She CAN Have Her Cake and Eat It Too?

I’m a New York City Liberal, and I Want a Gun … In May, I filed for and received a temporary order of protection against a former partner… I support background checks, waiting periods, assault weapon bans and gun control proposals that make it harder for people to obtain guns. [More]

Yeah, well **** you.

Never assume a late-to-the-party Gun Culture 2.0er is your friend or even educable. If they are, fine, but discern for yourself by their comments and actions if they’re worth your time to try.

If I were an FFL, I’d tell this stupid, entitled “progressive”  to get the hell out of my store and next time use better judgment when choosing “partners.”

[Via Jess]

Washington Post Intentionally Conflating Lawful Defense with Criminal Violence

In the examples the influential paper chose to highlight, the posters were not calling on initiating violence against their political opponents. They were calling on supporters of churches and pregnancy centers to defend themselves against violent attackers with mayhem on their minds. [More]

One of the violence monopolists’ go-to lies is conflating self-defense with vigilantism.

Axis Sally 2.0

Instead, Cheney and fellow truth-telling Republicans — such as Rice, Rep. Adam Kinzinger (Ill.) and Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker — can form a coalition for democracy with Democrats, independents and other patriotic Republicans. That’s right: They should work to defeat Republicans who perpetrate the “big lie” and threaten future democratic elections. [More]

Well, if “conservative” Jennifer Rubin and The Washington Post think so…

Advance Republicans by electing Democrats! It sounds like there’s an Orwell slogan in there somewhere.

[Via Mack H]

A Black and White Issue

News audiences are clearly meant to associate white pro-gun protesters with a dangerous and probably organized national race-hatred movement, while black pro-gun protesters either don’t exist or are a fringe movement not worth covering. [More]

Well, there are certain requirements if you want to be a “real reporter,” and if you can’t parrot a narrative and keep quiet about what’s not, you have no place in the business.

[Via Michael G]

Speaking of Layers of Deception…

The campaign to discredit Cassidy Hutchinson has begun [More]

Leave it to The Los Angeles Times to cover up the disconnects and act as a megaphone for the kangaroo court.

The plan, of course, is to goad the agents into appearing so they can betray the trust of their appointments and be asked questions to elicit recollections of statements that can be used to further smear.

Question: Can’t the committee compel testimony if it really wants it?

Full of Sound and Fury, Signifying What, Exactly?

The account was particularly powerful because of her proximity to power, with Hutchinson describing what she witnessed first-hand and was told by others in the White House. [More]

“And was told by others”? So all these headlines painting Donald Trump as a delusional, vengeful, and violent lunatic are over inadmissible hearsay?

So headlines that would be just as valid as the above would accuse the Democrats (and Swamp Republicans) and their media megaphones of upcoming election interference by poisoning public sentiment against not just him in 2024, but since he’s an avatar, against people who support the policies he campaigned on, and especially on candidates that he has endorsed who are running in November?


And from the Department of Did I Call That or What? comes this assertion in an email from

More than 100 MAGA election deniers have already secured their GOP nominations for the November ballot. They must be held accountable and prevented from corruptly seizing power.

What, by being elected?

Speaking of Serious Misfires

The Supreme Court’s gun ruling is a serious misfire [More]

This from a Vichycon stooge who advocates:

Gun control advocates who want to square their policy preferences with the Constitution should squarely face the need to deconstitutionalize the subject by repealing the embarrassing amendment.


Republicans Better Off Losing by Landslide

Funny he should mention “The Second Amendment is the only one in the Bill of Rights with a preamble” without acknowledging the Bill of Rights itself has a Preamble that makes clear what Founding intent was:

“THE Conventions of a number of the States, having at the time of their adopting the Constitution, expressed a desire, in order to prevent misconstruction or abuse of its powers, that further declaratory and restrictive clauses should be added: And as extending the ground of public confidence in the Government, will best ensure the beneficent ends of its institution.

It has “restrictive clauses” against the government.

[Via Mack H]

The Best Laid Schemes

Terrified revellers at a gay bar in Oslo hid in a basement and desperately called loved ones as a gunman went on the rampage, killing two people and injuring more than 20 on the day the city was due to celebrate its annual Pride parade. [More]


The country has had strict rules for years, including mandatory gun safety classes and an involved licensing process. But it took seven years after the 2011 massacre to enact a ban on semiautomatic weapons that was inspired by the attack. It went into effect at the end of last year.

[Via Jess]

And now, the rest of the story:

Islamist Terror Attack on Gay Nightclub in Oslo, Norway Kills Two, Wounds 21; Iranian Gunman Arrested [More]

Funny, what the Reuters report minimized and buried.  It’s almost like they have an agenda

[Via Michael G]

A Few Questions Not Asked

The executive order addresses the training of law enforcement… [More]

As long as we’re waxing on about valuing the Constitution, providing for the security of a free State, and the Second Amendment and all, how about the militia? Who will have access to school “annual risk and vulnerability assessments”? What due process protections will keep BTAM from morphing into the Department of PreCrime? And I trust there will be appropriate penalties to keep Rave from being used by triggered leftist indoctrinators to report “microaggressions”?

