Speaking of Elite Threats…

Tulsi Gabbard: Washington Elite Pose “Greatest Threat” To Democracy [More]

To paraphrase Rhett Butler, democracy should be threatened and often, and by someone who knows how.

I don’t get the “conservative” fascination. Gabbard  reminds me of that  old Shake ‘N Bake commercial where the little Southern girl says “And I helped.”

[Via bondmen]

A Plan Comes Together

ATF’s New ‘Ghost Gun’ Rules Are as Clear as Mud – The ATF used a lot of words that invite lawsuits and leave industry insiders baffled. [More]

That’s by design. Make things so complicated nobody can figure them out and be willing to take investment risks. Plus, fedgov has unlimited resources to tie challenges up in court for years and/or until the Democrats can pass bulletproof legislation.

[Via Samuel W]

Someone’s Gotta Do It

Two gun rights organizations filed federal court lawsuits Thursday challenging bans on semi-automatic weapons and magazine ammunition restrictions adopted by two Colorado cities after the state allowed local municipalities to enact tougher gun control measures than called for by state law. The lawsuits against Boulder and Louisville by Rocky Mountain Gun Owners and the National Foundation for Gun Rights follow two others the groups lodged against the state and county over similar gun control measures. [More]

Think SAF’ll ever make peace with Dudley?

[Via Jess]

About That Standing Army the Founders Feared


So much for “weapons of war on the streets.” Combined with the demands for citizen disarmament, it doesn’t appear that “commonsense gun safety” is the real goal here.

I missed this resource when it came out.  It looks like it’ll come in handy in the future.

[Via Doc]

We’re the Only Ones Turning Up Enough

Months after deputies raided police department, missing money suddenly found in evidence room [More]

Now, now. I’m sure there’s a logical explanation for this. After all, based on “gun-free zone” and other exemptions, they are deemed more trustworthy to have a gun than you and I.

And remember, “Back the Green!”

[Via Michael G]

From the Party of Extreme Child Abuse

Radical Soros-Funded Massachusetts US Attorney Threatens Americans Who Oppose Genital Mutilation of Children — Calling Opposition a ‘Hate Crime’ [More]

Dripping with the poison of antisemitism, are we…?

51-50 party-line vote with Kamala being the tie-breaker…

[Via Michael G]

Lunatics Running the Asylum

The American Psychological Association on Thursday released a study claiming a link between racism and support for the Second Amendment. [More]

That’s right, we’re not just haters, we’re crazy haters! No leftist agenda there, right? Even when the useful idiots know they’re spouting crap?

There’s a reason why they call us “gun nuts.”

And for all our “moderate Republicans” backing “red flag laws” and mental health blanket dragnets (I’m talking to you, Marco, and to you, John):

How will rights be restored when there is no longer a compelling mental health reason to deny them? Who are the psychiatric evaluators, the risk management administrators, and the insurers who will be both sympathetic and willing to subject themselves to malpractice liabilities if they guess wrong?

Chuck gets the final word on this:

[Via Sweet Babboo]

Stealer’s Remorse

Shaun King defends buying $40K guard dog, complains he can’t get a gun [More]

Whines the racist moron who endorsed the old commie who threatens to mandate this

And hats off to whoever coined “Talcum X.”

Too bad he returned the dog, no doubt because it scared the hell out of him. I wanted to see his utter incompetence at maintaining consistent control of his own excitement-triggering emotions prompt it to react predictably and end up costing him a lot more than 40 grand.

[Via Jess]

Tyrants of Color

Newly-signed NY law says toy weapons must be white, bright colors, or ‘translucent’ [More]

They can be white but they can’t be black or brown? Another brand new “progressive” idea, I see…

So will they be able to raid and throw you in the slammer if you picked up a vintage Johnny Seven OMA or Mattel Tommy-Burst Detective Set off of eBay? I don’t suppose anyone would be interested in exploring why we used to be able to play with these across the land without provoking a hysterical SWAT response…?

And on the flip side, do you think Kathy knows about Furious Mike?

[Via Jess]

Speaking of Toxic Messengers…

Are gun advertisements in FTC’s crosshairs? Critics decry ‘toxic’ messaging as firearm sales soar [More]

If tyrants don’t respect the Second, why should the First bother them any?

It figures this subversion originated with the monopoly of violence apparatchiks over at  USA Today, a Gannett Publication

[Via Remarks]

Rotten Apple

Apple said it was “aware of a report that this issue may have been actively exploited.” The issue could allow a potential attacker to take complete control of these devices. [More]

That’s curious, considering Apple CEO Tim Cook not only benefits from California’s exclusive, discriminatory, and corrupt “may (not) issue” laws but voices support for those who want to sue manufacturers out of existence…

Standing Orders

“A document that is classified in Washington, DC, is unclassified in Florida — one could say such a thing, but it is nonsensical,” he said. “And it calls into question the good faith of anyone who would make such a claim.” [More]

Now replace “document” with “right” and “classified” with “protected.” And switch locales to “Chicago” and “Cheyenne.”

I don’t know about White House documents, but it sure seems as far as an armed citizenry goes, all government officials swearing an oath to uphold “the supreme Law of the Land” have had their standing orders for centuries.


Plaintiff lacks standing…Bruen is the wrong person to sue…plaintiff hasn’t shown injury… the plaintiff hasn’t shown a likelihood of winning… [More]

Everything to dance around and obscure the indisputable fact that these m***********g tyrannical New York a******s are denying a fundamental right to We the People under force of arms with full intent to bring an up-to-lethal hammer down on the head of anyone who disobeys.

[Via Antigone]

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