Man says Kansas City officer changed story after rear-ending him [More]
Kinda makes you wonder about the credibility of every single police report he ever filed.
[Via Steve T]
Notes from the Resistance
The detective Golubski, now 69, allegedly accepted money from Brooks, provided protection from law enforcement, and forcibly raped a young woman whose identity was not revealed. [More]
This guy’s like the gift that keeps on giving.
[Via Steve T]
Florida deputy arrests blind man after mistaking his white cane for a pistol [More]
The sheriff’s getting no Facebook love.
So are they going to prosecute her for lying on the arrest report?
The entire department sounds like a bunch of JBTs.
And remember, back the blue!
[Via Phil E]
Georgia’s Corrupt SOS Raffensperger and His Special Counsel Ryan Germany Bring In CCP-Connected Carter Center to Monitor Midterm Election [More]
They couldn’t find anyone to run against him?
[Via Michael G]
Missouri House Minority Leader Crystal Quade (D – District 132) and several others signed a letter sent to Gov. Mike Parson’s office on Thursday. The group suggests three specific courses of action in the letter to prevent tragedies like last week in Missouri: Universal background checks, strengthened extreme-risk protection orders and repealing the Second Amendment Preservation Act. [More]
Yeah, go after “the law-abiding!”
That’ll fix exactly nothing.
Which is kind of the point.
[Via bondmen]
A central issue in Sheriff Smith’s trial is whether she provided concealed carry weapon permits in exchange for donations or other favors. Under questioning from San Francisco Assistant District Attorney Gabriel Markoff, Bechtel said he provided $750,000 to the Sheriff’s Advisory Board and arranged construction crews to make improvements to the Sheriff’s Department shooting range… Bechtel said he, his son, and two other relatives acquired concealed carry permits that were signed by Sheriff Smith. [More]
At least we know from Harpreet Chada that Laurie’s Big Club wasn’t exclusively “white privileged,” but I’d still like to see someone look into other “underrepresentation.”
In answer to an anticipated question, this was a civil trial and one of her defenders says regardless, these are not felonies. And here I was looking forward to Laurie becoming a “prohibited person” if they end up bringing criminal, charges.
[Via Rough and Ready]
It doesn’t matter what brand your politics is, this is Stasi stuff. [More]
Which is why they’re so intent on declaring anyone who knows that an enemy of the state… and noting how far they’ve dumbed down their constituents, all they have to do is scream “Racist!” and “Nazi!” and their DSM functionaries will do the rest.
[Via Michael G]
Locals in Louisiana, Missouri plan to protest Wednesday, November 2, outside their city hall. Police Chief William Jones was arrested last month on several felony charges, including drug trafficking and tampering with evidence. [More]
Being ordered to control that mob seems a bigger “no-win” scenario than the Kobayashi Maru.
[Via bondmen]
The FBI is asking a U.S. court to reverse its order that it produce information from Seth Rich’s laptop computer. If the court does not, the bureau wants 66 years to produce the information. [More]
That every elected official and every major news organization is not unrelentingly screaming “WHY?” tells us what we need to know.
[Via bondmen]
FBI Agent Who Pushed To Censor Hunter Biden Story Is Shaping Biden Admin’s Response To ‘Misinformation’ [More]
Who better to feed out the official line than an official with a line?
[Via Michael G]
Santa Clara County Sheriff Laurie Smith informed the Board of Supervisors in this one-line letter that she was leaving office effective Monday. [More]
Maybe if she goes quietly no one will ask any questions about “underrepresentation.”
Too bad. The “real reporters” could have had an “EXCLUSIVE” worth putting in all caps.
[Via Rough and Ready]
Critics of the law take issue with some of those provisions, including ending cash bail; prohibiting judges from considering a defendant’s previous behavior when determining whether he or she is a flight risk; allowing a 48-hour period between the time a defendant on electronic monitoring leaves home without permission and the time authorities can charge that person with escape; and new police training policies without additional funding for departments [More]
What needs to be said besides “Pritzker“?
It’s not like he’ll be affected.
[Via bondmen]
ATF, Enforcer of Gun Laws, Lost ‘Thousands of Firearms, Firearm Parts’ to Thieves [More]
What would they do to an FFL who “lost” guns?
[Via Henry Bowman]
BREAKING: Philly deputy sheriff caught selling guns used in school shooting to illegal immigrant [More]
And it’s all due to Republican racism, right, Larry?
[Via Hammer Down Outdoors]
In a report that just broke on Fox digital, the Air Force is taking “full responsibility” for the unauthorized release of LtCol Jennifer-Ruth Green’s personal military records… [More]
It says something about her when you realize she didn’t want her victimization put out there yet the knowledge would probably work in her favor politically. That tells me there are some things she won’t exploit just to win, and that’s a mark of character.
The other thing this tells me is those releasing Air Force information sure are selective– I had to file a damn lawsuit to get them to cough up that mass-murdering @$$hole’s court-martial records after it refused to comply with my FOIA.
[Via Michael G]
Missouri senator says laws should have already been in place to prevent shooting at CVPA [More]
What, like the law against shooting people?
No “commonsense gun safety law” will ever be enough for this Marxist tool.
That’s because none of them address the real problem which keeps incompetent rabble-rousing bellyachers like her in office.
[Via Steve T]
On October 26, we commemorate Intersex Awareness Day and honor the many contributions intersex voices have made in the global struggle for inclusion, equality, and dignity for all. [More]
Funny… you’d think you’d be able to find equivalent announcements for Constitution Day and Bill of Rights Day…
Look at all the Deep State pies “spokesman” Ned Price has had his fingers in. Elections notwithstanding, decisions binding us all are not being made by “normals.”
[Via WiscoDave]
This particular enemy inside the gates always was pretty easy to figure out.
[Via Michael G]