Manifesto Destiny

‘Cover-up’: Where’s the Nashville ‘trans’ mass-murderer’s manifesto? [More]

I won’t be surprised to see what they eventually release with key redactions.

Those are some “core values” of “de-escalation and transparency” you’re showing the world, Chief Drake.

So: Who in Tennessee Republican World has the weight to light a fire under this political stonewaller, and why haven’t they?

As Groomer Has It

Ex-Planned Parenthood Director Commits Suicide Amid Child Pornography Investigation [More]

He must have hated himself even more than he did children.

At least he showed you don’t need a gun:

The Chief Medical Examiner’s Office confirmed Yergeau died by suicide and the cause was asphyxiation due to oxygen displacement by nitrogen.

So… nitrogen violence…?

And what is it with “Only Ones” and wrong house raids?

[Via Jess]

Laws She Demands Should Apply to ‘Gun Sense Candidate’ Porter

“The allegations against Porter include claims that she dumped hot potatoes on her then-husband’s head and smashed a glass that led to him being cut by flying shards.” [More]

We can end potato violence!

Rash Decisions

Two men are accused of a committing rash of robberies at several dollar stores and pharmacies in Cleveland and Euclid. According to prosecutors, the men committed six robberies in 12 days. [More]

And I suppose before this “rash” they’d lived the lives of young saints…?

Good for the Goose?

Lester shot Yarl twice — once in the head and once in arm — after the teen mistakenly arrived on his doorstep to pick up his younger brothers who were actually waiting for him at a home about a block away. The charges carry 10 to 30 years behind bars, or life in prison, prosecutors said. [More]

Assuming the story unfolds as expected, and not to offer any excuses for the inexcusable, but what about similar treatment for these guys…?

[Via bondmen]

Inconvenient Truths

‘Don’t demonize them’: Chicago’s new mayor-elect says it’s ‘not constructive’ to vilify group of rowdy teens that torched cars in rampage organized on social media – but condemned the chaotic takeover [More]

People who think things were intolerable under that idiot Lightfoot ain’t seen nothin’ yet.

Forget it, Jake. It’s Chi-Town.

[Via bondmen]

Cherokee Indians Tribal Council Votes for Car/Bodycam Exemption after SWAT Shooting

Cherokee Indians Tribal Council Votes for Car/Bodycam Exemption after SWAT Shooting [More]

Bodycam videos? We ain’t got no bodycam videos. We don’t need no bodycam videos. I don’t have to show you any stinking bodycam videos!

We’re the Only Ones Cutting Loose Enough

More NYC Corruption: Police Chief Guilty of Cutting Friend Loose in Gun Case [More]

“Professional courtesy,” right?

If they rob your bodega livelihood, God help you if you chase after “teens” armed, which you’re not allowed to do. But if you’re a retired “Only One,” God help them if they accidentally hit your camera with a basketball.

[Via bondmen]

Well, This Would Have Been a Stupid Way to Die

Footage next shows the homeowner and suspect grappling before two more thugs arrive. They eventually pin the homeowner to the ground and start pounding on him. [More]

Sorry, “heroic” is not the first word that comes to mind. Then again, me ‘n “Real Man” never did see eye-to-eye on that.

Compare to the same number of predators when a victim is armed.

[Via bondmen]

Good Guy with a Gun

According to Asst. Chief Ernest Garcia, four suspects in masks entered the store and started robbing customers at gunpoint. That’s when an armed customer pulled out their weapon and shot at the suspects, Garcia said. Three of the robbery suspects were shot. [More]

This makes it seem like he has a good presence of mind. Let’s hope that extends to what he told police before seeing an attorney. And let’s hope the attorney advises the intent was not to stop a robbery, it was because the gun owner was acting in self-defense.

[Via bondmen]

And Now for Something Completely Different

I’ll be leaving this afternoon for the NRA Annual Meeting in Indianapolis. (Those who caution me not to make public announcements of absences, don’t worry. Elder feral son Uday will be coming over and I’m neither chaining him up nor feeding him.) If you’re going I hope to meet you, assuming you don’t want to punch me out. I’ll be bringing a poll with me that I’ll be doing an article about that should take less than a minute to answer, so I hope I can count on your cooperation.

I’ve got a ton of stuff to do today to get ready, including finishing up an article and maybe drafting a new one if I can get to it. The dandelions here are in full bloom so I also need to take a couple of hours for yard work before the neighbors run me out.

As such, news tips emailed to me that I decide to present here are all going to be linked in this post with no commentary and a mass credit at the bottom. With that in mind, please don’t submit any more from this point on until Monday, and understand that I will not be moderating comments received after I leave until I return.

The following list will be added to as long as I can get to it:

[Via Steve T, WiscoDave, Sweet Babboo, bondmen, Jess, Mack H, Michael G,

Unsound Thinking

Bay Area crime tech firm ShotSpotter rebrands as stock tanks with new Chicago mayor [More]

What they call it won’t mask the fact that it’s an expensive boondoggle for Democrat cities that want to look like they’re “doing something.”

Maybe along with the “rebranding” they need a new spokesman:

[Via DDS]

If Wishes Were Fishes

‘Cease fire’: Reverend calls on Boston’s Black community to turn in guns after man shot dead in city [More]

Assuming the answer from those doing the killing is “No,” what’s Plan B after he’s convinced the sheep to bare their throats?

There’s no more obvious example of magical thinking than “gun control.” If this simp’s a community leader, that community’s got some growing up to do.

[Via bondmen]

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