About Those Tangling Alliances

“In light of the compelling and urgent testimony provided, I respectfully urge you to immediately clarify that the United States does not tolerate, facilitate, or participate, in negotiations over genocide, and to publicly inform Azerbaijan that unless it immediately lifts its blockade of Nagorno-Karabakh, the U.S. will take action through the United Nations to refer the matter to the International Criminal Court for investigation and prosecution,” Smith wrote to President Biden in a Thursday letter. [More]

Involve us with the UN in foreign enforcement interventions involving a nation having “closest friendship and trust links” with Russia, meaning add more pressure to tensions ready to explode over Ukraine, and at the same time undermine that which the Founders knew to be “necessary to the security of a free State” enough to get endorsed by the Brady PAC

Chris Smith of New Jersey: For Democrat economic and immigration policies and also endorsed by Gabby Giffords!

What a steaming load.

Remember that when you get solicitations from WIN Red for other candidates.

Sensitive to Tyranny

Attorneys representing the Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) and its partners in a federal lawsuit challenging New Jersey’s “sensitive places” statute have filed a response brief to the state’s appeal. The case is now known as Koons v. Platkin. [More]

So “rights-free zones” weren’t part of the compact?

We Haven’t Committed Genocide… Yet

“The National Shooting Sports Foundation challenges a new state gun law as violating its members’ constitutional rights. But we see little evidence that enforcement is looming,” wrote Judge Stephanos Bibas, a former President Trump appointee. [More]

I rest my case. Even if “Bubba” says it’s stupid because he made a kneejerk assumption and missed the point.

[Via Sweet Babboo]

Jersey Devil in the Details

New Jersey’s New “John Wick” Carry Permit Training Mandate [More]

How much competency must a citizen demonstrate in order to vote and be protected by any of the other Amendments?

One question I did not see addressed, so perhaps one of you who knows will educate me in “Comments”: If an “Only One” fails the test, how soon (and often) can they retake it, and does the same standard apply to “civilians”?

One more question: Who thinks Newark triggermorons give a damn?

Who will Judge the Judges?

A federal appeals court has restored most of New Jersey’s new gun control laws limiting firearms in sensitive public places after overturning a lower court ruling blocking many restrictions while a legal challenge plays out. [More]

Here’s the order. If someone gets killed as a result of it, I wonder how much sleep the judges will lose.

Krause was appointed by Obama and Chung was appointed by Biden. The one that concerns me here is Porter, appointed by Trump.

[Via Jess]

Two from Gunpowder Magazine

Colleague José Niño examines the varied and in-your-face ways states are getting away with undermining the right to keep and bear arms and gets some quotes from one of my favorite people along the way…

Ruse of the Fisherman

Newark cardinal asks Americans to voluntarily forgo right to guns [More]

After all, where better to take our moral guidance from than the Archdiocese of Newark?

Here’s a better idea: You guys first.

There’s something more than a little bit blasphemous about a fool presuming to speak with true authority. So naturally, they’re talking about making this moron Pope.


[Via JG]

FPC Legal Alert

A federal judge has issued a preliminary injunction against numerous parts of New Jersey’s Bruen response bill. Read the 235-page opinion in our lawsuit… [More]

I’ll have to get to it later. If you’ve got time to read it today, feel free to give the Cliff’s Notes version in comments.

How Could This Have Happened?

The state attorney general’s office is now the lead investigating agency in this quadruple shooting. As we wait to learn more about the victims – including that 7 year old child – and the circumstances that led to this tragedy. [More]

Any bets the perp won’t be well known to “the system”?

[Via @pamnsc]

We’re the Only Ones Kidnapping Enough

Then her father did “what any dad would—he went to hug his crying kid,” says Kaplan. “And at that point he was arrested. With handcuffs.” [More]

What can I say but “New Jersey“?

Things sure have changed since I was his daughter’s age. Kids playing unsupervised outside was the norm back in the days before widespread Ritalin prescriptions, school shootings, “single mothers,” DEI, “groomers,” and “gender dysphoria”.

The Incompetent Kleptocrat Getting Free Publicity Act of 2023

For this reason, I will be introducing the Safer Neighborhoods Gun Buyback Act of 2023… [Watch]

If at first you don’t succeed, right, genius?

Democrat constituents do it to themselves– and not just politically.

The object is to not let them do it to the rest of us.

[Via Jess]


The specific additional “sensitive places” designations that are challenged in the amended lawsuit include parks, beaches, recreational facilities or playgrounds or areas owned or controlled by a state, county or local government unit, plus youth sports events, an airport or public transportation hub, and various health care facilities. These areas were designated “sensitive” because the New Jersey Legislature was determined to “continue minimizing the carry of handguns as much as possible,” the lawsuit notes. [More]

Honestly, who ever heard of anyone being attacked in any of those places?

Curses, Foiled Again!

A federal judge on Monday extended an order preventing New Jersey officials from enforcing the state’s sweeping new concealed carry restrictions, dealing another blow to a law championed by gun control advocates, Gov. Phil Murphy and his allies in the Legislature. [More]

And he’d have gotten away with it, too, if it hadn’t been for you darned activists!

Under Consideration

David M. Greco, Petitioner v. Matthew J. Platkin, Attorney General of New Jersey, et al… Dec 28 2022 DISTRIBUTED for Conference of 1/13/2023. [More]

This is a FOURTH AMENDMENT challenge to New Jersey’s “red flag” law based on unconstitutional search and seizure…

Armed Scholar explains.

[Via Jess]

It Depends Upon What the Meaning of the Word ‘Responsible’ Is

To amend title 18, United States Code, to require licenses to acquire or receive firearms, and for other purposes. [More]

You know, just like “a historical understanding” validates…


2% chance of being enacted…

So Kim’s doing it just to get his name in the papers.

You’d think a guy with his background would be aware of the Roof Koreans

That and of the evils of communist citizen disarmament…

[Via Jess]

Just Like in the Good Old Days

New Jersey lawmakers want to solidify the state’s standing of having some of the toughest gun laws in the nation by requiring people to have liability insurance for concealed carry and add to the list of places firearms will be banned in public. [More]

I guess the historical understanding here is Democrats intend to resume the economic discrimination against armed minorities they invented in the Black Codes…

[Via Jess]

The Make People Who Buy Guns Legally Pay for Our Democrat Constituents Who Don’t Act

Pascrell and Davis Reintroduce Gun Violence Prevention and Safe Communities Act [More]

That’s this hate-filled domestic enemy who is trying to criminalize his political opponents

This is a noisemaking publicity move to turn out the useful idiot blue vote in advance of the midterms. As such, expect it to die the same death as its arm-waving predecessor.

For now.  The violence monopolists are working toward the day when they no longer need half measures.

[Via Jess]

Jojo Krako Permitting

Challenger to NJ’s unconstitutional law granted carry permit (kind of). [More]

So the “historical understanding” is that flintlock pistols were to be kept unloaded and locked in the back of the carriage and you could not have them where the “authorities” declared off-limits …?

Just like the old days…?

Who’s infringin’? We’re forbiddin’!

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