And Now, the Rest of the Story

A camp counselor confronted the suspected gunman in the lobby of the indoor sports and fitness center. [More]

Any reason ABC News doesn’t mention the staffer “exchanged gunfire” keeping him from entering?

Or is the explanation simply “ABC News“?

[Via Jess]


CORRECTION (June 15, 2022, 11:20 a.m. ET): A previous version of this article misstated the actions of a staff member at the Texas summer camp. The staff member confronted the gunman, but did not exchange gunfire with him.

That doesn’t alter the fact that the ABC story was posted:

Morning ‘Doh!’

MSNBC host Joe Scarborough praised the bipartisan gun control plan made in the Senate on Sunday, comparing the actions to Abraham Lincoln ending slavery. Opening Monday’s “Morning Joe,” co-host Mika Brzezinski quoted President Biden calling the agreement a “step in the right direction.” Scarborough lauded the move as incremental “progress” similar to Lincoln’s steps to abolish slavery. [More]

They intend to make slaves of everyone and they’re doing it in increments, which makes stupid GOP “compromises” all the more unforgiveable.

Per a Daily Caller report on what Republican Scarborough advocated when he wanted gun owners to help him get political power:

And despite his modern day support for background checks, in 2000, then-Rep. Joe Scarborough was, without qualification, a full-throated opponent to expanding federal background checks… Also in that survey, Scarborough sided with the NRA by opposing federal limits on magazine capacity, licensing requirements from a government agency to “buy and/or own” a firearm, firearm registration and bans on certain types of ammo including “armor-piercing” ammunition.

This fraud is a career stool sample.

Misreading Everything

There will be no gun control: For many white Americans, the idea of the gun is all they have left [More]

Wrong. It’s there to protect all we have left. That’s what’s really being gone after.

See, this is what happens when self-styled “progressive” intellectuals (i.e. insulated provincials) who can’t start a lawnmower presume themselves to be more sophisticated and smarter than everybody else. Ignoring basic Sun Tzu, they’re likely to egg on the start of something more mature and self-controlled minds would know to be self-defeating.

[Via bondmen]


LMN says it secured financial backing for the deal from leading Latino investors, and debt financing for the acquisition from Lakestar Finance, an investment entity affiliated with Soros Fund Management LLC. [More]

For all those idiot “gun pundits” who say instead of warning against the greatest threat, we need to instead focus all that energy on outreach, like the resources to be competitive are there and like promising efforts won’t be canceled.

And note the token “cheap labor Republican” on the board, to give the illusion this is a good thing.

And now, the rest of the story

[Via Agustin B]

Shock Value

Debate emerges on showing graphic photos of gun violence [More]

It’s an admission that they can’t win on facts or logic, and so need to resort to obscene emotional manipulation in order to gin up mass hysteria.

If they end up doing this, count on more of the weaker minds in the citizen disarmament cult snapping and going on the attack.  Because they are counting on it, at least the evil calculators pulling the useful idiots’ strings…

[Via Jess]

Cupp Runneth Over

In fact, I’ve been around long enough to know that Congress isn’t likely to solve this problem.  So who can? Me, and people like me. Law-abiding gun owners who have decided we have had enough… [Watch]

S.E. Cupp, another “mainstream conservative“(with a poster of Al Gore on her office wall)…

I’ve been warning that’s the well-funded long-game strategy, but the bigger voices making money preaching “inclusion” in the “gun rights” movement don’t want to hear that any more than they want to hear about the dangers of immigration.

I’ve said before, that if I were an FFL and a known Democrat walked into my store, I’d tell him to get the hell out.


And speaking of who the media wants us to think of as “conservatives”:

A group of mostly Texas residents organized by Todd Maclin, a former senior executive at J.P. Morgan Chase, signed an open letter in support of expanding background checks for gun purchases, passing “red flag” laws to deny firearms to people judged a risk to themselves or the public, and raising the minimum age to buy some guns to 21 from 18.

J.P. Morgan Chase, eh?

[Via Jess]

Another UPDATE:

Curious. I see Todd also gave $2,300 to Barack Obama and $1,000 to Chuck Schumer (on two occasions) over the years.

I guess explaining the analogy of how a whore will do anybody doesn’t help advance the narrative…

It Depends Upon What the Meaning of the Word ‘Conservative’ Is

Former Obama spin artist Dan Pfeiffer wrote this in one of his regular articles for the glossy left-wing rag Vanity Fair: “the conservative media dwarfs the progressive media in size and scope.” [More]

When you remember “conservative” is a relative term based on time and place, he’s got a point.

[Via Michael G]

Hunter Biden’s ‘Naked Gun’ Suggests 2nd Felony Firearm Transfer Violation

The point, of course, is equality under the law and no special privileges for the elites and their relatives. [More]

More than one gun means more than one 4473.  Meanwhile, the “Authorized Journalists” and gun grab groups and politicians are doing a media blackout while “progressive” apparatchik trolls try to sabotage it on social media by changing the subject or attacking with transparent Alinsky Rule 5 ridicule.

UPDATE: It appears I am contemptible for calling this to people’s attention.

Framing the Terms

This week will determine if there’s a compromise to be made on Capitol Hill to attempt to prevent gun violence or if this round of talks will end up in an overflowing trash can of failed attempts. [More]

Translation: This week will determine if there’s a betrayal to be made on Capitol Hill to attempt to impose citizen disarmament…

It’s almost like DSM “real reporters” have an agenda or something…


Houston, We Have a Problem

Despite accusing Democrats of constantly trying to manipulate mass shootings for political gain, several senior GOP figures — including ex-President Donald Trump — are expected to give speeches at the National Rifle Association-Institute for Legislative Action’s annual leadership forum on Friday. [More]

According to “real reporter” Stephen Collinson, CNN’s resident White House propagandist, defending yourself against political attacks is “politicizing” an issue, and thus “hypocrisy.”

It’s the same lying “rationale” that says defending yourself against physical attack is “vigilantism.”

Push back against bullies and they call you a bully. When they’re not calling you a Nazi…

The media is reveling in the “outrage” they’re helping to inflame. You can bet there are plenty hoping things get out of hand and plenty who will consider it humorous “karma” if NRA members are hurt or worse.

UPDATE: Speaking of politicizing

Better Not Call Saul

The easily modified semi-automatic AR-15 used by the white supremacist shooter who killed ten people in Buffalo on Saturday was two hundred times more lethal than the revolutionary muskets that helped win the American Revolution. [More]

Dude, take a breath. Or a Midol.

More hysteria from the Slippin’ Jimmy of the revisionist history movement…

[Via bondmen]

Fools and Your Money are Soon Parted

Harris County says ShotSpotter gunfire-detecting device has made a difference [Watch]

Sure it has.

Chipman’s buddies now have $800K more from the public trough.

And just look at those talking heads regurgitate whatever those they’re supposed to be watchdogging tell them, all with practiced looks of sincerity and concern. I’m wondering if there is anything more useless than “real reporters.”

[Via Jess]

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