‘Damn Lax U.S. Gun Laws’ Redux

Gun used in kidnapping of Americans in Mexico came from US [More]

Here we go again!

If the headline were “Fentanyl used in killing of Americans in U.S. came from Mexico,” do you think readers might have a different idea of where the real problem was and what to do about it?

[Via Jess]

Learning from the Pros

“This was a textbook case of trafficking firearms to Mexico,” ATF Special Agent in Charge Fred Milanowski said in the press release. “Firearms trafficking is illegal and immoral. Unfortunately, the consequences of a firearm illegally possessed in the United States and Mexico can cause danger and harm for decades. As demonstrated by this case, we will continue to investigate and prosecute gun traffickers who endanger the lives of law-abiding citizens in our communities.” [More]

Speaking of textbook cases

[Via CP]

Calculated Destruction of ‘Gunwalker’ Evidence Shows ATF Cover-Up Ongoing

That ongoing legal actions require evidence to be preserved and that ATF, the agency that stonewalled investigations and retaliated against whistleblowers now seeks to be the agent of its destruction, is a good circumstantial indicator that its priority remains one of covering up. [More]

There can be no “reform.” These corrupt bastards will never back down unless they are forced to.

We’re the Only Ones Covering Our Tracks Enough

Yesterday, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) notified us that it intends to destroy the firearms associated with the botched Operation Fast and Furious. [More]

I thought there was no statute of limitations on being accessories to murder.

This is the first time I can recall having a serious disagreement with Jim Jordan.

[Via Henry Bowman]

Sherman, Set the Wayback Machine to October 17, 2008


The Internet Archive/Wayback Machine is conducting its annual fundraiser. As has been my practice, I donated once more.


Because ever since Examiner.com shuttered operations, it is the only place on the internet that has preserved my Gun Rights Examiner columns, starting from the first one through to my getting unceremoniously fired in 2015. It is the only place on the internet that has preserved my Operation Fast and Furious “Project Gunwalker” reporting, which would otherwise be lost.

Ditto for old GUNS Magazine “Rights Watch” columns that their website no longer hosts.

I suppose I could go back and copy everything and repost it anew — if I had a solid year to do nothing else but that. But I don’t and I can’t.

I recall somebody here in comments a while back saying something about rethinking his contribution because the founder’s daughter was a big lefty or something like that– I don’t remember the specifics. In any case, I’m not giving for her, I’m giving to help preserve what I consider a vital resource that serves my self-interests. As you know, I never ask for donations for myself. If it’s in your self-interest to see the history of Fast and Furious (or anything else) preserved, this is the best way to do it that I know of.

* By Screen shot from DVD of Rocky and Bullwinkle cartoons., Fair use, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?curid=11955831

Lies From Operation Fast and Furious ‘Gunwalking’ Resurrected in Mexican Lawsuit

(Leon Rafael photo / Shutterstock)

Unfortunately, or more likely as planned, the answer to keeping U.S. arms from being smuggled across the border into Mexico is something those screaming the loudest for citizen disarmament and against an uncontrolled northward flow of drugs and illegal aliens don’t want to hear about: Control the damn border. [More]

There is no new thing under the sun and the more things change the more they stay the same. Hey, it’s not like a low-information public deliberately being kept that way will recognize old lies being dusted off and reintroduced as “truths”.

Parroting the Narrative

It’s impossible not to notice, though. When certain issues come up, anybody deviating from a certain position is viciously attacked and “cancelled.” [More]

So I haven’t just been imagining stuff like “baseless” or “botched gun sting“…?

[Via bondmen]

The More Things Change the More They Stay the Same

Between 70-90% of guns recovered at crime scenes in Mexico can be traced back to the U.S. [More]

This is the same crap the grabbers were pulling before we exposed Fast and Furious gunwalking.  It says nothing about guns purposely NOT submitted for tracing.

How about government does its job and safeguards the f***ing  border instead of you letting in the cartels while demanding our disarmament?

I’m sorry for the Newtown losses, but they’re not my fault and any natural sympathy I have goes out the window when they attack my right to protect myself and my loved ones. Whether you attack me out of greed or out of grief ceases to matter at that point– either way, you deserve to be repelled.

[Via President Non_Fudd]

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