When I see a GOP senator in the year 2025 talking lovingly about FISA after all the abuse we’ve seen, I see a man who’s been approached by the intelligence services with pictures of him and midgets. [More]
[Via Michael G]
Notes from the Resistance
I watched it. [More]
Did you?
Guess what no Republican asked her about.
Two anti-gun Democrats did, and I’ll be writing that exchange up for Firearms News.
Multiple Republicans voted for gun confiscations without due process in HB-4144 [More]
Until gun owners let the GOP know they cannot betray us and win, this will continue. They need uncompromising gun owners more than uncompromising gun owners need them.
So does that mean I’d rather let a really, really anti-gun Democrat win the seat instead?
Does that mean you’d surrender your guns if they did?
Trump hails Florida Dem’s decision to ditch party, join GOP [More]
I’m trying to figure out how including this cow who has pledged to “stand up to the NRA and fight for a ban on military style assault rifles and the high capacity ammunition that make them so lethal” will help…
Anybody else getting a Professor Harold Hill of politics vibe…?
[Via Andy M]
Biden vetoes bipartisan bill that would have let Trump appoint more judges [More]
Right after getting his own gaggle of Nazgûl confirmed.
In the wake of November, Republicans are still letting the Democrats eat our lunch…? It’s hard to believe that’s not intentional.
[Via Jess]
Rep. Rich Lascelles (R-Litchfield), who we’ve trusted to stand with us, has co-sponsored this bill. Imagine the shock and betrayal – a representative who should be our advocate in the legislature is instead supporting legislation that could lead to the unjust confiscation of firearms from law-abiding citizens. This isn’t just about policy; it’s about the very principles of freedom and justice our nation was built upon. [More]
He doesn’t seem to be on X.com or Facebook to ratio his idiotic treachery, so if you want to tell him what you think about this, you’ll need to mail, email, or call him.
UPDATE: Looks like he pulled it before I posted this. Somebody talk to this guy and explain how things work.
“Led by Dustin Burrows, these representatives are now negotiating with Democrats to install a Speaker who would undermine the conservative agenda. This is an unacceptable betrayal of our party and our values.” [More]
He appears to be a lip service Republican on 2A.
[Via Sweet Babboo]
Republican Coronavirus Report:
AFTER ACTION REVIEW OF THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC: The Lessons Learned and a Path Forward
Partisan Probes Over Pandemic Prevention and Preparedness – Select Subcommittee Republicans Spent the 118th Congress Putting Politics Over People and Public Health
Nope. Haven’t learned a thing.
[Via Antigone]
Today on AAR Daily Defense, Mark chats with long-time AAR contributor, blogger, and citizen journalist, David Codrea. Topics include the makeup of the Trump cabinet from a gun rights perspective. Mark and David discuss bills likely to move quickly…or not…and then turn attention to Pam Bondi for AG. David is no fan and eloquently articulates the reasons why, including her past support for anti-gun measures in Florida as state AG. Mark counters with analogies and gives her the benefit of waiting out the hearings. She will no doubt be put on the spot during the confirmation process and allowed to articulate her 2A positions moving forward as AG. A lively discussion, so good in fact, that David returns on Wednesday to wrap up his legitimate concerns. [Listen]
My latest Firearms News piece, “Donald Trump and Republicans Owe Gun Owners, and It’s Time to Collect,” elaborates on my position.
There’s much Donald Trump won’t be able to do, but a lot that he can if he means to keep his pledge to the gun owners he could not have won without. Rein in ATF, Mr. President. Do what you can with your bully pulpit to influence American citizens and your unique power to influence your party and the Congress. Make informed judicial appointments. Listen to gun rights leaders. And task the Justice Department with the Constitutional imperative to “secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.” [More]
Now is not the time to rest on laurels and trust that everything is going to start going our way. If we don’t stay on top of him — and them — Pam Bondi won’t be the only disappointment.
There are only two things that are certain in Oregon in 2025. Taxes and Republican surrender. [More]
Most would be like that everywhere if that’s what it took.
Don’t look for things to change in the Beaver State as long as the RNC and national “conservative” groups and PACs view principled primary challengers to be liabilities to seats the Party still has, and with the great fundraising hope being a traitorous gun-grabber.
What would it take to start changing that?
Maybe have a gun owners “strike” and sit out those races with Quisling candidates, and let the GOP know if they want a seat at the table, it needs to support us — if not out of principle, then desperation works, too.
Give up even those seats to the Dems? Why not? How much worse could it get?
Besides, we’ve got Bruen and a Supreme Court that’s poised to grow in our favor.
If you have a better plan, let’s hear it.
