Meta ends fact-checking program as Zuckerberg vows to restore free expression on Facebook, Instagram [More]
Will I still run afoul of “community standards“?
Notes from the Resistance
Meta ends fact-checking program as Zuckerberg vows to restore free expression on Facebook, Instagram [More]
Will I still run afoul of “community standards“?
Transgender activist warns women who try to stop her using their bathroom that ‘it will be the last mistake you ever make’ in chilling video urging LGBTQ people to buy guns [More]
I guess no TikTok community standards were violated.
You know, the app owned by the Chicoms that isn’t allowed there…
Meanwhile, Facebook isn’t letting me post AmmoLand links.
They hate us because we’re free.
[Via Michael G]
Social Media Censorship Is Bringing Print Back – Firearms News’ Facebook Page Getting Deleted Is Part of the Reason Why. [More]
Meta Accused of Suppressing Voter Guide Information on Facebook [More]
“Community standards,” you know…
And Zuck thinks a bunker will save him…
[Via Sweet Babboo]
Related UPDATE
Bill Gates’ Microsoft says “Hold our beer.”
[Via Michael G]
Mark Zuckerberg admits Biden administration ‘pressured’ Facebook to censor Americans [More]
And he went along with it, just like a punk. The rest of the time they do it just to be d!cks.
[Via Michael G]
He says after three years of posting and promoting their annual gun giveaway on Facebook, the social media platform is wrong to not only pull the plug on it but threaten to close down its page as well as those of any employee who posts about it. [More]
“Community standards” strike again.
[Via Jess]
Mark chats with David Codrea for the latest opinions [Listen]
If you missed yesterday’s program — or didn’t know about it because Facebook decided my announcing it violated their “community standards,” you can listen to the archived podcast — assuming they don’t censor this, too.
Facebook removed my announcment of today’s appearance on Armed American Radio as a violation of community standards. [More]
The Militia Used As An FBI Front Group In 2020 Is Again Proliferating On Facebook [More]
Sniper assassins wanted — inquire within.
There’s a reason Mike warned against Three Percenter groups.
And a reason why none of them credit him.
Even the ones not headed by feds are fraudulent.
[Via bondmen]
Extremist Militias Are Coordinating in More Than 100 Facebook Groups [More]
Anybody see any threats or incitment to commit violence, or did hyperventilating Tess Owen just pop her Rapex over nothing?
So glad to see her get an “exclusive” on Facebook gun control snitches, though…
Hours after he posted the joke, a SWAT team descended on Bailey’s Louisiana home. According to court documents, officers with guns drawn ordered Bailey to his knees. He was placed in handcuffs, told he was under arrest, and instructed that his next Facebook post should tell readers “not to f*** with the Police.” [More]
The law of the instrument writ large.
[Via bondmen]
You know that stuff of mine that’s always running afoul of them…?
I think I’ve found a way to keep from being censored…
I’m sure when the time comes all those tech billionaires will get a pass… no?
Cape Coral company offers free AR-15, turkey with roof purchase in ‘most Florida thing you can do’ [More]
Any bets on how long Facebook lets this stay up?
[Via Jess]
This was waiting for me this morning on Facebook:
Again…? And with the not-so-veiled threat to banish me forever…?
Looks like their AI is going full tilt to enforce GIGO. This is what must be suppressed.
Mustn’t allow anything to cast doubt on the directed narrative… like the truth.
I wonder how long it will be before Google removes it from Blogger… along with everything else I’ve posted. Don’t forget what prompted this new incarnation of WoG.
They evidently find voluntary humanitarian relief by believers in the Constitution goes against everything they stand for.
As it turns out, the Biden White House relied on foreign “disinfo” activists to pressure Facebook to censor Americans. Worse, it turns out the group supposedly targeting disinformation had their facts wrong. Facebook knew it, too. [More]
Those must be the “community standards” they keep dinging me for violating…
[Via Michael G]
If they removed something, I can’t tell what it is. Sure be nice if they told me what I’d done that offends them and puts me in jeopardy of being kicked out.
