Going Whole Hogg

So we can have TEC-9s…?

Is anybody ever going to ask him to list every “gun control” law he demands at which point he won’t ask for any more?

And as long as we’re in a debating mood, I wonder if “libertarian” Spike Cohen would like to take my challenge to see if he is ultimately preferable to Hogg…

You Win Some, You Lose Some

Cuellar: ‘We’re Going to Lose a Lot of Democrats’ Because Biden ‘Ignored’ Border, Won’t Deport People He Needs to [More]

S’OK. Get the Stupid Party to agree expeditng that “pathway to citizenship” and you’ll gain a lot more than you lose.

Good thing this has nothing to do with that “single issue.” And I have that on good authority.

[Via bondmen]

Nueva York

Office of the NYC Public Advocate

‘Chaos’ and ‘fury’ in NYC as officials lose faith in Mayor Eric Adams over migrant crisis: report [More]

Anyone who ever had actual faith in Eric Adams ought to be furious– at himself for being stupid.

Good thing this has nothing to do with that “single issue.” And I have that on good authority.

[Via Andy M]


“We need every gun owner in New Mexico to vote in every election, and remember this outrage when they do,” said CCRKBA Managing Director Andrew Gottlieb. [More]

Here’s the problem with that as a political strategy:

Every gun owner, especially the new ones, is not necessarily a Republican, and not necessarily a 2A supporter over other issues like abortion.

Voter party demographics ensure Republicans are hopelessly outnumbered.

New Mexico Democrats understand how “pathway to citizenship” advocacy will only solidify and widen the gap and are organized and working continuously to make that happen.

And all credible polling and real-world experience tell us that will result in Democrat supermajorities that can pass and uphold any “law” they like. Why else does anyone think Chuck Schumer is pushing this for 30+M illegals?

Not to put too fine a point on things, but last time you weighed in on this, your position was:

“SAF and CCRKBA only deal with the issue of gun rights. While I personally oppose amnesty and a pathway to citizenship for people here illegally, immigration policy and issues like abortion, global warming, health care and others are not part of our mission statement, articles of incorporation or approval for our non-profit tax status.”

Yeah? If that has not changed, why not take the challenge…?

I See Your True Colors Shining Through

Kennedy said that he would get behind a bipartisan assault weapons ban, which the overwhelming majority of Democrats support, but has little chance of getting through Capitol Hill given widespread GOP opposition. “If we can get a consensus on it, if Republicans and Democrats agree to it and it passes Congress, I would sign it,” he said. [More]

Told ya. Time and time again. That’s basically the whole Second Amendment in a nutshell.

Now would idiot “gun influencers” please stop floating this collectivist as a viable alternative? Because his popularity potential’s gonna backfire on them.

And would they please pull their heads out of their @$$es over the dangers of this…?

[Via Jess]

None Dare Call It Treason

Democrats: No Border Security Bill Until Citizens Accept More Poor Migrants [More]

So they’re holding it hostage unless their demands are met. The reason is obvious to any who would see.

Good thing this has nothing to do with that “single issue”. And I have that on good authority.

Any gun “influencer” that is still playing that game is part of the problem.

[Via bondmen]

Rounds’ ‘Bipartisan’ Betrayals Undermine His Second Amendment Actions

It’s going to take more than pheasant hunting and a travelers’ bill that’s going nowhere to offset helping Chuck Schumer create a “pathway to citizenship” for illegal aliens. [More]

If wearing orange was all it took, we’d have no better pals than the Demanding Moms on “National Gun Violence Awareness Day.”

Schumer ‘Amnesty’ Exposes Self-Defeating Blindness of ‘Single Issue’ Gun Owners

Start with the fact that Schumer’s stated goal, “get a path to citizenship for … however many undocumented there are here” will create an overwhelming number of new Democrats. Anyone who disputes that is deliberately ignoring all observable demographic realities. Even the terminology he employs is a calculated deception. It’s not a “path.” With the numbers involved, we’re really talking about a superhighway. And guess who pays the tolls? [More]

Dismiss this observable danger at your peril. And dismiss anyone who does.

Meanwhile, Over on the ‘Pathway Superhighway to Citizenship’

Federal prosecutors are quietly dismissing stacks of cases against illegal immigrants under a Biden administration mandate that could be on pace to effectively pardon 1 million people by 2024. [More]

Good thing this has nothing to do with that “single issue”

I mean, I have that on good authority

[Via Michael G]

The Devils We Know

NRA: Allen West’s Run For Wayne’s’ Job Will Not Prevail In Houston [More]

I have no problem objectively assessing West’s qualifications and capabilities. The membership should insist on that for all positions. We don’t need a popular figurehead, we need a principled leader who knows how to get things done.

That said, HW/Dole/Romney backer David Keene and his American Conservative Union are actively undermining the Second Amendment by greasing the skids for the cheap labor  “pathway to citizenship” sellout.

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