Can I Bring a Firearm to an Outdoor Concert Event in Washington State? [Watch]
Sure you can. Just don’t get caught.
[Via Jess]
Notes from the Resistance
A federal judge on Tuesday rejected a request to block a new Washington state law banning the sale of certain semi-automatic rifles…[More]
[Via Jess]
Related UPDATE
The dolt actually said they “allow a shooter to fire as fast as they can pull the trigger, unlike previous guns.”
[Via WiscoDave]
Apparently, @LizBerryWA has been having Everytown and Alliance for Gun Responsibility write our state’s gun laws and been taking marching orders from them for years. [More]
What did I say about out-of-state silent partners?
[Via bondmen]
Just one more reason for the attack…
Gun Group’s Financial Dealings With Founder Spark State Investigation [More]
And now, the rest of the story… and I include this link because I want you to read it.
This “investigation” is a pretty naked lawfare/smear attempt to go ad hominem on someone at the forefront of effective Second Amendment legal defense cases to try and derail and harm them. It’s also meant to cause divisions and suspicions within the “gun community” over finances and relationships with other Gottlieb holdings for marketing, rent, and other services, which have never been a secret. SAF/CCRKBA tax filings are available to anyone on Guidestar, and before calling shenanigans, document what those would cost the SAF/CCRKBA nonprofits if they were provided by someone else.
For an impartial third-party opinion, Charity Navigator doesn’t have a dog in this fight. Let’s see what they have to say:
“Good – This charity’s score is 77%, earning it a Three-Star rating. If this organization aligns with your passions and values, you can give with confidence.”
I wonder if it will come out if anyone from out of state, including groups, politicians, and federal agencies, is a silent partner in this.
This isn’t just a knee-jerk reaction on my part. I’ve had some differences with Alan over the years, including some ongoing ones, and am on good terms with people who admire him and with people who can’t stand him, but what’s happening to him here is pure filth by evil interests that want you and me disarmed.
I hope my speculation on silent partners is followed up on because this revelation shows the relationships are baked in.
When Your Governor Wants to Reinitiate Literacy Tests [Watch]
Well, after all, he is a Democrat…
[Via Jess]
Ryan Busse files yet another “expert” report in support of gun control, this time Washington’s magazine ban. [More]
And he comes up with more than one contradiction to defeat his own arguments…
The guy really has gone full turncoat.
[Via President Non_Fudd]
Responding quickly to the adoption of House Bill 1240 by the Washington Legislature and Gov. Jay Inslee signing it into law, the Second Amendment Foundation today filed a federal lawsuit challenging the new statute on Second and Fourteenth Amendment grounds, and is asking the court for preliminary and permanent injunctions. [More]
That and:
Washington governor poised to sign massive ‘assault weapons’ ban, says it ‘will save lives’ – Bill will ban the sale and manufacture of dozens of semiautomatic rifles in Washington [More]
Because nothing says “security of a free State” like requiring the Militia of the whole people to engage a military threat with inferior armaments.
If SCOTUS doesn’t end up ruling such diktats unconstitutional, it’s game over for peaceful resolution outside of leaving the abusive “partner,” and that’s assuming the power-drunk headcase doesn’t resort to violence if that happens.
Funny, how we don’t call women who leave a relationship under such circumstances “seditionists.”
Both chambers of the Washington State Legislature have now approved a historic ban on the sale of assault weapons in Washington state. [More]
They know they’re doing evil. They not only don’t care, they get off on it.
This will be resolved one of two ways: Either the Supreme Court will rule it unconstitutional, or the people who will not disarm will.
In Washington state, House Bill 1240 was voted out of a Senate committee Tuesday, making it closer to becoming a reality. [More]
Here’s where you can track its progress.
After it passes and then wends its way through the challenges, all the Supreme Court will have to do to let it stand is… nothing.
If they do decide it’s time to resolve splits, a prayer for the continued good health of Justice Thomas wouldn’t hurt.
[Via Jess]
Domestic extremism bill would criminalize free speech, create ‘Ministry of Truth,’ advocacy group warns [More]
Yeah, well, why should a tyrant wannabe who routinely violates the Second Amendment with impunity fear violating the First?
“Under Washington state law, residents will now be classified as domestic terrorists if they protest school board meetings, Drag Queen Story Hour Events, and the outcome of elections… These include being anti-mask, anti-vaccine, anti-critical race theory, questioning election results, and calling the LGBTQ community “groomers.” [More]
I’m not getting Minority Report analogy from this so much as a Keepers vibe…
[Via Michael G]
I’d expect nothing less from an embedded domestic enemy consorting with useful idiots and oath-breaking trough-feeders.
The Assault on Our 2nd Amendment Rights [More]
I could spend time quibbling with that characterization, but the priority here is understanding the areas of attack:
- HB-1240 has a long list of weapons that will be banned under this legislation.
- HB-1178 – Concerning local government authority to regulate firearms.
- HB-1143 – Concerning requirements for the purchase or transfer of firearms.
- HB-1144 – Enhancing requirements for the purchase or transfer of firearms.
- HB – 1240 – Establishing firearms-related safety measures to increase public safety.
They’re all over at the above link, plus Washington Gun Law details them out and points out the urgency for action. [Watch]
[Via Jess]
2 arrested in power substation vandalism in Washington state [More]
Nice guns! Morons.
What, no apology…? Then again, it’s not like David Horsey has ever been anything but a lying propagandist for his masters.
[Via Jess]
[T]he Attorney General’s Office has filed suit against Federal Way Discount Guns claiming that they unlawfully sold high capacity magazines in violation of RCW 9.41.370. However, while this is certainly bad news for that business, did the Attorney General just hand the plaintiffs in Sullivan v. Ferguson and Brumback v. Ferguson, the very “standing” that the AG claimed that the plaintiff’s lacked? [Watch]
Be nice to think the grabbers screwed up and in doing so screwed themselves…
[Via Jess]
An emerging wildlife war has its first skirmish this week in Spokane, where a reformist group is looking to deprioritize hunting and hunters [More]
Yo, Fudds for Biden: remember when Polyphemus said he’d eat you last?
And since when do we call commies “reformists”?
[Via Steve T]
Shooting outside rave in Washington injures at least 8, police say [More]
Curious… the new federal law appears to have had no effect.
Didn’t make much difference in Chi-Town, either…
Maybe we just need to give it some time?
The state has unlimited resources. Who thinks forcing tapped-out citizens to go chasing one infringement after another is what the Founders had in mind?