And Thank You for Your Service, Eh?

A Canadian Forces veteran seeking treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder and a traumatic brain injury was shocked when he was unexpectedly and casually offered medical assistance in dying by a Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) employee… [More]

It seems the more socialist a  country gets, the more receptive to choosing death as the answer its government becomes.

[Via  An Hour of Wolves]

It Couldn’t Hurt

Broad carry rights probably make states safer, but to the extent there is some hesitancy to draw the conclusion absolutely, such laws certainly have some deterrent effects with no proven increase of violence. [More]

This is kind of like a “For a fat girl you don’t sweat much” compliment, but since these guys are “Only Ones,” consider it a win.

[Via Jess]

It Could Be Stronger

Good opening statement. Now tell the rulers of cities and states doing this that their gun confiscation enforcers can get theirs from somebody else.

Stop 114

The measure essentially ends the sale of all firearms in Oregon for the foreseeable future and bans the sales of most shotguns and all standard capacity magazines forever. Possession of those items outside your home will be a criminal offense. If you are caught in possession of a standard capacity magazine INSIDE your home you will be required to prove that you had it before the law went into effect. There will be no presumption of innocence. [More]

If you’re an Oregon gun owner, consider this a muster call willingness test.

A Means to an End

A Minnesota Federal District judge defies the Supreme Court’s Bruen decision by applying “means-end scrutiny” and “narrow tailoring” to a case involving banning firearms at the Minnesota State Fair. [More]

He knows he can get away with it, hence giving SCOTUS and all gun owners the finger. If the Repubs don’t blow the “red wave,” they’ll have enough of a majority in the House to impeach, but not the 2/3 needed in the Senate to convict.

Naturally, the “progressive” Brennan Center says “if the impeach­ment power is used to punish judges for their rulings, it under­mines the vital inde­pend­ence of our judi­cial branch.”

Well, Clinton appointee Tunheim already did that by ignoring the High Court’s precedent and deferring to political interests. And, as with all things leftist, it depends on who’s doing the impeaching.

[Via Jess]

We’re the Fauxnly Ones Invasive Enough

Arizona Gunmen Raid Home While Falsely Claiming to Be U.S. Marshals, Says Sheriff [More]

As I’ve noted before, it wouldn’t hurt to be aware of The Fauxnly Ones Files. You never know when an “I was afraid he might not be a real cop” defense could use some validation that it’s a widespread and frequent enough phenomenon to be a legitimate concern.

[Via bondmen]

A Real Red Flag

“Governor Hochul made the announcement in Suffolk County where the County Sheriff’s Office is reporting a more than 75 percent increase in utilization of the Red Flag Law over the last three months.” [More]

And, of course, they’ll be prepared to handle the increased caseload to preclude drawn-out delays with rights denied…? I wonder if anyone will be keeping track of people caught up in the net being victimized…

Take the guns first, due process second,” Mr. President?

[Via Jess]

To Be or Not to Be

Most gun deaths are suicides. Could this law help prevent them? [More]

Let’s ask the “gun-free” Japanese!

Thoughts on filling out the form:

  • You’re admitting you’re not of sound mind. Yet somehow it’s sound enough to form a “binding legal contract”?
  • Say you want to stop “volunteering”– can it be used as evidence to initiate a “red flag” ban by people who object? By who?
  • If I were an FFL and someone who’d placed himself on the list came in with proof of being ‘free and clear,” in today’s litigious “knew or should have known” world I still would not put myself at risk by selling him a gun.
  • The real problem here is nobody wants to observe the law.

[Via Jess]

The Legion of Superheroes

“Having recently gone through a time of intense crisis, I now understand that I am suffering complex mental health issues…” [More]

Thank you, Captain Obvious!

The other ones either suffering complex mental health issues or just being whores for their jobs are the “Authorized Journalists”  who indulge and encourage such utter nonsense by referring to a singular person as “they.”

And is/are he/they microaggressing against himself/themselves when he/they says/say “I” instead of “we”?

How many spirits does The Guardian’s Australian Deputy Culture Editor think are in there, and why is it there’s never a herd of swine around when you need one?

Meanwhile, back at the farm, it looks like he’s setting things up to become a leading anti-gun spokesman, what with leaving them lying around with kids, and a one-year-old “pick[ing] up a loose bullet [sic] and put[ting] it in her mouth.”

And Thank You for Your Service

Attorney R. Davis Younts told Just the News the new CDC guidance won’t change military mandates “but absolutely should. [More]

Especially considering what could happen:

“If they are tried and convicted in the appeals court, the case reaches the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces. If a service member is convicted in this court, they would likely receive a dishonorable discharge, a bad-conduct discharge, or, in the case of an officer, a dismissal.”

And you know what that would mean.

Who will Judge the Judges?

Stop Houston Murders, a political action committee formed in Houston, Texas, to take on “soft-on-crime Democrat judges,” seeks to call attention to the skyrocketing violent crime and murder rate in the city and the judges who facilitate a criminal catch-and-release program. [More]

There needs to be a one-stop website rating the political inclinations of all judges who run for office.  Ballotpedia is about as close as I’ve found, but I’m talking one with issues ratings and who backs them, etc.

Anybody know of one?

[Via bondmen]

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