Red Flags

[L]et’s talk Red Flag Laws and ex parte orders and due process and how anyone who tells you don’t worry, the process won’t be abused and there are robust due process protections is, at best, wildly naïve and, more likely, is lying to your face. [More]

That’s so true you’d think even a death wish Republican would get it.

Thank goodness Politifact is there to give them gaslighting points.

[Via Michael G]

A Proven Defender of Your Freedom

“Obviously, my goal is to get much more than 60 votes…” [More]

The proof is in the pudding.

[Via WiscoDave]


You don’t get to take people rights without convicting them of a crime, or showing they are nuts and need to be in the booby-hatch. There’s no special exception to the Constitution because ten invertebrate Republican senators want to “do something.” [More]

And don’t forget “the law.”

[Via Michael G]

Sounds Like My Kind of ‘Cult Leader’

“Doug Mastriano doubles down on comparing U.S. gun control to Nazi Germany” … [More]

And your point is?

The Lincoln Project    calling him a traitor is rich.

In obliviousness or desperation, Politico marvels at his “come-from-nowhere popularity.”

We know where it comes from. It’s a natural defensive reaction among those being “canceled” to the true cult’s in-your-face subversive excesses.

Seeing who is against him just about has me sold. At the very least I want to find out more.

[Via Mack H]


Aim for Insubordination

Commentary: The Subordinate Citizen

And as long as we’re talking Biden administration:

From the Department of I Did That: Literally gaslighting. Note the only word about government actions is blaming the previous administration.

From the Department of For the Children: Object and find yourself on the same extremist watch list as angry parents resisting indoctrination of their children at school.

From the Department of Leadership by Example

Say, gang, I’ve got a swell idea! Let’s let these power-mad, lying destroyers disarm us!

Do the Math

“There are 5 guns in dads house. There are f***ing more weapons in your sons room then in an armory.” [More]

Joe says there are only two.

That’s a heck of a discrepancy. What happened to the other three and to the “armory”? Were they “safely stored”? Who has them now? Were they “lawfully” transferred?

I mean, as long as he demands we account for our guns to the government…

An Unlikely Savior

Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez expressed concern about the recent deal announced by a bipartisan group of Senators to combat gun violence. Ms Ocasio-Cortez spoke to reporters before votes Monday evening and said she was specifically concerned with what she said was “juvenile criminalisation.” [More]

Oh, yeah, play that up, along with “disproportionate” and “racist”!

Be great if she’s the one that aborted this unwanted gestating legislation…

[Via Jess]

Lügen Press

Repealing the Second Amendment is the “only effective way to deal” with gun violence, according to CNN senior political contributor Bill Press, who claims it is clear from the Amendment’s text “that it has nothing to do with individual gun ownership; nothing to do with self-defense; and nothing to do with assault weapons.” [More]

Actually, repealing it would not eradicate the right, since ‘[t]his is not a right granted by the Constitution. Neither is it in any manner dependent upon that instrument for its existence.”

I was going to do an AmmoLand piece on this since there are plenty more fallacies. I still may, but other topics are a higher priority for me than this toothless old subversive ignoranus.

[Via DDS]

The Cognitive Dissonance… It BURNS…


But…but…but…universal background checks… red flag laws… boyfriend loopholes

It’s not really like this at all, is it?

[Via WiscoDave]

UPDATE: Gun Writer Lee Williams notes they didn’t do their homework and what they’re trying to do “violates state, federal and international law.”

Neocon-Approved ‘Gun Control’

Straw-buyer cases are almost never prosecuted unless they are part of a big organized-crime investigation. “Lie and try” cases — in which prohibited buyers attempt, often successfully, to beat the background-check system — are almost never prosecuted at all, which is why Hunter Biden is not in prison on federal gun charges. Possession cases are routinely dismissed without prosecution. [More]

So enforce existing Intolerable Acts?

I take it we can’t count on your support?

[Via Michael G]

Maybe Try Plan B?

Hours after the anti-gun March For Our Lives rally crossed through Louisville, Kentucky, five teenagers were wounded in a shooting at a waterfront park Saturday night, according to police. [More]

I’m not sure I see a correlation/causation nexus, but this does say something about the reformative value of such efforts.

Perhaps David Hogg & Co. would be more effective if, instead of holding rallies in public places protected by armed enforcers, they made personal face-to-face appeals to gang members and spoke to them young person to young person…

Unless they’re disproportionately afraid based on race…

[Via bondmen]

Morning ‘Doh!’

MSNBC host Joe Scarborough praised the bipartisan gun control plan made in the Senate on Sunday, comparing the actions to Abraham Lincoln ending slavery. Opening Monday’s “Morning Joe,” co-host Mika Brzezinski quoted President Biden calling the agreement a “step in the right direction.” Scarborough lauded the move as incremental “progress” similar to Lincoln’s steps to abolish slavery. [More]

They intend to make slaves of everyone and they’re doing it in increments, which makes stupid GOP “compromises” all the more unforgiveable.

Per a Daily Caller report on what Republican Scarborough advocated when he wanted gun owners to help him get political power:

And despite his modern day support for background checks, in 2000, then-Rep. Joe Scarborough was, without qualification, a full-throated opponent to expanding federal background checks… Also in that survey, Scarborough sided with the NRA by opposing federal limits on magazine capacity, licensing requirements from a government agency to “buy and/or own” a firearm, firearm registration and bans on certain types of ammo including “armor-piercing” ammunition.

This fraud is a career stool sample.


Counter protester storms stage at ‘March for Our Lives’ rally in Washington DC shouting ‘I am the gun’ and causing stampede as activists flee in terror amid demonstrations across US against gun violence [More]

Can you imagine fleeing in terror being your only option?

The Eloi who did can — for Everyone in Everytown.

Backed up by aggressive militarized enforcers bearing “weapons of war.”

[Via bondmen]

Misreading Everything

There will be no gun control: For many white Americans, the idea of the gun is all they have left [More]

Wrong. It’s there to protect all we have left. That’s what’s really being gone after.

See, this is what happens when self-styled “progressive” intellectuals (i.e. insulated provincials) who can’t start a lawnmower presume themselves to be more sophisticated and smarter than everybody else. Ignoring basic Sun Tzu, they’re likely to egg on the start of something more mature and self-controlled minds would know to be self-defeating.

[Via bondmen]

Ain’t Nobody’s Business

In a statement, Kelley Foxx and Kim Foxx told Fox News “This is a personal family matter, and we ask that you provide our family with respect and privacy. [More]

Funny she doesn’t feel that way when other people get disarmed on “domestic violence” charges…

As a prosecutor, she knows charges become “The state vs.”…

[Via Michael G]

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