Enemies Foreign and Domestic

Atlanta ‘Cop City’ anarchy sees at least 35 ‘agitators’ detained, part of an ‘international group’ [More]

Good thing Antifa’s just an idea and not a group!

Curious though, how none of the environmentalcases have a word to say about all that toxic black carbon smoke their comrades are subjecting us to…

It’s almost like all the leftist issues are expendable-as-needed parts of a larger agenda…

An Hereditary Poet Laureate

Prince Harry says psychedelics are ‘fundamental’ part of his life [More]

So Harry helps enable the high end of the violent illicit drug trade while Meghan “[speaks]out against gun violence.”

Meanwhile, scrolling further down in that last link, this is only “how it’s done” if the object is to confirm biased ignorance and spread a lie. Cruz should have known how to handle that.

Tell me Thomas Paine didn’t have elitist “royal” frauds pegged.

And there’s no shortage of stupid Americans buying into it.

Valhalla, I am Coming

Santa Rosa student, 16, fatally stabbed in Montgomery High School classroom; 2nd student injured [More]

The two older attackers ganged up on him? And the school board has ensured everyone in the schools is a soft target?

Unless there’s more to this story, what did the kid do wrong?

And why do they still have that racist Viking logo, and what did Vikings do to people?

[Via Steve T]

We’re the Only Ones Unmasking Enough

Police say they’re having trouble identifying suspects who target stores because they’re wearing masks. They are now urging store owners to be proactive in the crime fighting effort. “We are asking the businesses to make this a condition of entry, that people when they come in, they show their face, they should identify themselves,” NYPD Chief of Department Jeffrey Maddrey said. [More]

So do we listen to Dr. Fauci or to NYPD “Only Ones”?

Bronx bodega owner Francisco Marte is no stranger to crime. “I’ve been myself, shot three times,” he said. But he says this latest guidance from the NYPD puts business owners in a bad spot. “We don’t have a weapon to defend ourselves,” Marte said.

I think I see a solution, Francisco.

Good thing the brave property liberators exercising their right to steal by beating the old woman within an inch of her life weren’t acting on Asian hate since disadvantaged victims of systemic racism can’t be racist. I can’t begin to tell you how many of my friends and family flaunt their discriminatory power and white privilege by driving late-model Mercedes…

[Via Steve T]

It’s Under Control

St. Louis suspect seen calmly loading gun, shooting homeless man execution style in broad daylight [More]

No worries.

The St. Louis Police Chief is meeting with clergy to “talk about crime” and “the St. Louis safety committee worked with the city police … to spread awareness about gun safety.”

Throw in a tax-funded youth mentoring program or two, and problem solved!

How to Make a Monster

Teacher confiscates student’s Nintendo Switch during class. Student then attacks her, kicking and punching her, leaving her unconscious. [More]

Take a wholly undisciplined mental defective and drill into him from the start that he’s a systemic victim and that anyone not immediately surrendering whatever he feels entitled to is disrespecting him, and what other result does anyone expect?

I don’t suppose suggesting that being immersed for their formative years in unnatural woke school indoctrination could have an impact on weak minds that snap and go on killing sprees would be received well by the folks who say the answer is citizen disarmament…?

Or would anyone inquiring be wished dead?

Because Correlation Equals Causation

Gun licensing and permit-to-purchase legislation, even just for handguns, have been effective, too, Abt said. With those laws, “we have good evidence to show reduced gun violence across the board,” Abt said. [More]

Prove it.

Be prepared to show how either of those substantially affects criminal decisions and impacts a black market in any way.

[Via Michael G]

The Moscow Horror

“This is a healing step and removes the physical structure where the crime that shook our community was committed,” Green wrote. [More]

Don’t be surprised to note our finest minds in “progressive” academia are steeped in medieval thinking.

Haven’t we established that Western thought and science are racist?

Funny thing– guess what’s still standing and lived in.

[Via Michael G]

Meanwhile, Across the Pond…

THIS is the sub-machine gun seized in Bradford that a trial has been told was manufactured using a 3D printer. [More]

Majeeb,” eh?

And “imprinted on the plastic is an image of an arm holding a curved sword with what appears to be blood dripping from the sword”…?

Sounds like they have a bigger problem than a gun

On a tangentially-related note, this blog comes highly recommended. I haven’t had time to see if I agree, so I leave that to you who do.

[Via CP]

Celebrate Good Times, Come On

Five shot, 2 dead after celebration of life event in Minnesota [More]


And just to add context:

This marks the second shooting in St. Paul in the past two days. On Friday evening, three teen boys were wounded in a drive-by shooting during a funeral reception for a 15-year-old boy who had been fatally stabbed at a St. Paul high school earlier this month.

If only they would disarm you and me…

A Crash Course in Politics

North Carolina House of Representatives Speaker Tim Moore, another state congressman, and Moore’s security were driving back to the state capital from an event when a vehicle repeatedly rammed into the back of them, the speaker’s spokeswoman said Thursday. [More]

Coincidentally, with quotation marks, if you like, this was the day after the House voted to repeal handgun purchase permits. In any case, it’s fair to question if this was garden variety ‘roid rage or if he was targeted

Check out the cheesy excuse Rep. Michael Wray gave for voting against the bill he originally sponsored– no doubt his earlier feigned support was to sucker the Fudds at election time. What a weasel.

Ultimately, there is no such thing as a “pro-gun Democrat.” Besides, it’s never been about guns anyway.

Background Checks, Genuine Reason, Licensing, Registration…

The couple had been off on a visit to Palawan and were staying in Makati, a district in the capital region of Manila, on Feb. 19 when a pair of robbers on a motorcycle stopped them and held them at gunpoint. [More]

But…but…but commonsense

In Defense of Harvey Weinstein

Harvey Weinstein has been sentenced to 16 years, effectively ensuring the former Hollywood mogul and convicted rapist will spend the rest of his life behind bars. [More]

Speaking of wishing he wasn’t alive

As much as my inner Nelson Muntz wants to point and laugh, there’s a bigger issue here that threatens all– an unproven allegation from an unnamed witness should not be enough to do this to anyone.

Show trials are the stuff of tyranny.

Besides, it’s not like plenty of famous “stars” much of America takes its political cues from didn’t get their willing start on the Hollywood casting couch, and like that hasn’t been a tradition.

My guess is if you took a look at “Jane Doe #1,” you’d find plenty of notches on that crotch.

Bringing Home the Bacon

According to House Bill 23-1169, which only has one sponsor, Denver Democrat Rep. Jennifer Bacon, the change is needed because “Public safety is served by responding to low-level offenses with increased services rather than custodial arrest because non-prosecution of low-level offenses has been shown to reduce reoffending, or recidivism, for these populations.” [More]

Because nothing says “Don’t go on to bigger violations” like excusing victimizing others in smaller ways without consequences.

It figures she doesn’t want you to be able to defend yourself against the sociopaths she’s helping.

Any government that allows this has deliberately reneged on its basic charter and absolved the governed of giving consent. And “whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it.”

[Via Michael G]

‘Leaders’ Summit Guarantees More Urban Carnage

St. Louis leaders and police work to address youth gun violence… The St. Louis safety committee worked with the city police on Tuesday to spread awareness about gun safety. [More]

“Youth violence” or “gun safety”? Which is it?

And what track record shows any of these dolts are capable of doing more than removing their sn0uts out of the trough long enough to regurgitate hackneyed talking points for an equally ignorant media that confirm their utter incompetence?

[Via bondmen]

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