Adventures in Baselessness

Under this system, the Oregon DMV has processed more than 54,600 voter registrations for individuals who have not proven citizenship, according to documents obtained by The Federalist. [More]

Talk about disenfranchising legtimate voters…

Participating in this should be treated as a felonious conspiracy.

[Via Michael G]

Ken Boddie, ‘Real Reporter’

Ghost guns — that is 3D-printed guns, guns with no serial numbers, guns that can’t be detected by X-rays and guns built at home using separately purchased parts — are now banned on Oregon streets. [More]

An Emmy Award-winning one at that! And people vote based on this.

This seems appropriate.

CBS KOIN 6: News You Can Wipe With!

[Via Michael G]

We’re the Only Ones Graceful Enough

FBI to grant Oregon a ‘grace period’ to allow access for Measure 114′s required federal background checks [More]

So ignore what the law says to accomplish a “greater” purpose?

Do they have the statutory authority to grant themselves that seemingly legislative power?

Does the Republican-majority House have any funding say in this?

Related UPDATE

Oregon Firearms Federation weighs in.

We Don’t Need No Education

Oregon again says students don’t need to prove mastery of reading, writing or math to graduate, citing harm to students of color [More]

That’s one way to make excuses for the subversive scam of teachers’ unions, where incompetence is a feature, not a bug. Create chaos and dependency through indoctrination and ignorance, and add in importing pathway-to-citizenship foreign nationals whose countries can somehow churn out employees with superior technical abilities on a pittance of what we spend per capita on students, and you have all the ingredients for control — of all kinds.

Not that our “single-issue gun rights leaders” dare notice…

[Via WiscoDave]

Received Via Email

Great article! Yeah, it’s pretty funny that our great anti-gun president has a son who lied on his 4473 to get a gun(s).

Speaking of courts, Oregon hardly get press coverage of the what’s taking place in courts here, specifically the fight over Measure 114. I guess we’re regarded as a hopeless cause while coverage of cases in California, Massachusetts, NJ, NY which involve the same issues are always covered in Ammoland. Hmm


In re Oregon, I publish links to every alert Kevin Starrett and OFF put out and more on WoG:

I have for years:

I also do AmmoLand articles:

So does AmmoLand in general:

Our biggest problem is getting the word out — search engines and social media suppress us, and most readers don’t share links, so it’s easy to see how our stuff is missed– but it’s not because we’re ignoring it. We’re doing everything we can to juggle all the balls and drop as few as we can with the resources we have.

What Gun Owners Elected Them For

U.S. District Judge Karin Immergut ruled that banning large capacity magazines and requiring a permit to purchase a gun falls in line with “the nation’s history and tradition of regulating uniquely dangerous features of weapons and firearms to protect public safety”… [More]

Thanks, Donald Trump and Senate Republicans!

[Via bondmen]

La-La-La We Can’t HEAR You…

Oregon Senate Democrats disinvited economist and gun rights researcher John Lott from a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing based on criticism from anti-gun online publications. [More]

So hostile parties with skin in the game and who know the least about it get to determine who the “experts” are…

Oregon Democrats really are f*****g Maoists.

[Via bondmen]

To Keep from Getting Beaten to Death is No Excuse to SHOOT Someone

“Indisputable” video evidence shows Barry Washington “assaulted Ian Cranston without provocation, resulting in head injuries that required the police to take [him] to the hospital where a brain scan and other procedures had to be performed,” Cranston’s attorney reports. [More]

Disregard reality.

We’ve established that’s racist.

Voting with Their Wallets

Oregon State Police saw a spike in requests for Firearms Instant Check System (FICS) background requests leading up to and especially following the midterm election. [More]

They’d better hurry:

While many assumed that the implementation date would be 30 days after the election was actually “certified” (given that votes were being counted long after Nov 7th) now we are being told the Secretary of State has no plans to wait and the ban of new gun sales and magazines will begin December 8th.

I have an AmmoLand piece on Measure 114 in the publishing queue.

[Via Steve T]

A Marked Improvement

Republican Lori Chavez-DeRemer has won the open U.S. House seat in Oregon’s 5th Congressional District, flipping the district for the GOP in a hard-fought contest that drew millions in outside money to the state. Chavez-DeRemer’s victory makes her the first Latina congresswoman from Oregon, a distinction also sought by 6th District Democratic candidate Andrea Salinas. That race remained too early to call. [More]

Aside from not knowing where rights come from, this sounds promising:

Our founding documents give us the right to keep and bear arms. The Second Amendment is our safeguard against tyranny in the United States. We have seen the left go after our right to protect ourselves time and time again. They politicize national tragedies to argue that law abiding citizens should have their guns confiscated. Law abiding gun owners have never been the problem. Violent crime is caused by criminals. The left doesn’t want to talk about cracking down on illegal drugs, gang violence, antifa, rioting, or looting. They want to ban you from protecting yourself and your family. They want to redefine our Constitution and Bill of Rights. Washington, D.C. radicals believe in multiculturalism, moral relativism, and that socialism, “just hasn’t really been tried yet.” They want open borders, government-funded healthcare, and abortion on demand. I won’t stand for it. We must defend our rights.

[Via Jess]

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