All You Need to Know About Christie

“Eight years ago, you were entertained,” he said. “I forgive you.” [More]

28 years ago you said this. And you lied about saying this two years earlier:

“‘The issue which has energized me to get into this race is the recent attempt by certain Republican legislators to repeal New Jersey’s ban on
assault weapons,’ Christie said in a statement released (on April 14, 1993). ”In today’s society, no one needs a semi-automatic assault weapon.'”

I won’t forgive you.

Label Talk

The dark-money effort is called No Labels, and they’ve committed an eye-popping $70 million to put a third-party presidential candidate on the ballot in 2024. On Fox News on Sunday, West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin wouldn’t rule out running for president on the No Labels ticket. The very real risk is that Sen. Manchin—or another Republican-funded candidate—would peel away enough votes from the Democratic candidate to hand victory to the Republican candidate… [More]

I’m on MoveOn’s email list to keep apprised of what they’re up to.

This sounds promising!

So Much for ‘Home Rule’

More than two-thirds of big-money, super PAC contributions supporting Mike Johnston for Denver mayor has come at the hands of just five people, and four of those are from outside Colorado — and all with ties to gun control or other “social justice” issues. [More]

It’s not like we didn’t see a slow fist coming:

In July, and again in December of 2013, this column warned — and has been a lonely voice raising the alarm in subsequent reports — that Michael Bloomberg’s Mayors Against Illegal Guns had been establishing well-funded “action groups” in the various states as part of a committed strategy to impose New York-style “gun controls” throughout the land. The first report noted MAIG had already been at it for 10 months, yet information from the media, as well as from pro- and anti-gun groups, has been limited to nonexistent.

“Our side” needs to stop being so overwhelmingly reactionary and lay out adjustable plans for the long term. Just like the enemy does.

The MAGA Menace!

A former GOP candidate in New Mexico has been indicted on federal charges in connection to a spate of shootings at Democratic officials’ homes after he lost his 2022 midterm election bid, court documents show. [More]

CNN is groping itself in ecstasy now that it’s finally got a Republican involved in “gun violence.”

With the guy’s prior record, you’d think Democrats who are all about felons voting wouldn’t have sued to keep him off the ballot. And the Stupid Party “leadership” failed, too: Instead of disavowing the creep, they played the “young Hispanic man, who turned his life around” card, as if Democrats still won’t paint them as a bunch of white supremacists.

[Via 1Gat]

The Opposite of ‘Diverse,’ and ‘Inclusive’

After these speeches about diversity and inclusion for all, the Democrat’s true attitude towards minorities was once again on hideous display as Lieber demanded that the Republican Senators, who have taken a brave stand to protect their constituents, be forcibly dragged back to the floor to help the Democrats pass more attacks on gun owners and parents. [More]

Bottom line, they’re all about using fraud, coercion, and force to bend everyone to their will.


Obey them or they’ll rage, seek revenge, attack…

“Liberals” my … eye.

To the Bitter End

They push her wheelchair, remind her how and when she should vote and step in to explain what is happening when she grows confused. [More]

As long as they can get the right light on the shell they’ve always controlled to blink when they want it to, those who benefit from keeping it animated aren’t about to turn the seat over to someone else’s dummy.

So being too mentally compromised to own a gun in her opinion doesn’t disqualify a Democrat from a Senate seat…?

Not Your Father’s Political Campaign

Nolte: Ron DeSantis’s First Act as a Presidential Candidate Was to Ignore Establishment Media [More]

I know everybody is laughing at the technical glitches. That’s to distract focus from how revolutionary bypassing the DSM and making them come to you on your terms is, and how that terrifies those who are starting to realize the implications.

Release the Hacken!

To fight back against the improper use of taxpayer dollars and to defund bureaucrats, today, U.S. Senator Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) is calling on Inspector General Michael Horowitz to work with the whistleblowers to fully investigate the issue, recover misspent funds, and hold bad actors accountable. [More]

Because nothing says “We’ll get to the bottom of this” like entrusting the investigation to a Breuer/Holder/Obama apparatchik! And look at all those wrong-doers his Gunwalker inquest nailed!

