It sounds more like reserve “Only Ones,” and Founding era thought leaders weren’t big on “select militias.” [More]
Letting those with an agenda redefine terms ignores the real argument.
Notes from the Resistance
It sounds more like reserve “Only Ones,” and Founding era thought leaders weren’t big on “select militias.” [More]
Letting those with an agenda redefine terms ignores the real argument.
If only the Founders had conceived of a way that Americans could band together in times of existential threat and to provide for what was “necessary to the security of a free state…” [More]
Who thinks disarming before the collapse “top men” are preparing for is a good idea?
Democrats sue GOP county executive over armed volunteer unit they say amounts to an illegal militia [More]
So the ones who scream “It says well regulated!” freak when someone takes them at their word…?
In fact though, this sounds more like reserve “Only Ones,” and the Founders weren’t big on “select militias.”
[Via Jess]
A quick read of the bill, SB 947, will show it to be a clumsy and poorly crafted effort to reinvent the meaning of the word “militia” with the single purpose of telling the people of Oregon that they are not part of what we all know they are part of and to further remind us that all power is vested in the military as controlled by Tina Kotek and the people are merely subjects. [More]
This would be a good one to throw at Pam Bondi to see if she’ll fight states redefining what the Constitution says.
Under an expired contract, pay for sergeants starts at $98,000 and is capped at $118,000 after roughly five years, according to the NYPD’s Sergeants Benevolent Association (SBA). Patrol officers top out at $115,000 – meaning hundreds of sergeants make less than thousands of rank-and-file cops who have reached top pay for their position. [More]
Oh, the weight of the badge… “Law and order” Republicans are outraged!
The standing army sure makes a lot more than the average member of the Constitutional Militia it keeps disarmed, members who don’t have qualified immunity and union protection…
So what do New Yorkers get for their losses in freedom and treasure…?
Padilla and Kash Patel clash on gun ownership in America [Watch]
Did you see a clash?
I saw equivocation over easily answered questions.
No, prior restraints are not consitututional. It says “shall not be infringed.” Yes, every terrible implement of the soldier is the birthright of an American.
But if he answered plainly, he’d never get confirmed?
If so, it’s because Republicans have consistently over the years avoided using their bully pulpits to articulate the reasons for the Second Amendment, so to most people they come across as something that intuitively goes against everything they’ve been “told.”
As long as that’s the case– as long as 2A advocacy is marginalized and relegated to a niche segment outside of the mainstream– treasonous Democrats like Padilla will be able to manipulate with words like “extreme”.
That’s why I’m not letting up on Trump’s unfulfilled campaign rhetoric and what he could do to start turning things around. That’s why I’ll keep calling it out each day that goes by where he ignores us.
[Via Herschel]
Tangentially-Related UPDATE
He can be clear when he wants to be. [More]
[Via Michael G]
Or they could do this.
Been a while since we discussed privateering…
Good luck getting business licenses and insurance, and then navigating your way through the government contracting/procurement process. And lawyers– don’t forget lots of lawyers.
Hey, now that Trump has ordered only two genders, does that mean I can’t self-identify and apply for woman-owned business perks?
[Via WiscoDave]
The Moral Philosophy of Resistance to Tyranny in the Judeo-Christian Tradition [More]
Dr. Miguel Faria notes text, history, and tradition support a moral duty to defend life and liberty.
From yesterday’s Bondi hearings what became abundantly clear is Democrats don’t want DOJ looking into their shenanigans.
I wonder what political connections and communications will emerge…
[Via Michael G]
One might reasonably ask why, with all the various shooting sports available, it is the tactical shooting sports that have grown exponentially in recent years. The answer is simple: There is a growing recognition in the United States that average citizens may, in the not-too-distant future, have to defend themselves against ungovernable crime — or tyranny. [More]
Just because Congress is deliberately indifferent to it’s mandated militia obligations under Article.1. Section. 8. doesn’t mean DIY isn’t an option… all except for the organizing part. Gun groups focused exclusively on self-defense really ought to put some energy into convincing “our beautiful Second Amendment” president-elect into promoting that and removing state “legal” barriers against…
[Via Dan Gifford]
The Second Amendment references a militia, “the security of a free State,” and two specific rights–the right to possess arms and the right to carry them–and all of this is bound together by a general, overarching right to self-defense. To put it simply, the Second Amendment is multi-faceted. [More]
True enough.
And ignoring core purpose, which so many do, is a grave mistake.
[Via bondmen]
Anyone who tells you 18-to-20-year-olds are not fully enfranchised citizens entitled to exercise their rights under the Second Amendment is a liar and an enabler of tyranny. [More]
Sending back what should have been a no-brainer makes me wonder which SCOTUS members we’ve been told are 2A-friendly are getting ready to disappoint…
Mark W. Smith says they’re “GREAT 2A ARGUMENTS.”
I’d feel better if they cited the word “militia” more than once, and that just to quote the amendment.
