Meanwhile, Over at the Party of the Workin’ Man

Conservatives are raising concerns over liberal Judge Susan Crawford’s campaign for the Wisconsin Supreme Court, pointing to a flood of dark money backing her, including contributions from groups tied to billionaire George Soros. With the election fast approaching, several prominent conservatives and media outlets have sounded the alarm about what they see as an effort to reshape Wisconsin’s highest court through massive outside spending. [More]

You know, the people who scream “Oligarchy!” the loudest…

[Via Michael G]

‘We Paid for Our Cities to Burn’

Tides Foundation is the Soros ‘charity’ that funded much of the Antifa BLM protests in 2020. (Besides many other crappy things.) USAID was one of Tides’ primary funders. [More]

So, it’s not so much been Soros money as OUR money…

The more networks and connections that get exposed, no wonder even “mainstream” Democrats like Chuck Schumer are behaving like common street Marxists.

[Via Michael G]

A Marxist Hag and a Nazi Collaborator Walk into the East Room…

Outrage as Biden set to award Hillary Clinton, George Soros with Presidential Medal of Freedom [More]

Now he’s just being in-your-face “F— you” about it. But it’s not like the award hasn’t already been devalued and debased.

Including Denzel Washington, who has taken pains to be apolitical in his public comments, is a subtle form of extortion. How could he decline without the left destroying his career?

Tester’s Billionaire Donors Put Lie to Democrats Being the Party of the Common Man

So much for Republicans being the “party of the rich” and Democrats being the “party of the common man.” [More]

The goal is to rule the common man, not to champion him. If they have to do that by setting up someone they consider a rube to pander to the Fudds, so be it.

Alien Nation

The National Partnership for New Americans is a group funded by George Soros that has been naturalizing hundreds of thousands of individuals — at least a quarter of a million of them. “Their goal is to continue to naturalize these migrants and make them into voters,” Wheeler explains. [More]

Good thing this has nothing to do with that “single issue.” And I have that on good authority.

As Long as Democrats Attack Their Own

The unrest is unlikely to stop when universities break for the summer; protesters are pledging to disrupt the August Democratic National Convention planned to be held in Chicago. [More]

Hence the Democrats’ three-mile Speech-Free Zone, and letting the Bolshevik shock troops get a lot closer to the Republicans.

It is telling that Soros and the Pritzkers side with enemies of Israel, but in George’s case it’s not the first time he’s cast his lot with Team Exterminator

Is it still seven in 10 against the guy who recognized Jerusalem?

[Via bondmen]

How the Game is Played

One of LA Soros DA George Gascon’s Top Employees — the Attorney “For Ethics and Integrity Operations” — Illegally Accessed Police Files on Political Opponents [More]

If you have enough dirt on them, they’ll do anything.

Just ask Mike Johnson.

[Via Michael G]

Tangentially Related UPDATE

U.S. Intel Community Probably Has Dirt on Members of Congress: NAPOLITANO [More]

Come to think of it, anybody seeing the DSM making an issue out of no Epstein list yet?

[Via GP]

Speaking of ‘Hate Radio’…

Left Wing Billionaire George Soros Buying Hundreds of American Radio Stations Ahead of 2024 Election [More]

Unless the plan is to muffle the “conservative talk radio” signal, I’m not seeing this changing enough minds — whatever else, he’s not dumb, so what am I missing?

Maybe he just likes enriching himself by f***ing little people over?

Under Audacy’s bankruptcy plan, existing shareholders would be wiped out and high-ranking creditors would be repaid with stock in the restructured company.

[Via Michael G]

Poor Little Rich Kid

Alex Soros Tweets Out Bullet Hole and 47 — A Direct Violent Threat to Donald Trump! [More]

All the money in the world yet the twisted Nazi collaborator’s son has no idea what it means to create his own path, or to have a genuine friend, or a woman who loves him for himself.

Deep down he has to realize how dependent, ridiculous and weak he is.

Everyone else who matters does.

[Via bondmen]

The Content of Their Character

Soros-funded group disparages Black GOP governor candidate as Uncle Tom: ‘All skinfolk ain’t kinfolk’ [More]

Notice anything about the ones who scream “Racist!” the loudest…?

On a side note, what are all the “progressives” who say mentioning Soros is antisemitic now saying about Israel’s reaction to Hamas…?

The Road to Perdition

‘The left has really let us down.’ Why many American Jews feel abandoned [More]

Seeing as how the ones being talked about here spent their adult lives voting me and mine closer to the camp, why should I feel sorry for them?

I saw a troubling Twitter/X post that I believe merits further serious investigation, especially since it looks like we’re all being dragged along for the ride in a politically and media-fueled feeding frenzy that exploits our demands for justice and our fear.

We all have an existential interest in this.

It’s stipulated the person in the video sides with the Palestinians. Can we get a similar stipulation for those stirring the pot? The question for us, as “jurors,” is if her testimony is credible or if we could honestly assign a “guilty” verdict on Hamas misfiring rockets beyond a reasonable doubt.

And yes, of course, we all saw the parachutes. That’s a different discussion. I’m only asking about the hospital incident. If you can demonstrate Sara El-Yafi’s arguments are false, I’m asking you to be an expert witness and educate us on the “jury.”

Tangentially-Related UPDATE

Here’s some more fuel for the fire.

Thing is… (grab the video before they block it again)

[Via Michael G]

His Own Petard

Soros-backed Louisiana district attorney carjacked at gunpoint with his mother [More]

What’s with “Williams said the suspect had high-powered automatic weapons”?

Did any “real reporters” ask him how he knew, or is it just easier for all concerned to help VPC spread its 35-year-old fear porn?

Meanwhile, Over at the Ministry of Truth…

Leave ‘neutrality behind,’ Soros-funded UT Austin journalism program says – Tech giants Google and Facebook are among financial supporters [More]

Hey, it’s not like they actually observed journalistic ethics back when they still pretended they had them

The morals of trousered apes” … I like that.

[Via Michael G]

What Price Treason?

Livermore’s police chief is criticizing Alameda County District Attorney Pamela Price’s office for not pursuing tougher penalties against a suspect, who is a paroled convicted felon, accused in a violent robbery. [Watch]

It’s what Soros DAs do.

And it’s what the falsely entitled useful idiots who voted for this communist racist want.

Along with your guns, of course.

[Via 1Gat]

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