Operation Fast and Furious – Forgotten History [Watch]
There’s a lot that will never be widely known because the original reporting is ignored instead of being followed up on.
[Via Jess]
Notes from the Resistance
60 Minutes Gets Dragged on Twitter/X Over Story Praising Gun Control Policies in Mexico [More]
To paraphrase Rhett Butler, they should be dragged and often, and by someone who knows how.
They had a chance to sustain real journalism about guns and Mexico with Sharyl Attkisson, but instead decided that didn’t fit the approved narrative. They could’a been contenders instead of DSM bums, which is what they are, let’s face it.
[Via bondmen]
Might as well let ’em know someone’s on to their bullSh!+.
The Case for Defending U.S. Rights While Targeting Criminals [More]
Pretty good write-up.
I’d argue with the “75% of firearms confiscated in Mexico originate from the U.S.” claim…
[Via bondmen]
“Seventy percent of the illegal weapons seized from criminals in Mexico come from your country… [More]
It looks like a one-on-one on the threat of tariffs has her toning down the rhetoric and ready to play ball — or else.
[Via bondmen]
The American Guns That Mexican Cartels Covet: A Visual Guide [More]
Yeah, I was amazed at how easy it is to straw purchase multi-barreled full autos and belt-fed SAWS from FFLs and unlicensed gun show dealers.
I guess nobody being actually punished means they’re free to try it again.
[Via bondmen]
Wikipedia Employs Left-Wing Groups to Edit Controversial Topics [More]
Guess who this never mentions, with edits to correct the record removed…
[Via Michael G]
Both the White House and ATF have turned down multiple House Oversight inquiries into charges of ‘collusion’ with Chicago’s lawsuit against Glock [More]
Gee, when have we seen a Democrat administration stonewall House Oversight on gun-related scandals before…?
[Via Jess]
EXCLUSIVE: Family of Murdered Border Patrol Agent Disheartened After Court Overturns Killer’s Conviction [More]
I wish I could say things will change if Trump wins.
[Via bondmen]
Over 200,000 firearms found in El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Mexico between 2015 and 2022 were linked back to the U.S., recent data from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) shows. [More]
Remember last time they were pushing this line?
[Via bondmen]
Cartel-Destined Weapons Cache Seized at Texas Border with Mexico [More]
A resurrected plan comes together.
[Via bondmen]
Border Patrol in California Seizes 25 AK-Style Rifles Destined for Mexican Cartel [More]
So if Californians got the rifles in Arizona, how did they get around this?
Federal law does permit rifles or shotguns (not handguns) to be sold to non-resident buyers in other states. However, this does not apply to Californians. The thorn is that federal law requires FFLs to only sell in compliance with the buyer’s state laws.
And you’ll note no one is talking about the obvious solution…
[Via bondmen]
Hundreds of Fast and Furious firearms have previously been traced to other shootings in Mexico. The new leak indicates hundreds more are still being found. [More]
So change the subject by trying to blame major gun retailers in an attempt to do the same thing the original plot tried to do: Enact more infringements.
I may do more on this.
[Via several of you]
Sharyl Attkisson Discusses Reporting About Obama-Era ‘Fast And Furious’ And Benghazi Scandals [Watch]
Ask yourself what would have been exposed had this not worked.
That nothing happened after it was exposed is another story altogether…
But wait! There’s more!
[Via Jess]
During an interview with Univision that took place last Wednesday and aired on Tuesday, President Joe Biden stated that he would consider taking further executive action on guns and criticized 2024 Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump because Trump “famously told the NRA that, don’t worry, no one’s going to touch your guns” if Trump won. [More]
I just wish I could believe him.
[Via bondmen]
One of those illegally-trafficked firearms was used to murder U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry. That was exposed when ATF Agent Peter Forcelli blew the whistle that cases he was making to charge and lock up criminals for trafficking guns were being ignored by the U.S. Attorney’s office. [More]
No, that’s not how it got exposed.
Forcelli was definitely instrumental and heroic in exposing things, but ignoring the timeline of bringing information to the media, to the Congress, and to the public is wrong. If I didn’t know better, I’d think NSSF had a reason for ignoring that.
In The Deadly Path, Forcelli reintroduces us to many of the other characters and scenarios we covered in our attempts to get corporate media and Congress to investigate for themselves. [More]
The guilty want this to be forgotten. This book can be a tool to renew interest in dragging their lethal actions back into the light– but only if you use it.
Mike and I were not only ready to go with it (albeit unwilling to burn a source and post under a requested embargo), but after the mainstream press has been on it for days now, there was only one place hosting the letter (other stories only talked about it) from the attorney for the Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association to Sen. Chuck Grassley and Rep. Darrell Issa detailing not just the setup for the grenade operation, but also, and importantly, about the retaliation his ATF agent-client was subjected to by DOJ management for testifying at a House Oversight Committee hearing. [More]
A name from earlier investigations of years past once more brings ATF’s criminal “gunwalker” plot to the front burner with a new book and an exclusive interview.
