Nigerian Massacre Enabled by Same ‘Laws’ Being Demanded for U.S.


Unsurprisingly, the murderers who carried out the slaughter weren’t slowed down for an instant by the citizen disarmament edicts. [More]

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops agreeing with CAIR on citizen disarmament must show we’re more united than divided, right? I know these guys are counting on it!

Right After the Unconditional Surrender

CBS Urges U.S. Adopt Japan’s Occupation-Era Gun Control [More]

Well, the grabbers have threatened to nuke us on a couple occasions…

The evil mother****ers who believe they have no skin in the game really do fantasize about making war on us to bend the ones of us still alive to their will.

[Via Michael G]


Not Taking Any Chances

Sen. Chris Murphy urges Biden to not get involved in bipartisan gun talks [More]

What better evidence do we need that the Democrats realize the Doatard-in-Chief is an incompetent joke who screws up everything he does and says? And how is their knowing that and not acting on it not treason?

Kind of like the citizen disarmament they’re plotting…

Hopefully, Hunter’s latest outrage will provide the needed derailment distraction to expose them for the goddam elitist hypocrites they are.

[Via Michael G]

With Friends Like These

If this terrible legislation becomes law, our friends at the National Rifle Association point out tens of millions of law-abiding gun owners would be turned into felons and their lawfully-acquired property would be subject to confiscation by federal agents. [More]

And “our friends at the National Rifle Association” would advise compliance:

“Bill did what any honest, law-abiding American would do…he turned in his SKS Sporter to the police.”

[Via James Simpson]

Because Nothing Stops Aggression in Nature Like Appearing Weak and Vulnerable

For the love of God, stop fantasizing about a war between US citizens and their military [More]

I agree. Stop fantasizing.

Ensure the deterrent to prevent it from happening is credible:

“[A]rms like laws discourage and keep the invader and the plunderer in awe…”

[H/T Herschel]


Just Like the Founders Intended

Editorial in today’s Uvalde Leader-News calls for gun safety measures: “Raise the legal age to purchase all firearms to 21… Remove liability protections for firearms manufacturers… And for God’s sake, restrict high-capacity magazines to law enforcement and the military.” [More]

Because who but the “Only Ones” and the standing army should be able to deploy weapons of war against the people they are tasked with securing the Blessings of Liberty for…?

[Via WiscoDave]

Speaking of Disenfranchising Voters

Californians enacted the law by a statewide referendum with the unambiguous language that the sentence “shall be” imprisonment for at least 25 years and that prosecutors “shall plead and prove all known prior serious or violent felony convictions.” Nonetheless, directly and openly flouting that law, Gascon ordered a blanket policy of refusing to enter the prior convictions into the record. [More]

All that talk about “our democracy” is just that.

[Via Michael G]

We’re the Only Ones Silencing Enough

As you’ll see, the most shocking revelation from the interview comes via CBS’s reporter, who relays Gomez’s claim that some unknown officer threatened her with charges of obstruction of justice if she continued speaking out about the cops’ passivity. That would mean jail time for her, as she’s currently on probation for a prior offense. [More]

In the interests of consistency, if priors can terminate recognition of your Second Amendment rights, why should the First be any different?

[Via Michael G]

Irreconcilable Differences

Dozens of Georgia churches split from United Methodist Church over LGBTQ issues [More]

I don’t suppose a similar process exists for states over issues like that and/or RKBA…? Or will a violently abusive federal stalker beat them back into servile submission?

Going for the Gold

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said next week she will bring forward legislation to ban military-style assault weapons, as the chamber moves to address gun violence. [More]

It’s interesting watching how they can’t control their obsession to control.

Looks like a line in the sand to me…

I wonder how many others feel that way.

[Via Jess]



Footprint in the Door

WEF panelist boasts about “individual carbon footprint tracker” [More]

And naturally, they’ll need to keep tabs on what and how much you fire off at the range…

These blasphemers who would be gods are called “totalitarians” because they demand to control it all.

Until some individual carbon footprints are applied to some individual elitist backsides this will only get more and more intrusive.

[Via Michael G]

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