‘Will You Walk into My Parlour?’ Said the Spider to the Fly

“Not Today, Satan!”: Ex-FBI Agent Finds Possible ATF Honeypot Website Operation Selling Glock Switches [More]

I wouldn’t be so sure it’s the feds.

I wouldn’t put it past the antis to do something like this so they could report any low-hanging fruit placing orders.

[Via WiscoDave]

Current Wild Swings of the Gun Control Pendulum

Replacing Joe Biden’s Office of Gun Violence Prevention with an Office of Second Amendment Protection, with liaison members like new ATF Chief Counsel Leider, would mean no more surprises, no more cognitively dissonant legal positions, and no more disheartening gun owner who are feeling used, abandoned and betrayed. [More]

All this back-and-forth has got to stop.

We’re the Only Ones Spell-Checking Enough

ATF Lawyer Jeffrey Cohen: The Man Who Made Sure You Could Lose Your Gun Business Over a Typo [More]

40 years, eh…? Is Leider gonna keep him?

If he did have a hand in Gunwalker, my bet would be in after-the-fact damage control and stonewalling, although I have seen no proof of even that. At the time things were going down, he was assigned to the Northeast working out of Philly.

[Via Jess]

Didn’t Get the Memo

AG Bondi: The ball is in your court.

[Via Jess]

Related UPDATE

We’ll see if THIS comes into play:

Protecting the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens is a high priority for @AGPamBondi. To that end, the Department will be re-evaluating some of its recent litigation positions on Second Amendment issues, including silencers.

Wake Me When They’re Perp-Walking Infringers

So… which Constitutional laws will the new, improved version be enforcing?

Fletcher would like to add something.

[Via Andy M]

Workaround Answer Hiding in Plain Sight

The Department of Justice (DOJ) has issued an Interim Final Rule removing the Attorney General’s delegation of authority to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) to process applications for relief from federal firearms disabilities under 18 U.S.C. 925(c). [More]


Although federal law provides a means for the relief of firearms disabilities, ATF’s annual appropriation since October 1992 has prohibited the expending of any funds to investigate or act upon applications for relief from federal firearms disabilities submitted by individuals. As long as this provision is included in current ATF appropriations, ATF cannot act upon applications for relief from federal firearms disabilities submitted by individuals.

[18 U.S.C. 925(c); 27 CFR 478.144]

Rendering Chuck Schumer’s appropriations rider against ATF restoring rights impotent by removing ATF from the equation is really smart, and I feel like this is a “Doh!” moment for those of us who never thought of it.. How come no one proposed this before, or did someone, and word of it never escaped the echo chamber?

Kash Patel, Shorten the Leash

A year ago, the ATF raided an airport exec’s home—no knock, they covered the cameras, cut the power, and kicked open the front door. They shot him dead in front of his wife over gun sale suspicions… Seeking to stop this from occurring in his state again, Rep. Wayne Long reached out to NAGR and we teamed up to draft HB 1481, the Anti-ATF Commandeering Act. [More]

That could work in AR if they can get enough support. As for the rest of the Republic, why not try to stop such abuses by putting the responsibility where it belongs?

[Via WiscoDave]

My Friends, You Got Trouble

Acting U.S. Attorney Michael Simpson files brief for @TheJusticeDept arguing that silencers are NOT arms & are NOT protected by the Second Amendment. [More]

Did I hear someone say gun owners are losing patience?

Yeah, but he’s only been on the job two months and he’s got a lot on his plate and he’s playing a 3D chess game and… aside from “Would you rather have Kamala?” what excuse did I miss?

And any word on the Bondi report yet?

[Via Andy M]

Where Credit is Due

By far the vast majority of the actions described in the press releases – the arrests and the investigations – were not the result of any work by the ATF. The arrests were made by local cops who found a stolen gun or noticed that their suspect was a convicted felon and should not have possessed a firearm. [More]

Who do these guys think they are? NRA…?

A Forced Reset

The DOJ just filed a rebuttal of our Notice of Noncompliance calling out the ATF on their failure to comply with the court’s order to return FRTs. If we were hoping the new DOJ would do an about-face in this case, this ain’t it. The DOJ is arguing that FRTs stolen from gun owners can only be returned if they under go a background check. Absolutely not. [More]

Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss.

[Via Jess]

ATF Up to Old Tricks in Denying Attorney Fees on Bump Stock Case

If you want to fight for your rights against the unlimited power and treasure of the state, you’re on your own. That’s “the reasonableness of the government’s position.” [More]

We’re about to find out how different the new administration is from the old one when it comes to citizens being forced to fight for their rights.

Impact of Trump ‘Gender Ideology’ Order on Firearm Transactions to Be Determined

What this means is the Form 4473 will need to be revised again if ATF is to comply with the executive order. [More]

Don’t let this distract from a more basic argument.

No Hypocrisy

The Anti-ATF Commandeering Act has the intended purpose in its title to “prohibit the provision of material aid and support for enforcement of federal firearms laws.” House Bill 1481 bases its justification on the finding that “the United States Supreme Court has long held that states do not have to participate in the enforcement or effectuation of federal acts or regulatory programs.” [More]

So, what about states that refuse to help ICE deport illegals? Isn’t it the same thing?

The Arkansas bill supports “the supreme Law of the Land.” So-called “sanctuary” laws undermine it.

[Via Jess]

And the Beat Goes On

NFA Prosecution Shows ATF Still Determined to Imprison Americans for Braced Pistols [More]

Compare to:

“Every single Biden attack on gun owners and manufacturers will be terminated on my very first week back in office, perhaps my first day.”

This is where some angry moron will ask “Would you rather have Harris?”

Jack-Birkenstocked Thugs

The raid took place nearly two years ago. So far, the couple has not been charged with any crime, but Brennan’s family cannot leave the United States because they have no passports. [More]

If nothing else, can they issue a department-wide “no man buns” dress code?

Let’s hope this is one of those cases DOJ decides to tear into. We all ought to know who the @$$hole who pointed a gun at a seven-year-old is.

[Via Jess]

And So It Begins…?

The entire Department of Justice is starting to file documents in courts basically saying, “Hey we want to put these fights involving the ATF on hold because we’re likely going to be reconsidering them and changing position in favor of the right to keep and be arms.” [Watch]

Case in point:

The federal government asked the Eleventh Circuit to postpone oral arguments in a lawsuit challenging the ATF pistol brace rule, saying that it needs time to review it pursuant to Trump’s Second Amendment executive order…

We’ll see…

[Via Jess]

Trump Order on Second Amendment Raises Hopes and Questions

Trump’s Second Amendment order is a good first step. It’s up to us to keep him on the path and walking in the right direction. [More]

There are things he can’t do and things he can. Let’s make sure the changes are meaningful.

Pam’s Priorities

‘Shifting ATF Resources. To free resources to address more pressing priorities, the Bureauof Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) shall shift resources from its Alcohol andTobacco Enforcement Programs to focus on matters relating to the other priorities set forth herein. No resources shall be diverted from the ATF’s regulatory responsibilities, such as federal firearms licenses and background checks. [More]

What else does “such as” include?

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