‘Looters Meeting Shooters’ Could Spread Hurricane Milton’s Destruction

Florida’s “stand your ground” provisions won’t give them a pass from prosecution if there’s a question of legality, or if a Democrat DA decides there’s ginned up anger they can exploit. [More]

But when it’s all said and done, “I’d rather be judged by 12 than carried by six” applies.

An Incomplete Account

“He knocked on the door, yelled, and announced himself, ‘Hey, I’m looking for somebody to help me remove this stuff. I’m willing to pay!’” Treadway said. [More]

And shooting him “five to six times” was covered by castle doctrine?


There’s more to this story not being told here, and it’s being used to disparage home defense.

Starting with court records can’t say exactly how many times the autopsied corpse was shot…?

[Via bondmen]

Ask the Expert


I saw “Ken Good” and remembered the name:

His curriculum vitae reads like a character’s from a Tom Clancy novel. Putting it bluntly, he can shoot, fight, free-fall parachute in, scuba dive out, blow things up, and otherwise deploy in jungle, mountain, marine, and urban environments. Yet, with candor typical of true professionals, he admits up front that “our staff does not know it all, nor have we ‘arrived’. We are in a constant state of learning and consider ourselves perpetual students.”

A Great DGU Victory?

Man with machete attempts to break into home; homeowner confronts him with gun [More]

I see some doing the “Good Guy with a Gun!” cheer.

I hate to be the voice of second guessing, but the defender had to first retrieve and unlock his gun and then let the clearly dangerous intruder go?

[Via Jess]

Yeah, So Much for a Good Guy with a Gun

Massive errors in FBI’s Active Shooting Reports from 2014-2023 regarding cases where civilians stop attacks: Instead of 4%, the correct number is at least 35%. Excluding gun-free zones, it averaged over 51.5%. [More]

Check out the video at the end.

Wanna read that line again, self-righteous, propaganda-parroting stage prop pretending to be a heroic FBI “Only One” with a gun?


“He did not deserve to die this way. It’s such a tragedy that my husband was murdered in cold blood,” she said, though it remained unclear if she had seen the video of the shooting. [More]

Looks to me like that’s exactly what he deserved.

[Via bondmen]

Defense Against Carjacking by Armed Security Highlights Sotomayor’s Elitism on Guns

It’s good that Sotomayor’s security was able to defend themselves and repel a predator. It’s inexcusable that she won’t admit she has been wrong about our right to do the same. [More]

It’s a big club and you ain’t in it.

An Effective Combination

For the crime of running a huge survey on defensive gun use in the U.S. that was not forced into the narrative structure of today’s gun-control activism, William English, an assistant professor at Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business, has been subpoenaed, attacked in The New York Times and by many other “mainstream” outlets and, basically, pilloried in order to, as he put it in The Wall Street Journal, “warn off other academics thinking of doing similar research, and to influence courts where states are losing on the merits.” [More]

Or as the Keeper always said:

[Via Jess]

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