Last week, U.S. Sen. John Cornyn lost his bid to be the chamber’s majority leader. The next day, he announced his intention to seek reelection to the Senate in 2026. We asked readers if they would support him if the Texas GOP primary election were held today. Here is a sampling of the comments we received from our readers after they voted in the survey. [More]
By all accounts he should be finished. If he’s not, it’s on Texas Republican voters.
[Via Sweet Babboo]
If they’re Republican, have your senators seen this?
[This is a repost of a 2018 Oath Keepers piece, resurrected here as an addendum to my AmmoLand article about Senate Majority Leader “choices,” or lack thereof. As such, links may not work but have been left to document that they once did.]
“Hundreds of gun owners in Florida have been ordered to give up their guns under a new law that took effect after the deadly Parkland shooting in February, according to a report published Monday,” Fox News reports. “Every petition filed under the order in Pinellas County has so far been granted by the judge…
“In addition to confiscating guns, the law also raised the age to buy a rifle to 21 and established a three-day waiting period on gun purchases,” the report notes. What it does not address is the level of due process afforded citizens who have not been charged with, let alone convicted of any crimes of violence; how government can justify ignoring the right to keep and bear arms of citizens old enough to vote, marry, form legal contracts and to fight and die for their country; and how a prior restraint delay on the “law-abiding” will have any impact whatsoever on the lawless.
This was all passed only with the support of supposedly “pro-gun” Republican legislators, and signed into law by a supposedly “pro-gun” Republican governor.
“We can count on Rick Scott to defend our Second Amendment rights!” NRA’s Political Victory Fund assured gun owners in its gushing endorsement for the politician they gave an “A+” rating to:
Rick Scott has an unmatched record of support for the Second Amendment in Florida … Rick has signed more pro-gun bills into law in one term than any other governor in Florida history. Law-abiding gun owners in Florida have a true friend in Rick Scott.
I don’t have any “true friends” that want to disarm me by force. You? But that was then. This is now. The fact of the matter is, when the political winds changed, so did Scott. And that leaves Florida’s voting gun owners with a dilemma.
That’s because Scott has decided to take on incumbent Democrat Bill Nelson for the Senate race in November. And Nelson has made no secret of his affinity for infringements, with his latest affront being a public hindquarters kissing of the Demanding Moms on a scheme to ban … knowledge.
Again, per NRA:
Who represents the greater danger to gun owner rights, Scott or Nelson? And is that the right question to ask?
“Politics is the art of the possible,” those who advocate “lesser of two evils” voting advise. “The perfect is the enemy of the good.”
That assumes the alternative actually is good, and that those who encourage “pragmatic compromise” and discourage pushing envelopes are the best judges of what is possible.
Years back, Republican strategist Lee Atwater was reputed to have asked “Who else are they going to vote for?” meaning the GOP could basically do whatever they wanted and desperate gun owners would let them get away with it.
How has that worked out for us? If we keep letting politicians betray us every time things require them being the principled leaders they promised us they’d be, what “or else” incentive does that give them to change?
I’ve used a couple analogies over the years, one being would you ally yourself with someone if his history demonstrated he’d switch sides and shoot you in the back when things heated up?
Would you accept that rate of betrayal from a spouse? What’s more important to you, a partner or a politician?
What’s more dangerous, the enemy at the gate or an opportunistic traitor inside?
What will be needed to teach the object lesson that betrayal will not be rewarded but will instead be punished — every time? Can it be done without forcing the gunquislings out?
Does it make more sense to take the hit now so that next time the Party won’t dare offer a dud, to make known beforehand you are doing it, to let everyone know afterward what you did and to make sure they know why? That is, if you’re serious about sending the right message and getting an acceptable candidate next time around…?
Yeah, but…
No doubt about it—Nelson will continue to be a threat if he retains his seat and the Senate needs all the help it can get to stay out of overt enemy hands. Same with the House. And it’s undeniable that we will never be presented with a perfect candidate.
Whatever decision gun owners make, I just hope the questions and concerns raised above are at least considered. Because the choices facing us now are easy compared to what will be confronting us after enough “friends in high places” cave.
Can we at least have some time for public input on something that can profoundly affect us all before sneaking this through? [More]
Republicans once more snatching defeat from the jaws of victory… will any gun owners object to all three being unsuitable “choices”?
Once again, we have seen that the biggest threat to committed, constitutional, Republican candidates is…the Oregon Republican Establishment. [More]
I normally don’t post on weekends but need this info for a possible article and am at a loss in searching for an answer.
Thune, Cornyn, and Scott are all part of the Swamp. How is it they’re the only ones up for vote consideration?
Is it just who declares themself to be a candidate and they were the only ones who did? And is it too late to publicly call for another name?
