The World According to Bob

While Gov. Gavin Newsom’s proposal for a 28th Amendment is an admirable effort to confront the gun violence epidemic, a better proposal would be to repeal and replace the 2nd Amendment through Congress and the states. By replacing the convoluted language of the 2nd Amendment with a list of specific rules for gun ownership, gun violence can be reduced. [More]

I see Bob Ladendorf is as inconsequential a fool as he always was.

You kind of get the feeling that some people were pantsed once too often in high school…

[Via Remarks]

Swords into Plowshares

Oakland Police officials and nonprofit Guns to Gardens hosted an event on Saturday seeking to exchange guns for gardening tools, A’s tickets, gift cards and other items in an effort to curb gun violence. [Watch]

This is Anne Pressly, reporting.

[Via 1Gat]

Related UPDATE

Looks like there are plenty of herbivores in Colorado as well.

[Via bondmen]

An Air of Disbelief

“The Toronto Sun has learned Quebec police are investigating the possibility that the smoke creating poor air quality in southern Ontario and making downtown skylines disappear may have been the result of arson… This narrative has not made as many headlines — and is polar opposite to what the likes of U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer and Rep. Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez and Environment Minister Steven Guibeault have been saying.” [More]

If you think they’re misdirecting now, wait ’til they find out the perp is one of their fellow environmentalcases or a “refugee”!

[Via Michael G]

Related UPDATE

There are Now 250 “Out-of-Control” Fires in Canada, Here’s Why Some Say It’s All ‘Planned’ [More]

And the outrageous thing is, that wouldn’t surprise anyone who’s been paying attention to how totalitarians operate.

[Via WiscoDave]

Promises to Keep

LeBron James Family Foundation launches I PROMISE Housing with 50 affordable apartment units in Akron [More]

I dunno… the Pre-Application seems to reinforce the institutionalized racism of overrepresentation in the criminal justice system…

Still, I wonder, seeing who hangs out at LeBron’s I PROMISE School, would it be bad form to start a pool on when the apartments will have their first shooting? I also wonder if the housing agreement will say anything about firearms…

Label Talk

The dark-money effort is called No Labels, and they’ve committed an eye-popping $70 million to put a third-party presidential candidate on the ballot in 2024. On Fox News on Sunday, West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin wouldn’t rule out running for president on the No Labels ticket. The very real risk is that Sen. Manchin—or another Republican-funded candidate—would peel away enough votes from the Democratic candidate to hand victory to the Republican candidate… [More]

I’m on MoveOn’s email list to keep apprised of what they’re up to.

This sounds promising!

Terror Tactics

This is economic terrorism, literally terrorism, creating fear among the workers and forcing the corporations to sell the things you want, not sell the things you don’t.” [More]

What a great way to describe lawsuits against gun manufacturers!

[Via bondmen]

The Opposite of ‘Diverse,’ and ‘Inclusive’

After these speeches about diversity and inclusion for all, the Democrat’s true attitude towards minorities was once again on hideous display as Lieber demanded that the Republican Senators, who have taken a brave stand to protect their constituents, be forcibly dragged back to the floor to help the Democrats pass more attacks on gun owners and parents. [More]

Bottom line, they’re all about using fraud, coercion, and force to bend everyone to their will.


Obey them or they’ll rage, seek revenge, attack…

“Liberals” my … eye.

Ride the Gravy Train to Equityland

ABC television network devoting two prime time hours to 1619 Project ‘documentary’ arguing for slavery reparations – There seems to be no end to the destructive propaganda emanating from the Walt Disney Company. [More]

It’s what they do.

And this does not bode well for the state of public sentiment and the likelihood of ’24 heralding a return to national senses…

[Via Michael G]

So Come On Down to Judas Guns…

Georgia gun dealer Jon Waldman says his conscience won’t allow him to continue selling guns that could be used to target kids. [Watch]

What a sniveling traitor and media whore.

He only opened it in March 2021? And he didn’t think of any of his objections before doing that? And now he renounces everything in the most public way possible? I’m thinking $omething else is going on.

Every comment seems to be saluting him for having the courage of his convictions. But the video’s companion news report says he only got into the business because he thought it was “lockdown proof.”

So what’s he going to do with his inventory? Sell it to some other FFL who will then sell it to the public to “target kids”?

Anybody from Georgia Carry know this guy?

[Via 1Gat]

It’s Not About Guns

New research shows the death rate among young people from gun violence rose with the increasing level of social vulnerability within the communities where the incidents occurred, regardless of whether a state’s gun laws were more permissive or restrictive. [More]

You don’t say.

“Gun laws alone” implies they’ll work in tandem with other centralized collectivist controls, which will only make everything worse.

“Social vulnerability” implies that personal failures are due to “systemic injustices” of a society with expectations for individual responsibility and accountability with commensurate incentives and deterrents, rather than the predictable and inevitable outcome of collectivist subsidizing of poor decision-making.

[Via Jess]

To the Bitter End

They push her wheelchair, remind her how and when she should vote and step in to explain what is happening when she grows confused. [More]

As long as they can get the right light on the shell they’ve always controlled to blink when they want it to, those who benefit from keeping it animated aren’t about to turn the seat over to someone else’s dummy.

So being too mentally compromised to own a gun in her opinion doesn’t disqualify a Democrat from a Senate seat…?

None Dare Call It Treason

Democrats: No Border Security Bill Until Citizens Accept More Poor Migrants [More]

So they’re holding it hostage unless their demands are met. The reason is obvious to any who would see.

Good thing this has nothing to do with that “single issue”. And I have that on good authority.

Any gun “influencer” that is still playing that game is part of the problem.

[Via bondmen]

Let Them Eat Bugs

Kerry Says US Farm Confiscations Not Off the Table [More]

Just not the farms that provide tomatoes to the feedhag he attached himself to

Remember another time farms were confiscated?

Y’know, I rely on farmers for my family’s survival several times a day. I’m trying to remember the last time I relied on a treasonous piece of parasitic sh!+.

If this results in resistance, I know whose side I’ll be on.

Or am I supposed to be afraid to post such sentiments?

[Via Michael G and  WiscoDave]

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