!
NDIS participants and sex workers feel ‘betrayed’ by sexual services funding ban now being in effect [More]
Sorry. My post title just kind of wrote itself.
Y’know, if you have a right to sex, that implies someone can be compelled to give it to you. I’m just envisioning some kind of Christian baker analogy where a provider can’t refuse services to someone whose proclivities they find objectionable.
And what if abled recipients choose to identify as disabled?
[Via WiscoDave]
Corporate media outlets have buried, downplayed, or otherwise shelved a new study which reveals that “diversity, equity, and inclusion” (DEI) policies cause people to become ‘hostile’ – essentially seeing racism where none exists. [More]
You need a study to show widespread encouragment of a sense of unearned entitlement and denial of reality are personally and socially destructive?
[Via bondmen]
PoliceTAXPAYERS To Fork Over More Than $2 Million Back Pay To Female, Black Applicants Who Couldn’t Pass Tests [More]
I had to fix that headline.
It makers fair the question how long a swelf-destructivel species that prioritizes advancement of the least fit over survival of the fittest can avoid extinction.
Any questions on Merrick Garland’s DOJ being enemies of free people?
[Via bondmen]
New Documents Detail Air Force’s Plan to Cut Number of White Male Officers [More]
And citizens… don’t forget to cut the citizens!
“It’s like they’re deliberately trying to destroy America,” the normie mused.
[Via Michael G]
Greenlighted by Ronald— until it wasn’t.
Ain’t like Justified, is it?
How does it feel, Marshal Meyer, doing your masters’ bidding only to find you don’t fit the new DEI profile?
[Via WiscoDave]
Washington found a noose made out of an airhose when he arrived at his workstation on Aug. 20, 2022, according to the lawsuit. Washington alleges he complained to management, who made light of his concerns and failed to take proper action even after Washington informed the human resources office of the situation, the lawsuit states. [More]
Air hoses require a reverse coil. Every other coil is reversed. Begin coiling the air hose by looping it once at one end. To reverse the second coil, bring the loop in so that the line exits behind the second coil.
[Via Steve T]
Well, maybe if the couple had shown the proper amount of respect:
[Via Michael G]
DEI Expert Allegedly Claimed the American Flag is Becoming a Symbol of ‘Hate and Extremism’ [More]
At what point will there be an uprising to reject such parasites and accept that “diversity” as preached is a weakness, and strength comes from principled unity?
[Via Michael G]
“Trayvon Martin’s flight suit tells the story of a dream of space flight ended tragically by earthbound violence”… [More]
Along with Lt. Uhura’s uniform Chadwick Boseman’s Black Panther costume…
Sadly, the venerable Smithsonian has gone the way of Scientific American: Politicized “progressive” dreck.
Cosplay is now “achievement” enough. We’re supposed to believe if not for “a series of unfortunate events,” the life path the martyred Mr. Martin had set for himself was this close to being able to do the calculations that brought Apollo 13 home.
Forget that Uhura, and everything she said were products of white producers and writers, with no small amount of politically correct network pressure to “cast Negroes” in the first place, and that Wakanda and T’Challa were African stereotypes created by Stan Lee (Stanley Martin Lieber) and Jack Kirby (Jacob Kurtzberg).
Instead, sell the idea that playing make believe is a claim to entitlement. When I was, like six, I remember using a towel for a cape, sticking my arms out in front of me, making whooshing sounds through my mouth, running through the yard and pretending I was Superman. This is every bit as childish.
So, naturally, Essence puts on a towel and runs with it.
I’ve heard it called “the soft bigotry of low expectations,” but it’s more destructively insidious and subversive than that, victimizing those who believe the DEI Stooge Syndrome is their royal road to enfranchisement, and those it has the power to make political and economic demands on.
The President of United Earth would approve.
[Via WiscoDave]
White writer eviscerated for ‘disguising himself as black’ to write book about racism [More]
Doesn’t he know you have to be Eddie Murphy or the Wayans Brothers working for big media to get away with that?
A Portsmouth police officer charged with driving under the influence in Hampton reached 100 miles per hour on the interstate and later kicked an officer during her arrest, according to court documents. Carmen Johnson also allegedly made remarks about the arresting officer’s race and commented about a “dislike of white people,” police allege in the court documents. [More]
She’s a victim of coicumstance…
What a thing to arm and set upon the normals…
[Via Steve T]
The term they use in science for a model that clearly describes a phenomenon is “elegance.”
New Jersey Target employee thwarts 3 women stealing shopping cart full of merchandise: police [More]
He’s lucky they didn’t go violently entitled on him.
Or that Target doesn’t fire him.
In general, when the grabbers say women are endangered by a gun in the home, these are the types — whose chronic poor choices include with the males they attach themselves to — that they’re talking about.
But if they admit that, they won’t be able to spread risk equity, and diversify it to include women who have made better choices.
Surveillance video from Colorado demonstrates how a 10-year-old nonverbal autistic kid is treated by a teaching aid in a society succumbing to savagery… After Jones was arrested this month, the Littleton Public Schools released a statement, saying Jones was hired in August after ‘satisfactory reference checks and after passing a thorough background check’. [More]
I’d call her a beast and speculate on public reaction if races were reversed, but I don’t want Democrats to think ill of me.
[Via Michael G]
19 Retired Generals, Admirals, and Former Top Defense Officials File Supreme Court Brief Against President Trump’s Immunity Bid, Claiming Trump’s Act “Threatens National Security” – Here Is the List [More]
They’re the ones David Hackworth dubbed “Perfumed Princes,” the ones who through purges and promotions set the stage for rot.
We’ve met some of these Benedict Arnolds before, like the execrable Michael Hayden. He and Peter Chiarelli have another bit of oath-breaking in common.
[Via bondmen]
What a way to choose to live the one life endowed by our Creator, as a rabbit, terrified that if you speak the truths you know in your heart you will be vilified, humiliated, and cast out.
Maybe there’s a reason why so many young people in need of validation are irreparably alienated and turn to destructive and vengeful pursuits.
[Via Michael G]
Baltimore is now facing apocalyptic levels of policing shortages. Last week, THREE police officers patrolled a whole district of 61,000 residents. [More]
So what better way to divert attention from total incompetence than to gaslight everyone with a meme that those opposed to DEI “don’t have the courage to say the ‘N’ word“… ?
Now, when the city descends further into hell, anyone pointing that out can be condemned as racist.
[Via bondmen]
This won’t end up increasing police shootings of “overrepresented” suspects, will it?
[Via Michael G]
The Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency (DCSA) “LGBTQIA + ally training” includes the “gender unicorn” and “transgender terminology index,” internal documents reveal. [More]
I can’t figure out who’s more intimidated and with a newfound sense of respect: Russia or China.
And I’ll bet the Grand Ayatollahs are shaking in their slippers.
[Via Michael G]