Thank goodness no “real reporters” ever followed up on any of this!

So the question becomes is Ernst actually oblivious to this or is this just a way to pander to her base while knowing full well nothing will change?

[Via Antigone]

Secure in Her Betrayals

While most Senate Republicans have made enormous sacrifices to defend your rights the House Republicans seem determined to move the Democrat agenda forward as quickly as possible. [More]

That’s what happens when glad-handing, rope-selling “capitalist” Vichycons like Kim Wallen can run without Republican primary opposition. It’s a Republican district: Are there no Republicans in it to fix that?

Wolf in the Fold

Scott argued he can unify the GOP with a positive, forward-looking message built around a compelling personal story and upbeat demeanor… [More]

I dunno… we’ve already seen some of the Swamp-protecting results of that “Wall Street backing”…

Never forget he picked Lisa Murkowski over Kelly Tshibaka. That and he’s a lying prior restraint/no real due process gun-grabber.

The fat cats want him because they think he’ll be able to diffuse accusations that they’re racists. If they think that’ll faze the Democrats one bit, they’re delusional.

So are They Gonna Do Somethin’?

FBI Ignored Alleged Clinton Campaign Election Meddling Plan After CIA Briefed Obama And Biden, Durham Report Says [More]

Why is it I expect the Republicans to respond like Billy Bob Thornton?

Tangentially Related UPDATE:

6 Freshly Documented Instances Of Systemic Pro-Democrat FBI Corruption [More]

Same question.

[Via bondmen]

Doing the Right Thing

Nevada Gov. Lombardo strikes down 3 gun control bills in first vetoes of session – NV governor said he does not support legislation that infringes on constitutional rights of Nevadans … One bill would have raised the eligible age to possess semiautomatic shotguns and assault weapons from 18 to 21. Another would have barred possession of a gun within 100 yards of an election site entrance with narrow exceptions, while also solidifying language meant to ban homemade “ghost guns.” A third bill would have prohibited owning a firearm within a decade of a gross misdemeanor or felony hate crime conviction. [More]

Supportive feedback is important. Especially noting the antis with their knives out.

[Via Jess]

Skinfolk But Not Kinfolk

Trump-Endorsed Daniel Cameron Wins Kentucky GOP Primary for Governor [More]

He must, as President Biden reminds us, must not be black. And seeing as how Republicans are white supremacists, I’ll leave you with the words of a “progressive” and inclusive CNN pundit describing him:

Uncle Tom. Step & fetch Negro. The end

You bully bigots and Trump cultists!

[Via Michael G]

Much Ado About Nothing

Congresswoman Lauren Boebert introduced the Shall Not Be Infringed Act to repeal the gun control provisions and every Second Amendment infringement passed by the 117th Congress and signed into law. [More]

With Democrats in control of the Senate and the White House, why is anybody expending energy on this now?

Let’s see how gung-ho pandering Republicans are if Red Wave 2.0 doesn’t get pushed back out to sea in ’24.

Eating Their Own

“We cannot send the message that you can come and disrupt democratic processes and be rewarded for it,” he said. “We cannot let this be a play in somebody’s playbook for the future that they think they can come and use these kind of tactics to come disrupt this process to get a result that they want.” [More]

Why not? It works every time you leftists want to shut down a “conservative.”

[Via Steve T]

All Stirred Up and No Place to Go

The ATF jackboots have lost tens of thousands of guns, stolen millions of dollars, burned dozens of innocent women & children, shot the dogs, and exist as a tool to infringe on your rights. Put an end to their tyranny. Support the Abolish the ATF Act at [More]

All true, but we first need to abolish the edicts they enforce and impose, otherwise this is just kicking the can. And in any case, without the Senate and the White House, this stands no chance of passing, so the energy and resources being spent on this would be better applied to actual achievable goals.

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