And forgive me if every time I see government promising to deliver something “at no cost” I check to make sure my wallet’s still there. The school or district may not be charged, but the people paying for them certainly will be.

That none of these were raised in this fawning “report” says much.

No Big Deal

No deal to end gun violence, U.S. Republican lawmaker says [More]

No, that’s not what he said, you lying sacks. He said they didn’t have a bill.

Is there any news Reuters doesn’t manipulate and color to elicit confirmation bias?

And hopefully, angry gun owners have scared the f*** out of the Vichycons and they’ll knock off this preemptive surrender sh!+.

[Via Jess]


Great Expectations

In a long Twitter thread on Thursday, a Marquette University assistant professor of journalism suggested young reporters may fabricate stories because newspaper journalism standards are too high and because minority reporters might feel racism on the job. [More]

So it’s OK for minorities to be corrupt and incompetent in whatever job they undertake because “white supremacy”…? Matter of fact, that calls for hiring and promotion preferences!

No racism there.

[Via Michael G]

‘Real Reporters’

Sum Ting is Wong with establishment “journalism.” And yes, this really happened. [Watch]

Shades of Ron Burgundy! Yet Americans for the most part turn to these stage prop clowns for information they then use to vote their freedom away.

Who better to listen to about “gun violence,” especially when they assume practiced expressions of solemnity?

At least in the UK they call the government-beholden propagandists “news readers.”

[Via WiscoDave]

CNN AR-15 Deception Recalls Previous Attempts to Spook the Uninformed

Here’s the conclusion they don’t want viewers to realize: If expended ammunition wasn’t capable of producing lethal destructive force on human bodies, it would be useless as a defensive deterrent. What should be the object of focus is not citizen disarmament, but armed citizens being able to minimize “success” by promptly dispatching child-slaughtering monsters to hell. [More]

More manipulation and lies from “the most busted name in news”…

Ask the Expert

“… 21 of these 160 incidents just like this were disrupted and successfully stopped by unarmed individuals…” [Watch]

I got your “run, hide, fight” right here… Funny, how you have to watch to the very end to get this calculated little factoid.

By “just like this” she means the police were unable/unwilling to get to them in time and they were forbidden by law from having the means of effective defense, making it fair to wonder what the outcome might have been and how many lives might have been saved in the other 139 incidents had that not been the case…

[Via Jess]

Lügen Press

Repealing the Second Amendment is the “only effective way to deal” with gun violence, according to CNN senior political contributor Bill Press, who claims it is clear from the Amendment’s text “that it has nothing to do with individual gun ownership; nothing to do with self-defense; and nothing to do with assault weapons.” [More]

Actually, repealing it would not eradicate the right, since ‘[t]his is not a right granted by the Constitution. Neither is it in any manner dependent upon that instrument for its existence.”

I was going to do an AmmoLand piece on this since there are plenty more fallacies. I still may, but other topics are a higher priority for me than this toothless old subversive ignoranus.

[Via DDS]

And Now, the Rest of the Story

A camp counselor confronted the suspected gunman in the lobby of the indoor sports and fitness center. [More]

Any reason ABC News doesn’t mention the staffer “exchanged gunfire” keeping him from entering?

Or is the explanation simply “ABC News“?

[Via Jess]


CORRECTION (June 15, 2022, 11:20 a.m. ET): A previous version of this article misstated the actions of a staff member at the Texas summer camp. The staff member confronted the gunman, but did not exchange gunfire with him.

That doesn’t alter the fact that the ABC story was posted:

Morning ‘Doh!’

MSNBC host Joe Scarborough praised the bipartisan gun control plan made in the Senate on Sunday, comparing the actions to Abraham Lincoln ending slavery. Opening Monday’s “Morning Joe,” co-host Mika Brzezinski quoted President Biden calling the agreement a “step in the right direction.” Scarborough lauded the move as incremental “progress” similar to Lincoln’s steps to abolish slavery. [More]

They intend to make slaves of everyone and they’re doing it in increments, which makes stupid GOP “compromises” all the more unforgiveable.

Per a Daily Caller report on what Republican Scarborough advocated when he wanted gun owners to help him get political power:

And despite his modern day support for background checks, in 2000, then-Rep. Joe Scarborough was, without qualification, a full-throated opponent to expanding federal background checks… Also in that survey, Scarborough sided with the NRA by opposing federal limits on magazine capacity, licensing requirements from a government agency to “buy and/or own” a firearm, firearm registration and bans on certain types of ammo including “armor-piercing” ammunition.

This fraud is a career stool sample.

Misreading Everything

There will be no gun control: For many white Americans, the idea of the gun is all they have left [More]

Wrong. It’s there to protect all we have left. That’s what’s really being gone after.

See, this is what happens when self-styled “progressive” intellectuals (i.e. insulated provincials) who can’t start a lawnmower presume themselves to be more sophisticated and smarter than everybody else. Ignoring basic Sun Tzu, they’re likely to egg on the start of something more mature and self-controlled minds would know to be self-defeating.

[Via bondmen]

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