I mean, I thought I’d learned my lesson after wishing everyone a contemplative Bill of Rights Day…
Leave ‘neutrality behind,’ Soros-funded UT Austin journalism program says – Tech giants Google and Facebook are among financial supporters [More]
Hey, it’s not like they actually observed journalistic ethics back when they still pretended they had them…
“The morals of trousered apes” … I like that.
[Via Michael G]
Mark Zuckerberg spent $43M on security, but gives millions to ‘defund police’ groups [More]
All the while implementing Chinese-style censorship and snitch policies on guns…
Send not to know for whom the tumbrel rolls…
[Via Jess]
YouTube Censorship Of Suppressor Content & Wholesale Deletion of Creators [More]
Well, it’s not like the CEO came here for the liberty…
While it’s understandable and necessary to endorse uncensored alternatives like Rumble, the fact remains that I have accounts on Truth Social, Gab, and MeWe and don’t get anywhere near the admittedly limited exposure I get on Facebook and Twitter.
[Via Jess]
I know I said I was only going to use the blog to promote my articles until the new year, but this just came up and needs to be addressed.
If you’re on Facebook and received one of these “friend requests,” it didn’t come from me. As I’ve repeatedly said in the past, I don’t send “social media” requests, because I only use it as advocacy media to share links to my work and that would make me no better than a spammer, so I wait for people to approach me first.
Whoever it is has stolen my real profile avatar (and made some additions I can’t quite figure out the significance of) and the link goes to an account at this url:
The url to MY account is:
I don’t know who this other person is and if he’s a leftist agenda-driven saboteur or just an @$$hole fraudster, but one thing you can bet on by this false representation is that his intentions are not good.
If you get a “friend request” from “me,” you didn’t. Report it. I intend to.
And if you have the skills to try and find out who’s behind this (I do not), feel free. I opened up the source code on the avatar thinking that might tell me something, but quickly figured I was in over my head and got lost.
And to anyone who feels inclined to just say “don’t go on social media,” it’s you who’s limiting what weapons you’ll pick up and use, not me.
[Via Dan H]
Crack Facebook moderators quick to pass “community standards” judgment on me for wishing readers “a contemplative Bill of Rights Day” assure me they’ll look into if impersonating me to sucker in victims rises to that level of offense:
Looks like they got it right:
And in a related/unrelated(?) development, WordFence warns me this site is under a concentrated attack:
I’ll let Dr. Evil field this one.
Meta/Facebook security guards accessed user accounts and took bribes [More]
So is that what compliance with “community standards” looks like?
[Via Michael G]
Memphis shooting: Teen accused of killing 4, injuring 3 others in rampage streamed on Facebook [More]
Frankly, I’m disappointed they didn’t say “child.”
Oh, so that’s the reason.
I appealed the warning and gave as my reason:
This tweet documents photographic evidence that Hunter Biden has committed a second firearms-related felony that no one else in the media is covering.
That and I could find a million photos on Twitter that show more skin.
I’ll letcha know what they say.
I just noticed someone sent me a Facebook message yesterday:
Thanks for posting the article on your fB Page on June 8 & 9th. I was curious if you received any notice from fB about it because I attempted to share it on my page and immediately noticed that it goes “against Community Guidelines” Really?!?!
As a result of sharing it, my #2A businesses have been issued a 28-day ban on Facebook.
I thought it was a well-documented and written article with citations, proof, and a reasonable argument.
Because there is no “Fact-Check” or notice on the post, it must be ok with it. However, just now, in writing this message, I tried to save the article here on fB, which issued two additional warnings that it was contraband.
Again though wanted to thank you for writing the article and the interesting observation and argument presented. I am curious if you have seen any additional follow-up or responses about your presentation. Somebody doesn’t want folks to ask the question.
That, of course, was the same Hunter Biden article, and no, FB never contacted me or took any kind of ban action against me. This and this are both still up with no warnings to me. I guess if they don’t let you know it makes exposing their censorship practices less likely.
Remember the first time they said I violated their “community standards”?
People lots bigger than me don’t want anyone to notice this. Unfortunately, I can’t create a Streisand Effect by myself.