The Nothing Will Happen But Maybe Gun Owners Will Forget My Previous Treachery Act

Ernst Works to Protect Lawful Gun Dealers from ATF [More]


1% chance of being enacted

Let’s see what the odds will be should election dreams come true. And if anyone’s still interested.

Sorry not sorry to be so cynical, but this is the same “solidly pro-gun candidate” who voted with Chuck Schumer on that “bipartisan” infringement bill the administration is now trying to sodomize us with,

Besides, all this really does is “legitimize” the whole power usurpation scheme. We all have the right to be “lawful gun dealers.”

[Via Jess]

A Sternly-Worded Letter

Maybe one of these days such letters will include “Who the hell do you think you are and under what legitimate Constitutionasl authority do you dare to even insert your subversive @$$ into private sales of arms between American citizens?” followed with an order to immediately surrender himself for trial.

[Via Jess]

Zero Tolerance is No Virtue

The bill, introduced on Tuesday, will “provide firearm licensees an opportunity to correct statutory and regulatory violations, and for other purposes” and says the “Attorney General may not bring an enforcement action to revoke, or deny a renewal of, a license for a violation of any provision of this chapter or any implementing regulation thereof on the basis of a self-reported violation.” [More]

Good. I was getting tired of posting photos of inspectors with apparent slack stains and then having to deal with threats from U.S. Marshals.

Although I wouldn’t expect Senate Dems to let the bill go anywhere, it’s not on her GovTrack page yet, so I can’t give you a prognosis percent, but my bet is low single-digit.

The Let’s F*** FFLs Who Obey the Law Act of 2024

Say goodbye to your favorite FFL because your state legislature is about to run them all out of business. Washington Gun Law President, William Kirk, discusses HB 2118, which is now set to be put on the floor in the Senate tonight, and is expected to pass. [Watch]

Fortunately, the black market won’t have to comply with any of this targeted harassment.

[Via Jess]

Apples And Oranges

Maine lawmakers call on Cabela’s, Kittery Trading Post to stop selling ‘assault rifles’ [More]

Well, yeah, because “gunman, Robert Card, bought one of his weapons, a handgun, at the Cabela’s in Scarborough.”

Don’t worry– the grabbers’ll come back to their initial goal in due time:

[Enlarge in new tab]

[Via bondmen]

A Taxing Proposition

Today the Illinois Appellate Division reversed a lower court decision that had dismissed a legal challenge to the Cook County tax on firearms and ammunition sales. [More]

That case has been going back and forth for years. I’d reserve words like “huge” for the final decision, whenever that is.

[Via Jess]

Bloody-Handed, Greedy Gun Stores Profiting from Slaughter of Innocents!!!

Gun shops that sell the most guns used in crime revealed in new list [More]

“Real reporter” Nick Penzenstadler and USA Today (A Gannett Publication) said it, I believe it, that settles it.

“Bass Pro Shops and Cabela’s, Rural King and Sportsman’s Warehouse”…?

Hey, I’ll bet more cars from large volume dealers are involved in accidents, too!

Produce one instance where any of the named stores, operating under the threat of surprise “zero tolerance” audits and record/inventory seizures, knowingly sold a firearm to a “prohibited person.” Is it their fault if Hunter Biden walks in and lies on a 4473?

Hey, going after the “law-abiding” who leave records to track has always been easier than tackling the underworld.

What? Gannett didn’t tell us about that? And, in fact, made a point of axing and erasing the one guy who would?

No Supply Demand

Washington Gun Law President, William Kirk, discusses HB 2118, a actual reality this legislative session and a bill who’s sole purpose is to financially ruin every single FFL in the State of Washington. If you thought your individual liberties have been under attack, wait until you check this piece of leglislation out. This is the most Orwellian and dystopian piece of legislation to ever be introduced in Washington State and must be stopped now. [Watch]

Prohibitonists gonna prohibit…

[Via Jess]

History Lesson

“Our brief is really a look at history,” said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb. “We have detailed gun regulation in this country dating back to before the Revolutionary War, and our brief explains how the state has failed to provide a single Founding-era restriction on firearms commerce. [More]

The prohibitionist have been dodging that challenge for a long time.

