Officer husband of slain Uvalde teacher was detained, had gun taken away after trying to save wife [More]
What was he trying to do, make them all look bad?
[Via WiscoDave]
Notes from the Resistance
“Arming school personnel is a serious decision that is left up entirely to your school. It is optional,” DeWine wrote. [More]
So in spite of all the hoop-de-doo, the great majority will remain “gun-free zones.” So much for “preemption” when you codify a “patchwork quilt.”
This guy never fails to prove himself a weasel trying to play all sides, does he?
Tangentially related, Pursuit of Patriotism wonders about school district liability in mass shootings. I’ve long maintained the failure is not so much one of unthinking negligence as it is outright hostility and deliberate indifference.
Of course, student safety should be a top priority. But have you thought of the repercussions of the school security they are requesting? [More]
Some people have been negative online, saying, “Why homeschool your kids when they’ll live in isolation and become the next mass shooter?” [More]
And the body of evidence for that is? And cite someone other than Marxist public teachers unions that have failed everyone except themselves, and that will fight tooth and nail against a tax credit that might diminish the slop in their troughs.
So their solution is to send their children to “gun-free” mass shooter assembly lines.
[Via bondmen]
“… 21 of these 160 incidents just like this were disrupted and successfully stopped by unarmed individuals…” [Watch]
I got your “run, hide, fight” right here… Funny, how you have to watch to the very end to get this calculated little factoid.
By “just like this” she means the police were unable/unwilling to get to them in time and they were forbidden by law from having the means of effective defense, making it fair to wonder what the outcome might have been and how many lives might have been saved in the other 139 incidents had that not been the case…
[Via Jess]
How this special bookshelf can protect kids in the classroom – Acworth company is creating bullet-proof bookshelves that can protect kids in the classroom [More]
Ridiculous. Anything to deny the obvious truth.
Maybe we should also make the kids insert these, just in case…
[Via Mack H]
Following an investigation, the guns were determined to belong to the school’s principal, Geyler Castro, officials said. It was not immediately clear why the administrator brought the weapons to the school. [More]
She doesn’t look like a lefty so I’m wondering what’s going on.
K-12 Carry In Georgia – Declined By School Districts [More]
And it would appear the most that can be expected from “pro-gun lawmakers” is weasel-wording that avoids actually doing anything.
“Do nothing” is a hell of a response to all the antis screaming “Something must be done!”
As a result of the passage of SB 554, schools in Oregon now have the authority to prevent licensed adults from being anywhere on their property while armed. [More]
Tell me that won’t make “school shooters” think twice!
GOP lawmakers pass bill allowing for armed teachers… Jagdish Khubchandani, a professor of public health at New Mexico State University … offered a skeptical take of the idea. [More]
Well, there’s a stunner.
[Via Mack H]
Instead of targeting guns and gun owners, Trump called for a “top to bottom security overhaul at schools across the country” in a variety of ways; single-point entries, security fences, metal detectors, a school resource officer in every school, and yes, arming teachers who volunteer, are vetted, and trained. [More]
Now if he only takes those words to heart if he’s ever in power again.
Am I so wrong to doubt he will?