Underrepresented Here…

Nearly 20% of the American population has had a family member killed by a gun, including by suicide, and 1 in 6 has witnessed a shooting, a new survey found … For Black adults, the numbers were even higher, attesting to greater gun violence in minority communities. [More]

I need to up my game. I’m gonna be 71 in a month and we’ve had no one. Well, an uncle was killed with an artillery shell, but that was different.

If I don’t want to be hated as racist, I guess I’d better credit my good fortune on white privilege, because if I mention personal conduct and life choices, Little Stevie’s Genocide Xers, Ys and Zs will be Antifaing my fascist @$$…

All That ‘Common Sense’ Just Ignored…

Investigators confirmed the Jeep had been stolen less than 48 hours earlier. They found a stolen AR-style pistol on the backseat and a .357-caliber Glock 32 under the passenger seat. Both weapons had large-capacity magazines. [More]

If only there were some kind of law for people who can’t be trusted with guns…

Until then, they expect you and me to give up ours.

[Via bondmen]

Fascists Attack Hero of Justice and Equity

A St. Louis judge sanctioned St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner’s office last week for allegedly withholding evidence in a double-murder case, while allowing the suspect out on bond, amid rising criticism about left-wing prosecutors allowing crime to flourish in major U.S. cities. [More]

And you’ll notice the strategy of those who want things to be this way is to deflect with charges of racism and antisemitism so that people will be afraid to speak the truth.

[Via bondmen]

So It All Boils Down to Negligence, Laziness, and Stupidity

A Newport News grand jury has indicted the mother of the 6-year-old who shot his first grade teacher at Richneck Elementary in January. Deja Taylor has been charged with felony child neglect and misdemeanor recklessly leaving a loaded firearm so as to endanger a child. [More]

Good. Just as if she’d left anything else a child could hurt himself or others with in easy reach.

Stupid ****s like her are the reason the grabbers push “lock up your safety” diktats on the rest of us.

Any bets she’s not a Democrat?

[Via Mack H]

I Guess I Can Shutter the Blog Now

The Grim Truth: The War on Guns Is Lost – There are more unregistered guns in this country than are possessed by the Pentagon, DHS, and police departments combined… [More]

It’s revealing of them to admit it’s been a war all along. With casualties overwhelmingly either perpetrated by government actors or enabled by government citizen disarmament policies…

And as for that second part (NSFW)…

I’ll update this post if link tips come in related to the atrocity in Louisville.


Recent bills in Kentucky have loosened restrictions on guns. [More]

You know where this is going.

[Via Jess]

…Louisville Shooter Supported BLM… [More]

It seems like representatives of the left are going to keep killing people until their Democrat politicans start passing some “commonsense gun safety laws.”


Sturgeon’s father retweeted a video of San Antonio Spurs coach Greg Popovich talking about gun control just hours before the shooting in Louisville. [More]

And the Nashville maniac’s mother was a gun-grabber. Perhaps being raised by delusional parents played its part.

[Via bondmen]

The Type of People Who Call Us ‘Fascists’

Portland Rioter Previously Given Probation For Assaulting Federal Worker Sentenced In Killing Of Infant Son [More]

That’s about the behavior I’d expect from an Antifa-sympathizing scumbag coward. Anybody think the stupid beater chick who let this POS impregnate her has learned a thing about rational mate selection and ideological choices?

[Via Michael G]

Louisville Aggregator

Five people were dead and six others were wounded after a shooting attack on Monday at a bank in downtown Louisville, Kentucky, the city’s police department said. [More]

At the risk of injecting bias into the coverage, let me predict that no NRA members will turn out to be involved.

As information unfolds, it will turn up here.

And I’ll add to this post today if appropriate. Feel free to put update links in comments.



The shooting is just the latest spasm of mass gun violence, a uniquely American phenomenon… The gun used in the shooting was an AR-15-style rifle, a federal law enforcement source told CNN.

The first part is a lie, and the second feeds right into the grabber wishlist.

[Via Michael G]

This is why I don’t agree with gun advocates who say don’t publicize their names. If we’re dependent on authorities and the media, they can suppress whatever doesn’t support their disarmament narrative

It’s true– they’re scrubbing his history:

Google link.

LinkedIn link.

Evidently, someone feels that specified pronouns probably means he didn’t fit the narrative:

Punishment on Demand

How often do you see a prosecution where the police are witnesses for the defense? Gov. Abbott should just pardon this guy, right now, and stick it up Soros’ @$$. [More]

Yep. Not that the Dementing Moms would agree.

WarOnGuns Correspondent Michael G has more:

Lead detective’s affidavit says Soros-backed Austin prosecutor CRIMINALLY withheld exculpatory evidence in Daniel Perry case! [More]

Evidently, everyone who doesn’t want to see foreign and domestic enemies destroy the Republic is an antisemite.

Looks like Abbott’s up on pardoning. Now let’s see if the Texas AG is up on prosecuting the damn Marxist persecutor. Enough with “law enforcement.” It’s past damn time for some rights enforcement.


Andrew Branca says the “conviction was legally sound.”

We’re the Only Ones Committed Enough

A former Linn County reserve deputy sheriff, who a prosecutor said was “committed to obtaining as much child pornography as he could” — over 160,000 images — was sentenced Friday to 12 years in federal prison. [More]

With the criminally negligent way corrections “Only Ones” run the prisons, I’m sure he’ll find plenty of fellow inmates lining up to Pack the Blue…

[Via Michael G]

At What Price?

It’s all because Judge McCannon rejected the plea deal Price offered Delonzo Logwood, accused of three murders – one during a carjacking/robbery, a murder for hire, and killing a witness set to testify against his step brother. He faces 75 years to life in prison if convicted. Price offered him 15 years on a single voluntary manslaughter charge. [More]

And guess who’s behind her

Or does mentioning that make me antisemitic?

[Via 1Gat]

The More Things Change the More They Stay the Same

Multiple shots were fired at 5.20pm as a large group of teenagers was at the beach for a “senior skip day,” Police Chief Kevin Cornett said. The shooting stemmed from fights that broke out, one of which ended with gunfire. [More]

I got into a few after-school scraps back when I was young, immortal, and stupid, and if anyone had pulled a weapon of any kind he would have been deemed a despicable coward. Nowadays it seems to be the default reaction.

The only constant is they are still despicable cowards.

Evil Guns Kill Again!

Boys, 12 and 17, arrested in shooting deaths of 3 teens in Marion County; 3rd sought [More]

So, disarm you and me, right…?

The sheriff doesn’t think so:

 “All the gun laws we got in place didn’t prevent it, did it? Neither will any new ones, because here’s the fact: the bad guy is going to get a gun no matter what law you have put in place, these juveniles shouldn’t even possess a handgun, but they did.”

[Via 1Gat]

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