Tax Holiday

To amend Code Section 48-8-3 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to exemptions from sales and use taxes, so as to exempt sales of firearms, ammunition, gun safes, and related accessories during an 11 day period each year; to provide for related matters; to repeal conflicting laws; and for other purposes. [More]

Keep track of who’s behind it and bill progress here.

[Via Jess]

More Guns, Less Crime

Data posted at the Gun Violence Archive website shows 2023 produced fewer homicides, suicides, and gun-related injuries than in 2022, which indicates expansion of permitless carry laws, allowing more people to carry firearms for personal protection, did not result in more bloodshed as anti-gunners predicted. [More]

Someone ought to write a book with that title…

We’re the Only Ones Very Least Enough

At the very least, Montgomery County Sheriff Sean Kilkenny has violated his oath of office, particularly the portion in which he swore to support and defend the United States Constitution including the Second Amendment. [More]

“Patsy” seems such a polite way to say “oath-breaking, mother f*****g piece of s***”…

He’s not an unwitting dupe. His evil is self-serving and premeditated.

Baltimore’s ATF Lawsuit Really Only Targets ‘Law-Abiding’ Gun Dealers

The prohibitionists want to sue dealers out of existence and are using spurious allegations parroted by their complicit media partners to add another con to their repertoire of rights swindles. [More]

Does anyone believe Steve Detttelbach’s ATF doesn’t welcome being sued and hasn’t been ordered to find a plausible way to take a dive?

Thinking Outside the Dox

…Indiana Superior Court Judge John M. Sedia denied an order to quash subpoenas for records maintained by several large Indiana gun dealers. [More]

Who does he think he is?

Rob Bonta?

[Via Jess]

Related UPDATE

[Via WiscoDave]

Speaking of a Public Nuisance…

“These may be the first two lawsuits filed by the Statewide Affirmative Firearms Enforcement office, but they will not be the last,” Attorney General Matthew J. Platkin (D) said in a news conference. “We’re putting everyone else in the gun industry on notice.” [More]

So you deserve to get raped because of that short skirt you wore and how dare you direct citizens to where things are legal…?

This Platkin creature is quite the zealous little fascist. It seems personal.

You know how you can tell he’s lying…?

[Via Jess]

I’m Gonna Sit Right Down and Write Myself a Letter

Montana Attorney General Austin Knudsen led a coalition of 26 attorneys general in opposition to the Biden administration’s shocking and unconstitutional attack on American’s right to keep and bear arms that could criminalize law-abiding citizens for selling a single firearm for profit unless the seller obtains a federal license. [More]

Good arguments, but you know the fix is already in.

It’d be stronger if they had also mutually committed to legal consequences they will initiate on behalf of the gun-owning citizens in their respective states when the rule is enacted.

Then again, control freaks generally won’t slow down unless they’re more personally invested in the cost/benefit ratio.

Record Gun Sales Not Necessarily a Mandate for Political Change

So, “we’re” winning? If you listen to some “gun pundits,” this shows the tide is turning and gives gun owners cause to celebrate. The enthusiasm would be more credible if there were some believable numbers showing new gun ownership will translate into votes against Democrats, the party of citizen disarmament, in enough numbers to eject the gun-grabbers from power and replace them with Second Amendment stalwarts. [More]

Harvey Keitel’s NSFW “Well, let’s not start ******* **** *****’* ***** quite yet” line from Pulp Fiction comes to mind.

Without Further Comment

Once the comment period has ended, the ATF will consider the public comments before deciding whether to adopt the rule, modify it, or drop it. [More]

Y’know, I was nodding along with you right until this last line. Does anyone seriously believe the decision wasn’t made before the required rule was posted for comment?

The only reason I submitted one was to show my solidarity with those making their refusal to bow down a matter of record. That’s why I urge you to come and stand with us, regardless of the coordinated Astroturf campaign.

I just wish I could believe the poor showing from “our side” is because most consider it a useless effort and believe Bruen will save us, instead of what “experience hath shown” to generally be the case.

[Via Dan Gifford]

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