We’re the Only Ones Unsafe Enough

“The short version is, our headquarters isn’t safe, that’s the bottom line, our headquarters building is not safe and it’s not safe for two reasons,” Mattivi said. “Number one the location. We are in, and I don’t mean to be unkind to anyone, but we’re in a horrible neighborhood. [More]

So Democrat neighborhoods are too unsafe even for armed “Only Ones”…?

[Via Steve T]

A Public/Private Partnership

Federal prosecutors seek records from company that deployed AI weapons scanner on NYC subway… In October, the city revealed the scanners did not detect any passengers with firearms — but falsely alerted more than 100 times. [More]

Sounds every bit the economic fascism boondogle ShotSpotter has proven to be…

[Via Steve T]

We’re the Only Ones Unaffected Enough

While the Atmore Four live with the trauma and expense of fighting bogus charges, there have been no repercussions for the DA or sheriff. [More]

Hopefully the civil suit will change that, but it still leaves the question of where the hell AL AG Steve Marshall is on this.

We could ask.

[Via Michael G]

We’re the Only Ones Threatened Enough

California Allegedly Threatens Police Officers Over Deportation Compliance – CA mayor: The State of California “is threatening to take pensions and charge police officers with felonies if they comply with federal deportation laws.” [More]

Maybe this will let us see what Pam Bondi is made of, and if she can enforce immigration law, why can’t she enforce the Second Amendment?

[Via Michael G]

An Uncommon Question

I. There is a long-running and intractable dispute in the lower courts over whether the Second Amendment allows the government to ban arms that are in common use by law-abiding citizens. II. Heller clearly teaches that arms in common use by law-abiding citizens cannot be banned. III. This case is an ideal vehicle to resolve this dispute. [More]

What’s to stop “common use” from allowing future developments to be banned?

[Via Jess]

Daily Defense Redux

Today on AAR Daily Defense, Mark chats with long-time AAR contributor, blogger, and citizen journalist, David Codrea. Topics include the makeup of the Trump cabinet from a gun rights perspective. Mark and David discuss bills likely to move quickly…or not…and then turn attention to Pam Bondi for AG. David is no fan and eloquently articulates the reasons why, including her past support for anti-gun measures in Florida as state AG. Mark counters with analogies and gives her the benefit of waiting out the hearings. She will no doubt be put on the spot during the confirmation process and allowed to articulate her 2A positions moving forward as AG. A lively discussion, so good in fact, that David returns on Wednesday to wrap up his legitimate concerns. [Listen]

My latest Firearms News piece, “Donald Trump and Republicans Owe Gun Owners, and It’s Time to Collect,” elaborates on my position.

A Clean Bill of Health?

Jay Bhattacharya, prominent physician and economist, nominated by Trump for NIH director [More]

The influential NIH is a big proponent of “A Public Health Approach to Reducing Firearm Violence,” a favorite tactic of rabid gun prohibitionists.

The (anti-gun) New England Journal of Medicine concludes “Handgun ownership is associated with a greatly elevated and enduring risk of suicide by firearm,” and in its end “Notes” thanks “Jay Bhattacharya, Philip Cook, John Donohue, Jeremy Goldhaber-Fiebert, Daniel Ho, and Michelle Mello for helpful comments on an earlier draft of the manuscript.”

Is he the same Jay Bhattacharya, and if he is, will Senate advise and consent hearings find out what comments he provided and how they will affect/inform the policies and public advocacy he will direct if confirmed to this position?

Have Donald Trump and those who advanced his name considered it, and the implications/potential for this appointee exploiting the position in contradiction to campaign promises made to gun owners?

All I can do is ask.

Speaking of Oath Breakers…

One anonymous defense official was quoted in the report saying, “Troops are compelled by law to disobey unlawful orders.” [More]

And here we’ve been told Oath Keepers were an anti-government insurrectionist militia, with most of the information refuting that scrubbed from all but the Wayback Machine

Donald Trump and Republicans Owe Gun Owners, and It’s Time to Collect

There’s much Donald Trump won’t be able to do, but a lot that he can if he means to keep his pledge to the gun owners he could not have won without. Rein in ATF, Mr. President. Do what you can with your bully pulpit to influence American citizens and your unique power to influence your party and the Congress. Make informed judicial appointments. Listen to gun rights leaders. And task the Justice Department with the Constitutional imperative to “secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.” [More]

Now is not the time to rest on laurels and trust that everything is going to start going our way. If we don’t stay on top of him — and them — Pam Bondi won’t be the only disappointment.

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