Render Unto Seizure

More than 15K “red flag” gun seizures since 2020, but AP claims the law is “barely used” [More]

Speaking of “barely used,” how about the presumption of innocence until proven guilty?

And as long as we’re talking “woefully low” and “too small a pebble to make a ripple,” I wonder if anyone has compiled verifiable figures proving a documented number of saved lives attributable to “red flag” confiscations.

[Via Jess]

A Mostly Peaceful Murder

Portland street mob shoots at elderly driver, accidentally kills one of their own [More]

Being part of the greatest threat and all, with literally years of close Three Percenter and Oath Keepers tie-ins, you’d think I’d know at least one violent person like this…

I don’t get it. My guns haven’t killed anyone, either.

[Via Michael G]

The People Who Don’t Trust US

                           Lewis E. Reed/Facebook

Former St. Louis City Board of Aldermen President Lewis Reed and former alderman Jeffrey Boyd plead guilty Friday in a political corruption scandal that shocked the city. [More]

Tell me the photo surprises anybody. I was going to try for two, but it looks like Boyd took his page down.

[Via bondmen]

We’re the Only Ones ‘Multitasking’ Enough

According to court documents, an investigation determined Cunningham worked in a secondary employment role for Hudson Services, which provides security services for Spire, several times since June 1. Investigators documented 11 shifts, many of which began in the early morning hours, from June 1 to August 9 in which Cunningham worked for Hudson Services while in official capacity as a lieutenant. [More]

So could you say he was doing a doubletake?

[Via bondmen]

Speaking of Hate Groups…

Justice Department Lawyer Smears Religious Liberty Advocate as ‘Hate Group’ [More]

Taking their talking points from the left is hardly new.

When he says “If so, then it’s time we end our professional association,” I assume it creates the same sense of loss as when Chrissy Teigen whines she’s taking her talents elsewhere

[Via Michael G]

The Wait is Over?

… Commonwealth Court Judge Patricia McCullough issued a preliminary injunction against the Pennsylvania State Police in Firearm Owners Against Crime – Institute for Legal, Legislative and Educational Action, et al. v. PSP Commissioner Evanchick, in relation to its non-compliance with 18 Pa.C.S. 6111.1, by failing to provide instantaneous or otherwise immediate responses to firearm background checks. [More]

Guy looks like more than his hat is too tight

You gotta wonder what kind of monkey wrenches the state will try to throw into the works before September 12 and what kind of surprises they have planned for after…

Chippie Off the Old Block?

“I have 4 daughters that play the game, 3 at the college level. We’ve always had that occasional idiot in the crowd, but never an atmosphere like this.” — Marvin Richardson, father of Duke volleyball player Rachel Richardson who was called racial slurs during a match at BYU [More]

So what, actually, was said? Be nice if there was– you know — evidence to back up the accusations. Which there apparently isn’t.

Kinda makes you wonder if ol’ Marvin is this fast and loose with dangerously prejudicial allegations in his capacity as a highly placed administration ATF mucky-muck — and why he wasn’t so identified by the CNN “Authorized Journalist.”

[Via Andy M]

Low-Hanging Fruit Alert

Here’s a tip: If you have some radical political views and an acquaintance reaches out, encourages you to act on your convictions, and maybe offers to introduce you to a guy who can sell you some bomb parts, don’t take him up on it. That guy’s almost definitely working for the feds. [More]

Amazing that some people need to be told. And those are the ones the enemy will use to smear those of us who don’t need to be.

[Via Michael G]

And There Was War in Heaven

The leader of the Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation has been accused by former colleagues of stealing more than $10 million in donations from the organization for personal use, according to a lawsuit filed in court this week. [More]

Which side do I need to root for to not be called a racist?  How about if I don’t root for either?

Oh, God, what do I do…?

[Via Michael G]

Wheeler Dealer

“Let’s stop talking about our inability to respond to crime in the community. Let’s stop advertising to criminals that they’re going to get away with it,” Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler said, using an expletive at a City Council meeting this week after police Chief Chuck Lovell once more asked for more officers. [More]

Let’s start by talking about Ted Wheeler’s part in all this.

No? Instead blame guns?

[Via Jess]

Survey SAYS…

This one says the Republicans will win in November. [More]

Provided they don’t blow it.


Latest polls

Republican candidate Tiffany Smiley up 17 points in latest polling [More]

I’d feel better about her if she didn’t try to play to both sides and totally ignore the right of the people to keep and bear arms on her agenda page.

[Via Jess]

We’re the Only Ones Practiced Enough

The Washington D.C. police officer who beat a Minnesota woman with a metal baton at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, is a 19-year veteran with a history of use-of-force complaints. [More]

Only a true professional can make it look so effortless.

Funny– all the leftist “violence against women” groups are silent on this. It’s almost like they have a different agenda than the one they say is their priority.

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