If Only We Didn’t Have Rights…

Recent operations by the FBI and prosecution by the U.S. Department of Justice has led to federal convictions for Florida residents accused of buying high-powered guns to arm the gangs in Haiti… “These international gangs and these criminal organizations have very sophisticated means and networks to be able to facilitate smuggling, whether it’s through shipments, out of the ports, airlines, different things like that…” [More]

Why would they need to?

I notice how it is “international gangs” are in this country in the first place is left unexplored.

Better to let NBC News of rigged flaming truck notoriety blame DeSantis

[Via Jess]

Dix: Representatives of People Who Resist Infringements Have a Lot of Gall Complaining About Crime

In addition to nullifying existing firearm regulations, the bill makes it even more difficult for officials to enforce gun laws. [More]

He says that like it’s a bad thing.

We’ve met Griffin Dix before:

A loaded chamber indicator on a Beretta 92 Compact L did not stop 14-year-old Michael Soe from feloniously killing 15-year-old Kenzo Dix during a practical joke. The fact is, Soe’s father left a loaded gun where an untrained, impulsive and judgmentally-challenged adolescent could find it. In their lawsuit, backed by CPHV, Dix’s parents maintained, among other charges, that the chamber indicator was inadequate because the gun was not inscribed with a warning as well. Presumably, were Beretta to do so, they would still be deemed negligent for not including such warnings in Spanish, French, Mandarin Chinese and Tagalog.

We can sympathise with his loss. That does not give him a pass to attack our rights, and when he does, his motives shouldn’t lessen our response.

[Via Michael G]

Straw Man Argument

In the heavily redacted warrant affidavit, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives claims that Bryan Malinowski purchased numerous firearms that he resold without a firearm dealer’s license. [More]

So… he was exercising his birthright?

If that doesn’t warrant an early morning raid scaring the hell out of a man they knew to be armed into thinking his home was being invaded, I don’t know what does!

[Via Jess]

Hold My Beer, Joni

GOP senator rips Biden’s ‘gun-grabbing’ DOJ for taking nearly 2 years to answer for controversial policy – Sen Joni Ernst, R-Iowa, first wrote the ATF in 2022 demanding answers on its ‘knock and talk’ policy [More]

I just got an unresponsive response to a FOIA request I made in 2015.

I’ll be talking about that after I decide what I’m going to do about it.

[Via Jess]

ATF Given an Inch, Takes a Mile

NSSF Complains There’s Not Enough ‘Gun Control’

Simply put, “gun control” doesn’t work, and it’s astounding that the head of the firearms manufacturer trade association is publicly insisting that it does. [More]

Industry CYA at the expense of our rights is unacceptable.

Guilt by Innuendo

For the third year in a row, the gun shop owned by U.S. Sen. Ted Budd was among hundreds across the country flagged by federal authorities in 2023 for selling weapons that were later traced to crimes, according to newly released records. [More]

Funny, somehow the “real reporter” on this story missed the standard ATF disclaimer:

Not all firearms used in crime are traced and not all firearms traced are used in crime.

If ProShots was suspected of deliberately violating the law, this story would be ab0ut an ATF raid, arrests, and indictments.

[Via Jess]

Bait and Switch

Guns now deadlier due to tiny attachments made by 3-D printer [Watch]

They say that like it’s a bad thing…

And like the Founders didn’t consider “every terrible implement of the soldier” to be “the birthright of an American,” and “necessary to the security of a free State.”

See, here’s the thing– I know I can be trusted not to abuse my right to arms, and so can everyone I’m friends with.

So what do we do about those who can’t?

The answer certainly isn’t controlling you and me.

And the genie is out.

[Via 1Gat]

ATF Doing What It Does Best

I guess it’s safer than going after bad guys…

Super safeties are now designated by ATF as machineguns.

The old website says:

As of 03/01/2024 No Warrants have been served to TwinBros LLC principals or employees. No searches or seizures have been performed on TwinBros LLC assets.

I expect that’s changed, and note the new website isn’t connected yet.

[Via Jess]

The Nothing Will Happen But Maybe Gun Owners Will Forget My Previous Treachery Act

Ernst Works to Protect Lawful Gun Dealers from ATF [More]


1% chance of being enacted

Let’s see what the odds will be should election dreams come true. And if anyone’s still interested.

Sorry not sorry to be so cynical, but this is the same “solidly pro-gun candidate” who voted with Chuck Schumer on that “bipartisan” infringement bill the administration is now trying to sodomize us with,

Besides, all this really does is “legitimize” the whole power usurpation scheme. We all have the right to be “lawful gun dealers.”

[Via Jess]

‘Shoulder Thing That Goes Up’ Redux

ATF Director Displays Ignorance About Basic Firearm Topics During Pro Gun Control Segment [More]

It’s hardly the first time.

They’re all like that.

And not just about guns, but about purpose, and about delegated powers, and about freedom.

[Via Kid Sister]

Related UPDATE

WATCH: Chris Bort—the acting chief of the ATF’s Firearms Ammunition Technology Division—struggled at disassembling a Glock style handgun during a made-for-tv scaremongering interview with Steven Dettelbach, the director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms on CBS News. [More]

Some would call that carrying on a tradition.

[Via WiscoDave]

A Sternly-Worded Letter

Maybe one of these days such letters will include “Who the hell do you think you are and under what legitimate Constitutionasl authority do you dare to even insert your subversive @$$ into private sales of arms between American citizens?” followed with an order to immediately surrender himself for trial.

