With ‘Republicans’ Like These…

Texas will fight to block 18- to 20-year-olds from carrying handguns [More]

Well, you can buy the Ted Olson excuse, that regardless of how he feels, the AG is charged with defending existing state laws, or you can just as easily conclude that “Tea Party conservative” Paxton has reasons of his own to douse the fire in gun owners’ bellies before November to help turn the state blue.

[Via Jess]

We’re the Only Ones Personal Enough

Firearm Licensing- The recent New York State Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc. v. Bruen Supreme Court decision stripped local police chiefs of significant discretion regarding who may possess and carry a firearm. In the wake of this decision, this bill amends Massachusetts law to bring gun licensing provisions into compliance with the Supreme Court decision and to ensure that individuals seeking a license to carry are first interviewed personally by their local police chief. [More]

No room for obstructions, denials, or delays there…

[Via Jess]

Let’s Do It Again!

Yesterday, Gun Owners of America (GOA) and Gun Owners Foundation (GOF) re-filed a federal lawsuit in the Northern District of New York over the poorly named Concealed Carry Improvement Act, which took effect September 1st. Several additional plaintiffs who are willing to break the law or are currently in violation have joined the lawsuit, which was originally filed on behalf of a GOA member from Schenectady County. [More]

I posted this to my WoG Placeholder site because all that’s up on the GOA site at this writing is their July announcement.

Convenience Store Clerk’s Execution Shows Danger of ‘Giving Robbers What They Want’

They’re forbidden to have the means of defense. Instead, those who demand they stay this way offer useless advice guaranteed to leave them at the mercy of those who have none: “Give them what they want.” [More]

The question must be asked: “What if what they want is your life?”

One Small Step

Ohio House Bill 99 Goes into Effect; Teachers Can Now Carry Firearms to ‘Try and Protect Our Kids’ [More]

There’s a lot of happy talk here to give cover to the obvious:  DeWine signed this because he had to, but still backdoor badmouthed it, and Democrat-dominated school boards can still nix the idea:

“It is important to emphasize that the bill does not mandate the arming of school staff members but leaves the decision entirely to local school boards, which have the best understanding of the needs of their individual districts.”

Sure they do, Mike. Care to elaborate on the magic qualifications urban apparatchiks have to decide whether another human being can claim his unalienable rights? Or comment on how the same ones saying “No” are also hot on indoctrinating children into all other kinds of destructive, racist, and perverted leftist nonsense?

Sure, this is an improvement. But it hardly calls for cartwheels.

Bottom line: Don’t look for any improvements in high-population areas. Most of the schools in the state will remain predator empowerment zones.

[Via Robert J]

Clean-Up on Aisle Four

In the face of rising theft and violence — and pressure from terrified employees — grocery stores and other retailers are arming themselves with armed security guards. [More]

I don’t know the stores in question, but from a quick check, it looks like one of them, Hy-Vee, is not knuckling under to Shannon Watts and her band of indignant internet cud-chewers on customer carry.

[Via Jess]


A City’s Got to Know Its Limitations

We are constrained by the recent United States Supreme Court decision in New York State Rifle & Pistol Assn., Inc. v Bruen (597 US _, 142 SCt 2111 [2022]) which mandates the grant of this CPLR article 78 petition. Specifically, in Bruen , the United States Supreme Court held that denial of a license applications for failing to satisfy New York’s “proper cause” standard, under which the applicants had to demonstrate a special need for self-protection distinguishable from that of the general community, was unconstitutional as violative of the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution, which protects an individual’s fundamental right to keep a firearm, and the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, which makes this right equally applicable throughout the states. THIS CONSTITUTES THE DECISION AND ORDER OF THE SUPREME COURT, APPELLATE DIVISION, FIRST DEPARTMENT. [More]

Callahan” seems such an appropriate name here.

[Via Jess]

Jojo Krako Permitting

Challenger to NJ’s unconstitutional law granted carry permit (kind of). [More]

So the “historical understanding” is that flintlock pistols were to be kept unloaded and locked in the back of the carriage and you could not have them where the “authorities” declared off-limits …?

Just like the old days…?

Who’s infringin’? We’re forbiddin’!

A Good First Step

A federal judge who was appointed by former President Donald Trump has ruled that a Texas law banning anyone under 21 from carrying handguns in public violates the Constitution. [More]

Excellent! Just don’t forget there’s still a ways to go

I’m wondering if the grabbers will appeal…

[Via Robert J]

Sensitive, Aren’t We?

In response to the Supreme Court’s ruling, New York Gov. Kathy Hochul (D) on July 1 signed a law that criminalizes the concealed carry of guns in airports, houses of worship, Times Square and other sensitive places, prompting a swift legal challenge. Gun Owners of America is one of several plaintiffs who are urging a federal judge in Syracuse to block the New York law before it takes effect on Sept. 1. [More]

Not satisfied with a patchwork quilt of “gun-free zones,” Hochul & Co. are going for a Rubik’s Cube.

I see Stephen Stamboulieh got ink.

Rotten Apple

Apple said it was “aware of a report that this issue may have been actively exploited.” The issue could allow a potential attacker to take complete control of these devices. [More]

That’s curious, considering Apple CEO Tim Cook not only benefits from California’s exclusive, discriminatory, and corrupt “may (not) issue” laws but voices support for those who want to sue manufacturers out of existence…

They’ve Got Theirs

Asian Americans are buying guns in record numbers. [More]

Yeah, well, how come they keep electing Democrats by landslide margins?

Until that changes, I’m not impressed. And names like “LA Progressive Shooters” don’t convince me that it will. Meaning all this giddy celebration by some “pro-gun” voices is naive.

Besides, you know who else is buying guns in record numbers? If gun ownership was the benchmark, we’d have no better pals than David Chipman and Lon Horiuchi.

[Via Jess]

A Means to an End

A Minnesota Federal District judge defies the Supreme Court’s Bruen decision by applying “means-end scrutiny” and “narrow tailoring” to a case involving banning firearms at the Minnesota State Fair. [More]

He knows he can get away with it, hence giving SCOTUS and all gun owners the finger. If the Repubs don’t blow the “red wave,” they’ll have enough of a majority in the House to impeach, but not the 2/3 needed in the Senate to convict.

Naturally, the “progressive” Brennan Center says “if the impeach­ment power is used to punish judges for their rulings, it under­mines the vital inde­pend­ence of our judi­cial branch.”

Well, Clinton appointee Tunheim already did that by ignoring the High Court’s precedent and deferring to political interests. And, as with all things leftist, it depends on who’s doing the impeaching.

[Via Jess]

Reminds Me of an Old Dog Joke

“Senate Bill 918 is nothing short of tyrannical overreach to force his ideology on law abiding people who still believe in the framer’s intent,” said Rick Travis of the CA Rifle and Pistol Association. “Governor Newsom and his allies will stop at nothing to remove the right of the people to defend themselves. He is signing bills that are known constitutional violations and does not care.” [More]

Why? Because he can.

My Kind of Precedent

Yesterday, a judge in California threw out charges for carrying a handgun without a license, saying that “the defendant cannot be punished for exercising his right to public carry” while the state’s unconstitutional may-issue law was in effect. [More]

Hey, they say what starts in California spreads out to the rest of the country…

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