Stop Me If You’ve Heard This One Before

What a mess! And this mess is because the NRA is so desperate for relevance that it chose to wing this effort without talking to knowledgeable people in Montana about the idea and effort. [More]

Gary Marbut of the Montana Shooting Sports Association exposes some heavy-handed blundering by the “800-pound gorilla” that failed to coordinate with the locals and account for the state constitution.

It’s not the first state group I’ve heard of with similar complaints. Now that they’re desperate to divert attention away from Wayne and the rubber stamp board and look like they’re doing something relevant, don’t be surprised to see more.

Half Empty or Half Full?

This week marks the halfway point in the 2023 legislative session. “Crossover” refers to the transfer of bills between the House of Representatives and the Senate. All House bills that have survived the committee process will now be considered by the Senate while all Senate bills that are still in play are headed to the House. Then the process starts all over again! [More]

Let’s hope support by gun owners isn’t half-hearted, especially with the swing to the Democrats in Arizona.

We’ll Always Find Reasons Not To

…if you cancel a card, your credit score takes a hit. So….don’t like the card’s policies? Don’t use that card, just retire it to the back of your wallet, or even shred it, but don’t cancel it. [More]

For what it’s worth, I had a card I never used and after a few years the credit card company canceled it.

The thought strikes that if this concern is enough to not even take a small action, what chance is there for larger actions when there’s a larger price to pay?

Lies, Damned Lies, and…

Gun violence in US and what the statistics tell us [More]

I think they mean what selectively presented statistics tell us. For instance, you’d think in any honest analysis of the issue, stuff like who’s doing the violence and where it’s being done would be a foremost concern, instead of, you know, being deliberately omitted.

There are plenty of false conclusions being implied, as well. Case in point, it looks like “gun rights” groups outspend the prohibitionists, and some “gun pundits” are considering that as proof that “we” are winning.

That ignores grassroots vs. Astroturf, and leaves the most important consideration unsaid: The grabbers don’t have to spend as much. The government, with virtually unlimited tax plunder, is carrying the lion’s share of the legal costs, and the media provides all the free publicity they want while ignoring or deliberately suppressing the truth, as evidenced by the second link, above.

[Via Jess]

If You’re in the Area

AzCDL will have a table at the Crossroads Gun Show at the Findlay Toyota Center, and we wanted to alert you and invite you to come and enjoy the event! Come by the table and get the latest news about your rights and the fight to keep them! By joining, you’ll get to meet all sorts of interesting people, as well as help to grow the strongest force in the RKBA movement in Arizona. [More]


Speak, Friend, and Enter

The Arizona legislature is now in session and AzCDL will soon be sending out Action Alerts regarding important bills that will be heard in committee. The Request to Speak (RTS) system is one of the most effective ways to let your voice be heard in the legislature! [More]

Like the anthem says, “lift every voice”…

And Don’t Forget to Thank Them

Today, January 9th, the Colorado Legislature begins the 2023 legislative session. As in 2022, the Legislature can expect to see both pro and anti-gun bills introduced this year. Anti-gun lawmakers have drafted their gun control package bill, falsely titled the “Mass Shooting Prevention Act of 2023.” The draft bans many commonly used firearms Americans choose to defend themselves and their families with. Proponents, however, fail to explain how disarming law-abiding citizens will keep them safe from criminals who do not obey the law. Please use the link below to contact your legislators asking them to please vote NO on gun control. [More]

Yeah, that’ll be persuasive with subversive totalitarians who want to completely disarm and enslave you. Why not send them a picture of a limp d!ck so they really respect an alternative point of view?

Looks like this came out a couple of days too soon, but then again, adding more demands and restrictions is what the freedom haters are all about.


The bill defines assault weapons so broadly that it would ban almost all semi-automatic weapons. It would ban almost every handgun used in self-defense and concealed carry. It would ban almost every rifle used for home protection or competition shooting. No more Glocks, AR-15s, or shotguns with a magazine and those are just a few of the many guns this bill could ban. [More]

Yeah, I’ll be saying “please” to those evil m***********s.


Colorado Democrats aim to ban entire class of semi-automatic weapons [More]

It includes an embed of the bill.

[Via cydl]

At a Crossroads

AzCDL will have a table at the Crossroads Gun Show at the Pima County Fairgrounds in Tucson this weekend recruiting and renewing members. Come by the table and get the latest news about your rights and the fight to keep them! By joining, you’ll get to meet all sorts of interesting people, as well as help to grow the strongest force in the RKBA movement in Arizona. [More]

If you’re in the neighborhood…

Gun Owner New Year’s Resolutions Can Help Increase Involvement and Effectiveness

I’m going to share some of them again here, in no particular order, in the hopes that one or more of them will apply to the particular talents, interests, and/or inclinations of everyone reading them. [More]

Feel free to add your own– just be sure to DO them. And Happy New Year.

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