Whatever the Case May Be

In the wake of the landmark Supreme Court decision in Bruen v. United States… [More]

Now that’s “real reporting”!

As a side note, I hate these MSN click bait slide shows and generally won’t link to them if I can get the story elsewhere. Advertisers ought to realize people forced to click if they want the next information morsel don’t even look at their spots.

Speaking of Catastrophic Either Way

1 dead after attempting to carjack Amazon delivery vehicle… “It’s catastrophic either way,” said Graff. “I am more concerned as a sponsor of reasonable gun control.” [More]

What could be more “reasonable” than controls “sponsored” by someone who admits he was oblivious as things were going down and would have been helpless if he’d been aware?

And it took two “real reporters” to write that story and they left out the main point?

And what happened to the driver?

Even if a delivery driver has a concealed carry permit, Amazon has a stringent policy restricting delivery drivers from carrying guns.

Truth Still Buried

56% of Americans supported stricter gun control in 2023 as opposed to 78% in 1990. 12% of Americans supported relaxed gun control in 2023 compared to only 2% in 1990. [More]

Numbers have gradually moved in the right direction, but they’re still not enough to win most elections, highlighting the subversive influence of the narrative-parroting cheerleader DSM.

So Whats the Difference Between a Bombshell and a Kraken?

This is a true BOMBSHELL. Everyone who wants to hear the truth about this witch hunt, to get President Trump, must listen to this video by Julie Kelly explaining what Judge Canon released yesterday. Jack Smith is cornered. [More]

So the entire Deep State is now just gonna give up?

Don’t get me wrong– my cynicism is not directed toward people revealing truths. It’s that this isn’t screaming headlines everywhere, and will be suppressed from all who don’t follow “alternative media.”

[Via bondmen]

Related UPDATE

PJ Media has more.

[Via Michael G]

Yearning to Breathe Free Stuff

Illegal Immigrant Advocacy Group in Denver Says Six Months of Free Food and Housing Not Enough: ‘Offensive’ and ‘Slap in the Face’ [More]

The People’s Republic of Santa Monica says “Hold our beer.)

This is a seditious Marxist conspiracy as sure as if they were torching infrastructure.

That no one in the DSM or the two major parties will talk about Cloward-Piven tells us all we neeed to know — except what to do about it.

[Via Michael G]

And They Say There Are No Stupid Questions…

California law bars non-residents from carrying a gun. Does that violate the Second Amendment? [More]

No one who is not a prohibitionist would even ask.

Or as Democrat Roger Taney wrote when horrified at the prospect of Dred Scott being considered a citizen:

“It would give to persons of the negro race, who were recognised as citizens in any one State of the Union, the right to enter every other State … and to keep and carry arms wherever they went.”

Wait… that last link is from Oath Keepers…? What are racist Nazi rightwing insurrectionists doing defending rights for all…?

Crackpot ‘Journalism’

Legal Shield for the Gun Industry Is Starting to Crack [More]

No, it’s just that more lawfare-waging antis are piling on in defiance of clear law, confident that no one is going to hold them to account for their subversion.

But telling, that the headline is worded that way.

Why haven’t we seen a countersuit to knock one of them down bigly and give the others pause?

[Via Jess]

Great Grandaddy of ’em All…?

Drudge Report, the granddaddy of conservative aggregation, was down 81 percent; [More]

Well, now we know this report is a psyops lie. And if that’s what the public is being told is “conservative,” anyone to the right of it is a de facto raving rightwing extremist.

The timing looks like it’s intended to erode “Republican” confidence leading into the election.

If numbers ARE down, and I’m not just taking the word of agenda pushers for it, let’s take a look at how much of that is algorithm manipulation and suppression. And let’s also look at reading-averse traffic shifting over to video “influencers,” which is a trend I think gun owners need to be real careful with.

AP Puff Piece on New Biden Background Check Rule Hides Dangers to Freedom

Curious how much less “gun violence” there was in this country before Democrats started imposing all this “progress.” [More]

Once more we’re being lied to, and the biggest ally would-be totalitarians have in imposing their treachery are complicit Fourth Estate Fifth Columnists.

Memories of Tru… O.J.


Yeah, a “typographical error”… somebody accidentally hit the wrong keys five times.

I was living in L.A. at the time of the whole $h!+show and had my weekend plans delayed by the Bronco chase.

It was a Friday night, and done with work we had a 200 mile drive to get up to a mountain cabin up the road from Kernville for the weekend. My wife and I had the van packed and were getting ready to load the cubs and head out when the phone rang– it was my older brother in Ohio who told me to turn on the TV.

There it was, heading up and blocking the 405, the freeway we had to take to head north. There was nothing to do but watch events unfold and wait for things to clear out.

When we finally did we could see the helicopters circling in the sky above his Brentwood digs as we headed up the freeway with four hours still to go…

Speaking of Serious Questions…

Deadly Chicago traffic stop where police fired 96 shots raises serious questions about use of force [More]

Like why did someone on pretrial release on a felony gun charge open fire first?

Who else is buying “Georgina Floyd’s” “Elizabeth!” act?

And why AP and the rest of the DSM are stoking race war fires…?

[Via bondmen]

Certain Types of Gun Owners

Many Americans who recently bought guns open to political violence, survey finds – Study of 13,000 Americans finds particular risk among certain types of gun owners, including those who carry weapons in public [More]

Yeah, you can tell by the rampant homicidal lawlesness of those millions of NRA members.

Figures The Hero of Medicine is behind it.

And that “real reporter” agenda propagandist Ed Pilkington would present a blatant publicity piece as “news.”

[Via Jess]

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