Links substantiating opinions will be appreciated.
We need to spread around the policies and beliefs Florida Senator Rick Scott holds as he runs for Senate GOP leader.
He is ULTRA-MAGA and deeply conservative. [More]
That’s funny.
I could have sworn he was part of The Swamp.
Dennis has been one of the most stalwart defenders of gun rights and liberty in general… So it would seem like a no brainer that Republican legislators would be all in for Dennis. Not so fast. House Rep Kim Wallan, Republican of Jackson County has now endorsed…Tobias Read. [More]
Letting Republicans continually get away with betrayals results in no incentive for them to stop. And you end up with this.
And to those who are still giving him a pass and making excuses because it could be a losing issue, if that’s the case, he’ll lose anyway– he’s not shying away from abortion, and we’re talking similar constituencies. And naturally, Dems are already telling voters he’s an “extremist.” And “a homophobe.”
Dems even call moderates Nazis, so he’s got nothing to lose and gun owners — who don’t even know his name weeks before the election — to gain. Plus, he can’t erase his NRA grade– that his opponent isn’t exploiting that tells me she’s not anxious to see this can of worms opened either.
How people presume a politician afraid/ashamed will stand for them when the going really gets tough without any basis is beyond me. And it’s the guy on the inside who can hurt you the worst.
The late RNC Chair Lee Atwater is reputed to have asked about gun owners, “Who else are they going to vote for?” We’ve seen the results of wishful thinking, gutlessness, and betrayal. I’m not getting how keeping that door perpetually held open for all Republicans –like it has been in the years I’ve been calling them out on it –works to our advantage.
In for a penny in for a pound:
Kamala Harris to Campaign with Liz Cheney in Birthplace of GOP [More]
I may start calling them URH: Unpopular Republicans for Harris
And naturally, the execrable Michael Steele is part of this cabal of Vichycon clowns who crammed so many RINOs into the Big Tent there was no room left for elephants.
If they prevail, there will never be a credible reason for voting Republican, making it fair to conclude that’s been the plan.
Throughout the document, Smith argues that the actions Trump took to overturn the election were in his private capacity – as a candidate – rather than in his official capacity, as a president. [More]
Speaking of acting in a private capacity, how is that not what election interference apparatchik Smith is doing, and why can’t (haven’t) Republicans and SCOTUS put an immediate halt to it?
Gillibrand vs. Sapraicone: The Race for US Senate forum [Watch]
So. Mike is for “red flag laws and background checks”?
Then why should I believe someone who doesn’t understand the Second Amendment won’t betray us on semiautos the first chance he gets to distance himself from another “gun-free zone” exploitation?
She has such a huge lead anyway, why should the gun owners in her district who aren’t Fudds bust their humps on a losing battle to push for a betrayer with an (R) after his name, and what message would that send the GOP on acceptable candidates?
Kari Lake’s daughter, Ruby Halperin, gets a drink thrown at her by triggered leftist [More]
Some children were never taught to use their words.
As difficult as it is to tell with that crowd, I wish the story had identified the assailant’s gender.
Curious, how the side that says it’s for women’s rights results in “men” attacking them:
I wonder what you’d find it you did a study of the political affiliations of households where spousal abuse most occurs…
[Via bondmen]
Default Judgment Paves the Way for Open Carry Victory in Florida [More]
And the bill to fix things is being held up by elements in Florida’s Republican supermajority…? So, when you donate to “good” candidates through WinRed, a portion also goes to “bad” ones…?
Liz Cheney says she’s voting for Harris [More]
And the fruit doesn’t fall far from the tree:
Son of John McCain joins conservatives endorsing Harris over Trump: See the list [More]
Anybody see any “conservatives” in that gaggle of Quislings?
Republicans, they thirst for death.
[Via Steve T]
If Republicans Want to Win, They Need Trump to Lose — Big
To dominate the country once more, Republicans need to hasten the move to a post-Trump party. [More]
Talk about a PsyOps piece–right, listen to the DSM.
If the GOP lets Democrat infiltraitors take over and morph into a party of Lincoln Project dominance, more than I will never vote for them again, which is the plan. What Vichycons haven’t figured is they need us more than we need them, because we will not disarm regardless.
[Via Dan Gifford]
Former Dem Texas state rep — now Republican — endorses Trump – Texas state Rep. Shawn Thierry details her tipping point to switch from the Democratic Party to the GOP on ‘The Ingraham Angle.’ [Watch]
Forgive me if I’m unimpressed by a naked political calculation:
Top Republicans threaten to withhold sales tax revenue from Memphis over gun-control measures [More]
Except for the traitor opening the gates.
Looks like the threat worked.
[Via Jess]