Why Not Just Hang Him and His Supporters and Be Done with It?

MSNBC Legal Analyst Declares Trump Could Be Charged With Manslaughter [More]

Noting Trump is an avatar, so could every J6 defendant, and probably everyone who has expressed doubt about the legitimacy of Joe Biden’s election.

Let’s cut to the chase: These neo-Soviets from the IDAK school of government want all opposition gulaged or exterminated.

They’ll just need your guns first.

[Via Michael G]

Adventures in Baselessness

Liberal Pro-Abortion Organization Files Lawsuit Over People Monitoring Ballot Drop Boxes in Arizona [More]

We know the fear of voter fraud is baseless. Just ask the media.

Besides, it’s not like the League of Women Voters has a leftwing political axe to grind on guns — is it?

[Via Michael G]

So Who’s ‘Ben’?

It’s unclear who’s behind the propaganda campaign… [More]

It hardly seems unfair to note which “side” is notorious for hoaxes designed to smear those they hate in the hair-trigger “minds” of the mob…

And it’s not like the mob isn’t showing us in “Comments” that they’re eager to pile on:

KSA – Meanwhile us republicans can vote democrat with no problem and that will make the difference.

Tom -I am republican and will vote democratic

Sure you guys are.

Meanwhile, Yahoo! News “real reporter” Elias Weiss ensures his place at the table by parroting the obligatory narrative:

… Dinesh D’Sousa’s discredited documentary 2000 Mules and the right-wing ecosystem of debunked ballot conspiracies that accompanies it … “I think it’s a pretty obvious attempt to intimidate people and promote completely baseless claims of election fraud”…

Note all he has to do is claim it. A unified “media” voice means he doesn’t have to prove it, not that his DSM employers would let him try…

Terms of Surrender

Ahead of Midterms, New Demands Urge Meta, Twitter, Google, Tiktok to Remove Disinformation on Election, Abortion & Deplatform Accounts That Violently Threaten Poll Workers [More]

The in-your-face domestic commies are dictating the terms of acceptable political discourse. Basically, if you don’t support handing them all the power, shutting up, and then killing yourself, you need to be shut down.

And THEY’LL decide who “feels” threatened and over what.

The Gaslighting Of The Masses

Never before have we been able to observe the application and effects of these powerful technologies in real-time on such a massive scale. [More]

I believe this is one reason why we who have been fighting the lies about the right to keep and bear arms for years, and who have seen the denial of reality and insistent substitution of lies coming from what we’ve been conditioned to accept as “authority figures” are better prepared than most to recognize when it’s being done in other areas.

And an age-old question comes to mind.

[Via bondmen]

Attn: Arizona Republicans

Eric Spencer, election attorney, will be running the GOP’s “War Room” on election day (Nov 8). He needs attorneys roving on the ground (troubleshooting calls for legal assistance at polling places) and in the war room (helping to answer calls/emails and troubleshooting legal issues). [More]

This is one of the most crucial election states. This latest edition of “Republican Briefs” has info activists need to be aware of.

[Via TM]

Point of Order

Indeed, the government’s seditious conspiracy charges against Stewart Rhodes, the founder of Oath Keepers, and several of his associates for their alleged involvement in the January 6 Capitol riots puts the entire concept of anti-government political expression on trial. [More]

As I keep pointing out:

No person who advocates, or has been or is a member, or associated with, any organization, formal or informal, that advocates the overthrow of the government of the United States or the violation of the Constitution thereof, shall be entitled to be a member or associate member.

There’s a huge difference between being “anti-government” and “anti-regime.”

[Via bondmen]


Republicans are trying to diagnose suppressed rural turnout, too. Ryan Girdusky, a Republican political consultant, “blamed the results on messaging by the GOP that didn’t appeal to rural voters,” POLITICO reported. “Trump’s success in exciting those voters, he said, showed that they are motivated by issues such as crime, immigration, homelessness and education.” [More]

Who could have ever known that fire in bellies is what drives the engine?

Certainly not the “leadership”…

[Via Michael G]

How to Win Friends and Influence People

Biden Puts Italy’s New PM Giorgi Meloni on the Same Level as Chinese Dictator Xi Jinping – Xi “makes the case straight up that democracies can’t be sustained in the 21st century. You just saw what’s happened in Italy in that election. You’re seeing what’s happening around the world.” [More]

Way to insult an ally and alienate its voters.

I thought people who questioned election results were insurrectionists…?

[Via Michael G]

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