[Via Michael G]
Tag: veterans
Contract Oath-Breakers
An email obtained last week by the Second Amendment Foundation’s Investigative Journalism Project revealed that the “precision micro-influencer” marketing firm People First is hiring veterans to serve as paid social media influencers for the Harris-Walz campaign. [More]
Not just false authority — paid false authority.
[Via Jess]
Vetting Kamala
USA Today Shows Trademark ‘Ethics’ in Story on Vets ‘Furious’ about Trump/Arlington Incident
It went from “veterans” to “some veterans” in the blink of an eye, making it fair to ask, “Which veterans?” [More]
Why isn’t their campaign ad masked as news featuring Democrat operatives considered an in-kind contribution?
The Disarm Veterans Roll Call
Ask me how I knew he would be the one Republican…
Sit on your hands in his race, PA Dist. 1 gun owners– yes, his Democrat opponent is a gun-grabber, but what difference does it make when he’s a Giffords endorsee? You need to show the GOP that if they don’t field acceptable candidates they can feel out pain.
[Via Jess: H/T Guns & Gadgets]
And Thank You For Your Service
Themselves AND their posterity…
[Via Jess]
But Some Animals are More Equal Than Others
The Bill of Rights Menace!
House GOP Advances Bill that Would Increase Veteran Suicide [More]
Yeah, requiring due process is going to be the death of us all!
[Via Jess]
Dix: Representatives of People Who Resist Infringements Have a Lot of Gall Complaining About Crime
In addition to nullifying existing firearm regulations, the bill makes it even more difficult for officials to enforce gun laws. [More]
He says that like it’s a bad thing.
A loaded chamber indicator on a Beretta 92 Compact L did not stop 14-year-old Michael Soe from feloniously killing 15-year-old Kenzo Dix during a practical joke. The fact is, Soe’s father left a loaded gun where an untrained, impulsive and judgmentally-challenged adolescent could find it. In their lawsuit, backed by CPHV, Dix’s parents maintained, among other charges, that the chamber indicator was inadequate because the gun was not inscribed with a warning as well. Presumably, were Beretta to do so, they would still be deemed negligent for not including such warnings in Spanish, French, Mandarin Chinese and Tagalog.
We can sympathise with his loss. That does not give him a pass to attack our rights, and when he does, his motives shouldn’t lessen our response.
[Via Michael G]
And Thank You for Your Service
And Thank You for Your Service
Rampant homelessness among veterans in the United States has exploded as the government prioritizes spending billions of dollars on housing and providing free medical care illegal immigrants [More]
Democrats are working on better options now.
[Via bondmen]
What can I say but “Chris Murphy”?
I should go back and retitle this Damned Lie/Truth.
First They Came for the Useless Eaters
94-Year-Old Veteran Kicked Out of Nursing Home, Replaced by Migrants [More]
When the Maxists get to culling, they start with the very old and the very young, and then begin working their way in-between with an ever-expanding list of undesirables.
[Via Michael G]
Today’s Five-Minute Activism
Read the story of Medal of Honor recipient Col. Ola Lee Mize. [More]
Note there are companion “bill[s] to name the community-based outpatient clinic of the Department of Veterans Affairs in Guntersville, Alabama, as the ‘Colonel Ola Lee Mize Department of Veterans Affairs Clinic.’”
H.R. 5464: Robert Aderholt Sponsor. Representative for Alabama’s 4th congressional district. Republican. 6 Cosponsors (5 Republicans, 1 Democrat). Prognosis 18% chance of being enacted.
S. 2858: Tommy Tuberville Sponsor. Senior Senator for Alabama. Republican. 1 Cosponsor (1 Republican) Prognosis 7% chance of being enacted (details).
If you have a senator and/or rep who is not a communist traitor, contact them and let them know you expect their leadership on this.
If you want to go the extra mile and are on Twitter/X, they all have accounts there so you can contact more than just your guys, especially if you have no reps worth approaching.
OK, I lied. This could take 10 minutes.
[Via Doc]
It’s All in the Presentation
Under current VA policy, if a veteran who defended this country has to go to the VA and ask for help managing his or her financial affairs the VA automatically reports that veteran to the FBI’s National Instant Criminal Background Check System … and that veteran loses his firearm … automatically, no due process, no questions asked. This ion has not been made by a judge, it’s being made by a bureaucrat. All our Amendment would do would be … to say the VA, just because you’ve asked for help with your money, cannot automatically take away your firearm or report you to NICS unless a judge has ruled that that veteran is a danger to to himself or to others. [Watch]
Now look at how ABC News/MSN couch it, knowing full well most will not do more than scan the headlines and the first few words:
Senate approved amendment that would limit gun background checks for veterans
Then immediately tie that in with the Maine shooter being a veteran…
[Via Jess]
Help with Her Affairs
Dianne Feinstein, 90, cedes power of attorney to daughter — but still serves in Congress [More]
Good thing she’s not a veteran!
[Via WiscoDave]
It Wasn’t My Fault! I Swear to God!
Why Do You Not Know How Many Firearms Have Been Confiscated? [Watch]
Does the way he answers remind you of anybody?
[Via Jess]
And Thank You for Your Service
A bill to prohibit the Department of Veterans Affairs from sending information on veterans or (beneficiaries) who are assisted by a fiduciary to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) list without a judicial ruling that they are a danger to themselves or others was reintroduced Feb. 2 in Congress. [More]
Funny, how there’s not a Democrat in the bunch…
[Via AK]