We’re the Only Ones Nosing Around Enough

Here, it just seems that the court is either creeped out by dogs sniffing butts or particularly protective of the embarrassment of body odor. [More]

I’m creeped out by anyone presuming authority to do that to me. And I’m further creeped out by the ones who give their dogs secret cue signals.

[Via Michael G]

Inextricably Bound

Gun owners are America’s fastest-growing criminal class. One state after another is enacting “Show us the gun and we’ll find the crime” laws. Judges and politicians are justifying mass disarmament in the name of “freedom from fear” — as if no one will be safe until government controls every trigger. Federal agencies consider all 20+ million marijuana users who own firearms to be felons (unless their last name is Biden). Presidents Donald Trump and Joe Biden both retroactively outlawed widely-owned firearm accessories, creating new legions of potential jailbirds. At the same time many federal agencies are stockpiling automatic weapons, Biden calls for banning semiautomatic pistols and rifles owned by 50 million Americans. [More]

And as you can see from the other Intolerable Acts presented, it’s not just about RKBA.

That’s the problem with the “single issue” cop-out. Because those doing it know damn well it’s not about guns, it’s about freedom.

[Via bondmen]

Hey, If You’re Not Doing Anything Wrong…

House Speaker Mike Johnson has delayed a vote on two bills relating to FISA Section 702 extension and reform, making it likely that the unconstitutional Section 702 will be renewed without change until April 2024. [More]

Well, that didn’t take long.

So… friend of my enemy, right…?

[Via bondmen]

We’re the Only Ones Bending Knees Enough

Supreme Court sides with woman forced to her knees by police when she was 83 [More]

Looks like they don’t get qualified immunity for this one, but what I’m not clear on is does the department pay or the officers themselves, or all? And will she still be alive to collect by the time this settles?

[Via Michael G]

Of Course You Realize This Means War

Court Ruling Allows State to Seize Citizens for Indefinite Quarantine and Isolation – Due Process No More?… That’s the lesson out of a recent ruling by a New York state appeals court that effectively upheld the right of state officials to arbitrarily seize and detain pretty much any person they deem necessary. [More]

And where does self-defense against kidnapping come in…?

[Via Dan Gifford]

Ruthless J6 Prosecutions Confirm the Ones Afraid of Oath Keepers are Oath Breakers

One way to keep a balking population in line is through the time-tested method of tyrants – cowing it into submission by making a highly publicized example of prominent members, which the J6 “uprising” at the Capitol more than provided. And no one was more high-profile in Oath Keepers than founder Stewart Rhodes, sentenced to 18 years in prison for “seditious conspiracy” and “obstruction of an official proceeding and tampering with documents and proceedings.” [More]

Part Three wraps up my series on why those in power are bent on utterly destroying the one concept that could render them powerless: Enforcers learning they have the power and the duty to say “No.”

The Immunity Syndrome

When Matthew sued the judge for these egregious violations of constitutional rights, Goldston argued that she could not be sued even if she had violated the Constitution by invoking judicial immunity. [More]

Making people you persecute believe they have no legal recourse seems like an invitation to try it another way.

[Via Michael G]

We’re the Only Ones Incompetent Enough

A man from Japan wrongly accused of drunken driving can sue a Michigan police officer who grossly misread a breath test and conceded during the stop that she had “no idea” what she was doing, a federal appeals court said Thursday. [More]

Then why did she do it, prepared to use a full continuum of force up to lethal to ensure compliance…?

[Via Michael G]

We’re the Only Ones Fishing Enough

Like geofence warrants, keyword warrants cast a dragnet that require a provider to search its entire reserve of user data—in this case, queries by one billion Google users. Police generally have no identified suspects; instead, the sole basis for the warrant is the officer’s hunch that the suspect might have searched for something in some way related to the crime. [More]

Ah, the old Inspector Clouseau theory of policing

So what happens if you use Duck Duck Go?

[Via Michael G]

From the Party of Intolerant Fascists

Nearly Half of Democrats Believe Free Speech Should Be Legal ‘Only Under Certain Circumstances’- “A bare majority of Democrats (53%) say speech should be legal under any circumstances, while 47% say it should be legal ‘only under certain circumstances.’” [More]

I wonder what kind of compromise Republicans could offer…?

[Via Michael G]

Casus Belli

The state was appealing the lower court’s decision against Governor Kathy Hochul’s quarantine camp law. The law granted power to the state to seal anyone in an apartment or take them to a camp without evidence of infection or exposure, without due process, and with no termination date. In other words, the law was totalitarian. [More]

What kind of anti-government extremist seditious conspirator would oppose that…?

It does help clarify who the SAFE Act is supposed to help keep safe…

[Via GP]

A Moving Story

The Second Amendment Foundation and founder Alan Gottlieb have moved their civil rights lawsuit against Washington Attorney General Bob Ferguson from federal court to Washington State court in a move the plaintiffs hope will bring a speedier resolution to their case. [More]

That a lawsuit is even needed is all the evidence of in-your-face tyranny I need.

Never Forget What?

Never Forget. [More]

Last year’s was even more Lee Greenwood Rah-Rah, with “The Light of Liberty Still Shines Bright…”

As I said yesterday, “Happy Building 7 Day.”

We can’t remember what’s being deliberately withheld from us by those who used 9/11 as their pretext for turning the Republic into a growing totalitarian surveillance state. 

And never forget every casualty on that day ties back to those same people not doing their jobs.

Submitted for Your Approval

How US Gun Laws Affect the Rest of America [Watch]

I just don’t have an extra 42 minutes in the course of a given day to watch a video so I’m posting this link without seeing this yet.

That it’s by Vice and one of the major premises appears to be U.S. guns are the prime source for Mexico’s problems makes me wonder if it will be worth my time later.

And that said, once in a while they don’t do too badly.

If any of you want to brave it, feel free to comment.

[Via 1Gat]

Meanwhile, Over at ‘The Religion of Peace’…

Taliban’s morality czar claims women don’t need ‘sightseeing’ as he demands women cover up head even more [More]

Funny, not a word about this from NOW, the Women’s March, Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, or any of the DEI crowd… I guess they’re all too busy seething over how oppressive the white male Western Christian patriarchy is.

I wonder what ol’ Khaled would do to these mouthy broads… right after he had Tim and the dorky goofball behind him thrown from the roof…?

We’re the Only Ones Stepping Up Enough

The two-step is a tactic where a state trooper will pull an individual over for a traffic infraction and, after issuing a ticket, take steps back toward their vehicle. They will then turn around and initiate a new interaction with a driver, which the highway patrol classifies as a voluntary stop. [More]

If they’re not free to leave without getting double-tapped, it’s hardly voluntary.

[Via Steve T]

Forbidden Thoughts

33% of Generation Z believes using the wrong gender pronoun should be illegal. Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer supports similar legislation that comes with potential jail sentences. [More]

What kind of anti-government extremist would support seditious conspiracies to defy that?

Or to oppose these pieces of totalitarian sh!+…?

[Via Michael G]

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