[Via Jess]


Earlier this week, the firearms community was rocked by news of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) eForms system shutdown, raising alarms among gun shops and National Firearms Act (NFA) applicants alike. The system, crucial for processing applications for silencers, short-barrel rifles, and other NFA items, reportedly closed due to Congressional budgeting concerns, leaving many to question the timing and reasoning behind the decision. [More]

So, it was a revenge move…?

I have an immediate, cost-free solution, but the government won’t allow it.

[Via Jess]

ATF Whistleblower’s Book Gives Unique Insights into Fast and Furious ‘Gunwalking’

In The Deadly Path, Forcelli reintroduces us to many of the other characters and scenarios we covered in our attempts to get corporate media and Congress to investigate for themselves. [More]

The guilty want this to be forgotten. This book can be a tool to renew interest in dragging their lethal actions back into the light– but only if you use it.

Sobering Thoughts

Prediction: They will issue a ruling addressing the minutia of the procedural rules and punt this back down to the lower courts. They will avoid the issue entirely and thus free and exonerate themselves of holding anyone in the FedGov accountable. [More]

With all the video “gunfluencers” out there getting our hopes up that Cargill will be the beginning of the end for ATF’s “rulemaking” shenanigans, Herschel gives his reasons for believing we could end up disappointed.

Man, I sure hope he’s wrong.

But he’s never not thoughtful.


Looks like I’ll use this post as today’s aggregator:


Supreme Court appears torn over challenge to gun ‘bump stocks’ [More]

Kagan, Sotomayor and Jackson we expected. This is what worries me:

Chief Justice John Roberts, like Kavanaugh a potential key vote if the court is divided, said little to indicate which way he was leaning.

Follow Mark W. Smith’s running commentary on X.

SCOTUS Oral arguments: MP3 and Transcript

Whistleblower Answers Questions About ATF/DOJ Fast and Furious Malfeasance

Mike and I were not only ready to go with it (albeit unwilling to burn a source and post under a requested embargo), but after the mainstream press has been on it for days now, there was only one place hosting the letter (other stories only talked about it) from the attorney for the Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association to Sen. Chuck Grassley and Rep. Darrell Issa detailing not just the setup for the grenade operation, but also, and importantly, about the retaliation his ATF agent-client was subjected to by DOJ management for testifying at a House Oversight Committee hearing. [More]

A name from earlier investigations of years past once more brings ATF’s criminal “gunwalker” plot to the front burner with a new book and an exclusive interview.

California to Outlaw Chairs?

California argues that, under the Gun Control Act, a receiver or frame can be considered a firearm because such pieces are “designed to or may readily be converted” into functional weapons. [More]

Shoot, I can instantly convert all kinds of things into a functional weapon.

The state calls ghost guns the “weapon of choice” for gun traffickers, gangs and political extremists, and says the Golden State has had to incur significant costs to regulate the guns because ATF is not doing so.

Talk about a term of convenience!

[Via Jess]

A Way to Make It Harder

Dettelbach, in the AP interview, declined to comment on the specifics of Card’s case, which an independent commission in Maine is investigating. But he said it is clear that the nation needs to make it harder for people “that everyone agrees should not have firearms, who the law says are not entitled to have firearms, to get them because it’s too easy to get them now.” [More]

But we already know a way.

It’s just that there’s this “due process” thing those who would rule us don’t want to have to follow…

[Via Jess]

Related UPDATE

Herer’s a first step in the right direction, but as long as they’ve got to be let out before they can be declared safe with certainty, expect plenty of lapses.

[Via Edmund M]

Hit ’em Where It Hurts

See the fifth bullet point.

We’ll see…

[Via Jess]

Crank It Up

From Len Savage:

A new paradigm has entered  the game…The same file could be used to CNC all metal components.

Uses a lot of off the shelf parts complete.

I don’t do a lot of hardware here because my thing is rights, so even though this is way cool, my first thought is when there’ll be a rule change.

The Holding Pattern

I’ve mentioned before how I love to read books but between the reading I have to do for my professional obligations, the work itself, and my personal life, there’s just not a lot of time. I suppose having a sense of purpose and looking forward every morning to a full day I’m enthusiastic about living is something I should be grateful for, but it does mean making one choice means not making another — for now.

I just finished The Deadly Path, and am finalizing an interview with former ATF Agent and author Pete Forcelli for AmmoLand. Stay tuned.

I also agreed to read The Misinformation Antidote because the author contacted Firearms News claiming “court decisions carry with them the seeds of the [Second] amendment’s future destruction.” I’ll let you know what I think after I read it.

And then yesterday, one of my favorite liberty authors, Miguel A. Faria, Jr., M.D., sent me a copy of his new book, Stalin, Mao, Communism, and their 21st-Century Aftermath in Russia and China. The man knows whereof he speaks and I’m looking forward to reading it and sharing my impressions — just give me a minute.

Stop Me If You’ve Heard This One Before

ATF official: Federal prosecutors turning a blind eye to straw purchasers, again – Events reminiscent of ATF’s “Operation Fast & Furious” scandal. [More]

Hey, if you want to blood dance, you first need blood.

Which invites two questions, one about the open border and the other about the imposition of prior restraints because people who have proven they can’t be trusted with a gun aren’t kept away from the rest of us.

I’ve established a dialog with Mr. Forcelli, have read his book, and will be releasing an interview and a review over the next few weeks.

[Via CP]

And There was War in Heaven

ATF argues against California’s demands for ghost gun regulations – California is demanding that ATF change its rules relating to ghost guns. [More]

ATF isn’t grabbing guns fast enough for the people who want it all, want it now, and want it delivered.

Let them expend resources on internecine stuff for a change.

[Via Herschel]

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