At least a dozen dead in northern Mexico shootout near Texas border [More]
Say, gang, I’ve got a swell idea!
I’ve mentioned before how I love to read books but between the reading I have to do for my professional obligations, the work itself, and my personal life, there’s just not a lot of time. I suppose having a sense of purpose and looking forward every morning to a full day I’m enthusiastic about living is something I should be grateful for, but it does mean making one choice means not making another — for now.
I just finished The Deadly Path, and am finalizing an interview with former ATF Agent and author Pete Forcelli for AmmoLand. Stay tuned.
I also agreed to read The Misinformation Antidote because the author contacted Firearms News claiming “court decisions carry with them the seeds of the [Second] amendment’s future destruction.” I’ll let you know what I think after I read it.
And then yesterday, one of my favorite liberty authors, Miguel A. Faria, Jr., M.D., sent me a copy of his new book, Stalin, Mao, Communism, and their 21st-Century Aftermath in Russia and China. The man knows whereof he speaks and I’m looking forward to reading it and sharing my impressions — just give me a minute.
Homeland admitted in emails it fails to track illegal immigrants released into US interior [More]
Hey, if the object is uncontrolled destructive subversion, go with what works.
It’s not liike anybody ever got really punished after being caught.
[Via Michael G]
ATF official: Federal prosecutors turning a blind eye to straw purchasers, again – Events reminiscent of ATF’s “Operation Fast & Furious” scandal. [More]
Hey, if you want to blood dance, you first need blood.
Which invites two questions, one about the open border and the other about the imposition of prior restraints because people who have proven they can’t be trusted with a gun aren’t kept away from the rest of us.
I’ve established a dialog with Mr. Forcelli, have read his book, and will be releasing an interview and a review over the next few weeks.
[Via CP]
Iowa senators Chuck Grassley and Joni Ernst are calling for accountability and a full review of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives’ (ATF’s) unlawful misclassification of administrative positions as “law enforcement.” Not only was this decades-long practice illegal, but it also burned millions of taxpayer dollars. [More]
“Padding statistics” is kind of a tradition with them.
[Via Jess]
I just found out while talking to another ATF whistleblower on the phone who I plan on interviewing.
The guy was instrumental in helping Mike and me navigate through Fast and Furious. Funny who you develop respect and affection for along the way…
I can think of no better tribute to the man than the comments on his Facebook.
I’ll light a cigar and pour a couple fingers of the good stuff tonight in his memory and honor.
I remembered my signed copy of Ratsnakes.
It was just like that ****** to sign it upside down!
“The Justice Department will do everything in its power to find and hold accountable the gun traffickers who are arming the cartels.” [More]
Good one! And they’re headline whoring for the same reasons.
Why does Sir Wilfrid’s cross-examination of Frau Helm come to mind…?
Gov’t Informant Who Spied on Fast-and-Furious Reporter Turns up Dead [More]
Vince Foster, Obama’s chef, and Jeffrey Epstein were not available for comment.
Here are some other items there’s probably nothing to.
Armed residents guard streets in Mexico’s hurricane-hit Acapulco. [More]
With “machetes and baseball bats”…?
Lemme guess: Lax American gardening supply and sporting goods laws…?
I’ll bet no properties owned by these guys are being attacked.
Say… what’s to stop the looters from coming over here? And becoming Democrats…?
The intent here appears to be to once more blame “lax American gun laws” for Mexican cartel carnage and to assist in the deception… [More]
Stop me if you’ve heard this one before.
ATF Employee Caught Gun Running to Mexico [More]
This is the topic I was thinking of writing up in detail.
I do have a quibble:
The Mexican Government makes the bold claim that 70% of all guns used in crimes were smuggled into Mexico from the United States.
That used to be the claim the antis all made, but they started at “95 to 100 percent.” Now the DSM is more properly qualifying things by saying:
Nearly 70% of TRACED [emphasis added] firearms used to commit crimes and seized in Mexico come from the United States, according to ATF.
So instead of being a flat-out lie, it’s now an insidious lie of omission, because they don’t then inform:
No specific numbers on how many of those guns “recovered in Mexico and traced back to the United States” were, in fact, military purchases, but the State Department cables indicate a portion of the fewer than 12 percent of the traceable weapons actually came from the United States in gun shop/individual type purchases. Remember, that’s not 12 percent of the tens of thousands of weapons recovered – it’s only 12 percent of the weapons recovered that were traceable. It’s nowhere near the 12 percent figure that has been misquoted and used as evidence of the United State’s “horrific” problem of illegal gun sales.
Now, tell us more about the drunks…