[Via Jess]
The Supreme Court on Tuesday sent a challenge to a Pennsylvania law barring people 18- to 20-years-old from carrying guns back to the lower courts for another look in light of last term’s decision in United States v. Rahimi, in which the justices attempted to provide guidance for courts reviewing Second Amendment challenges to restrictions on gun rights. [More]
I know the wheels of justice grind slowly and we have procedures for a reason, but come on...
[Via Jess]
If they do find any, I wonder what percent will be embedded feds…
If they can’t provoke the low-hanging fruit, they need to find some other way to conflate them with us.
[Via WiscoDave]
Shoemaker submitted his original response to the complaint on Sept. 18, including a defense reading: “There was and will be no Constitutional violation in enforcing the statute because the phrase ‘bear arms’ is a 1791-era idiom referring to military or militia service. Plaintiffs have failed to plead their involvement in a militia.” [More]
He “loves history“? You can’t prove it by this.
This is the quality of moron presuming to detemine your rights in New York? What repercussions will this douche suffer?
Looks like the county prosecutor is just as big of an @$$hole.
To those praising the “Only One” for “deescalation,” this was elitism writ large. He knew who she was and who she knows. Imagine what he would have done to her if she weren’t the DA, that is, to you and me, for the same behavior.
All she had to do was “apologize,” and she’s back to having the uniforms put you and me behind bars for claiming our rights.
Five musket balls fired during the event known as “The Shot Heard Round the World” on April 19, 1775 were recently discovered by archeologists working at the Minute Man National Historic Park in Concord. [More]
Concord was over three hours later…
[Via Edmund M]
The question before the courts should be simple: How did people at the time of the Constitution’s ratification define “arms”? [More]
“Weapons of war” are precisely what the Founders had in mind.
The Self-Defense Brigade, organized “at the behest of Archbishop Dexter Burke of the Walk in the Light Church of God,” is reminiscent of an effort from the middle of the last century, one remembered and honored by Amendment advocates with long memories, but for the most part ignored by Democrats and self-designated “civil rights leaders,” none of whom, if they even know about him, are keeping the example set by Robert Hicks alive, to be reflected on today and passed on to the next generations. [More]
Go ahead, sic the cops on ’em, Democrats. I dare ya.
A predominantly Black neighborhood in Hartford, Connecticut, hoping to fend off violent crime, has turned to an armed group of citizens to patrol their streets by land and by air. [More]
So they’re breaking the law?
Go on, break ’em up and arrest ’em, Connecticut Democrats.
[Via Jess]
Despite facing backlash from civil rights activists and Democratic lawmakers, Republicans in conservative-leaning Nassau County, New York, are moving forward with a plan to form an armed, civilian militia that the local government could operate as a de facto police force during “emergencies.” [More]
To paraphrase Slick Willie, it depends upon what the meaning of the term “civil rights activist” is.
Think of the mentality of anyone who would be against this.
[Via Jess]
Calling it a “power grab,” Gov. Greg Abbott (R-Texas) has expressed his opposition to the Biden administration’s proposal to transfer members of the Air National Guard to the Space Force without the permission of state or territorial governors. [More]
That must be why the ACLU tried to evade my challenge by claiming the Militia evolved into the National Guard…
And there are still egotistical useful idiots mistaking themselves for informed trying to keep the lie proppped up.
It’s funny– I go back to some of my old stuff, and while I can see things I said then that I might challenge today, I’m not unhappy that my influencers then were those arguing text, history, and tradition…
[Via Michael G]
Tangentially Related UPDATE
And Nadler’s still beating that horse…
[Via Jess]
Rifle-Armed Robot Dogs Now Being Tested By Marine Special Operators [More]
So once they’re “in common use,” can the rest of us get them?
[Via bondmen]
And the prohibitionists are aided in citizen disarmament when “gun rights leaders” not only accept – but argue for an invented “in common use at the time” qualifier that limits permitted firearms to what is commercially popular, as opposed to what soldiers and police carry… [More]
Hitler envisioned a Thousand Year Reich. The goal in the evil minds of fascist gun banners is a totalitarian monopoly of violence—forever.
Maxine Waters Calls on DOJ to Investigate Trump Supporters ‘Training Up in the Hills’ for Civil War [More]
As opposed to Maxine Waters supporters training for another “defining moment in the way that black people resisted“…?
And funny, how “insurrectionists of color” are social justice champions in this racist b!+ch’s world…
[Via bondmen]
NYC buildings commissioner wants inspectors to make arrests, carry guns [More]
What was it Mr. Mason had to say…?
I ask, Who are the militia? They consist now of the whole people, except a few public officers.
Everything these statist bastards do repudiates the intent of the Framers.
[Via Jess]
“Well, the reservists are ready and willing, if Russkies are coming. They will be a big help for the regular army,” Saro declared. “If there will be new shooting ranges opened, the main reason is just to be ready and practice. It is pretty similar to our Civil Guard that was active before the wars. Then, besides reservist and military, there are hunters.” [More]
Yes, there’s plenty wrong with their “gun control” laws. That doesn’t mean we can’t learn from what they do right.