Culture Clash and Then Some

A St. Louis convenience store clerk who fatally shot a customer during a dispute over a candy bar was sentenced Friday to nine years in prison. At a bench trial in March, U.S. District Judge Henry Autrey found Taleb Rebhi Ali-Jawher guilty of a charge of being an undocumented immigrant in possession of a firearm. [More]


[Via bondmen]

We’re the Only Ones Undercover(s) Enough

Just Doing Her Job… Female FBI Agent Slept with Target Barry Croft in Hotel, in Same Bed, During Training Weekend Paid for by FBI and Smoked Pot with Him in FBI-Hatched Whitmer Kidnapping Hoax [More]

Well, we always knew they went after low-hanging fruit. And, apparently, hung juries.

[Via bondmen]

A Plan Comes Together

Yuval Noah Harari, historian, futurist, and World Economic Forum (WEF) adviser, said, “We just don’t need the vast majority of the population” in the early 21st century given modern technologies’ rendering human labor economically and militarily “redundant.” [More]

Who does he mean by “we”?

And what does he mean by “replace,” which we’ve heretofore been told is just a baseless rightwing conspiracy theory espoused by racists?

Boy, wait ’til all those Democrat useful idiots find out the elites have redesignated them as useless eaters along with all us “haters”!

What’s a prerequisite for genocide again…?

You’d think Yuval would know that.

Oh, he does…?

I may revisit this in a longer article.

[Via DDS]

We’re the Only Ones Tasmaniacal Enough

A Tasmanian police officer was taken to hospital after his new patrol car was involved in a crash with another vehicle on Tasmania’s main highway on Friday night — two days after the same vehicle was used to launch a new road safety campaign. [More]

WarOnGuns has obtained an exclusive traffic cam photo from right before the incident…

[Via Michael G]

We’re the Only Ones Protective Enough

“EVERY BATTLE IS WON OR LOST BEFORE IT’S EVER FOUGHT!!” —Sun Tzu– While I pray it never happens, I can assure you that our Brevard County Sheriff’s Office School Resource Deputies are prepared to win the battle to protect our children and teachers!! [Watch]

I guess including the Second Amendment in the mix is out of the question…?

[Via Antigone]

Spider & the Fly

  • Ortega regime attacks Catholic Church
  • Cuba expels dissident Protestant minister
  • China benefitting from leftward lurch in South America
  • 400 Million Cut Their Ties With the CCP
  • Taiwan Would Undergo ‘Re-Education’ If Beijing Were to Take Over
  • DSA-backed AOC is a tax deadbeat
  • ‘The Simpsons’ episode trashes capitalism

And plenty of other stories from the Anticommunism Action Team [More]

Straight from the Sources’ Mouths?

DEVELOPING: Sources say the FBI agents and officials who were involved in the raid on former President Trump’s home work in the same CounterIntelligence Division of the FBI that investigated Trump in the Russiagate hoax and are actively under criminal investigation by Special Counsel John Durham for potentially abusing their power investigating Trump in the Russian fraud and therefore have a potential conflict of interest and should have been RECUSED from participating in this supposed “espionage” investigation at Mar-a-Lago. [More]


Then again, sometimes that’s all you can go with at the start of an exposé.

I tried to find more on this before posting to see what kind of evidence Paul Sperry has, but I don’t see anything on his landing page yet and  Twitter has seen fit to “suspend” his account.

Unlike what they do with jihadists who make online threats.

[Via Keith B]


Tangentially-Related UPDATE

It’s foot-dragging reminiscent of the feds’ hunt for Whitey Bulger, the serial-killing brother of the most powerful Democrat politician in the state. [More]

Hey, go with what you know works…

[Via Michael G]

Reminds Me of an Old Dog Joke

“Senate Bill 918 is nothing short of tyrannical overreach to force his ideology on law abiding people who still believe in the framer’s intent,” said Rick Travis of the CA Rifle and Pistol Association. “Governor Newsom and his allies will stop at nothing to remove the right of the people to defend themselves. He is signing bills that are known constitutional violations and does not care.” [More]

Why? Because he can.

Border Kabuki

Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey issued an executive order Friday to fill out nearly a quarter-mile of gaps in the border wall on federal land near Yuma. [More]

Doesn’t seem like much area to patrol. And what if the feds say “No”?

Good thing this has nothing to do with that “single issue”. And I have that on good authority

[Via Bluesgal]

Key Questions

The ATF claims that Hoover conspired with Ervin to sell lightning links. They further contended, quite audaciously, that raising money for Ervin’s legal defense was part of that conspiracy on the theory that, if Ervin won his case, Hoover would be able to advertise the card again. The ATF admits that Hoover never sold any cards but maintains that, since he promoted the AutoKeyCard, he was also guilty.[More]

Tyrants don’t like the First Amendment any better than they do the Second. We’ll see if this “unravels.” Me, I don’t trust the referees.

They really do seem to have been piling up the in-your-face outrages of late, almost like they have expectations they’ll be able to keep squeezing. Either that or somebody is trying to provoke something so they have an excuse to go all out.

[Via Jess]

Playing for the Cameras?

“Mark my words here: There will be a moment when President Trump is giving one of his big speeches somewhere and the FBI will storm the stage,” Starnes said. “They will arrest the president on national television and drag him away. That’s how all of this will end up.” [More]

Be funny if someone forgets to order the Secret Service detail to stand down…

[Via bondmen]

Funny Peculiar

“It may be funny to you motherf—er, but it’s not funny to me”: Texas gubernatorial candidate Beto O’Rourke snapped at a man during a town hall on Wednesday who started laughing as O’Rourke discussed the gun used in the deadly Uvalde mass shooting. [More]

He was laughing at the bald-faced disprovable lies, not that Beto’s idiot supporters who cheered him on have the wits to realize that’s what he was doing.

Speaking of which, have I mentioned these idiots lately?

[Via bondmen]

Other Tools Besides Banning…

Repression, Terror, Fear: The Government Wants to Silence the Opposition [More]

Making this all the more believable.

Aided and abetted by social media and the DSM. One fantasy I have is that someday, government collusion with these “private” entities to suppress truthful reporting will be proven in court and First Amendment violators, both government instigators, and their de facto “agents,” will receive the punishments they deserve.

[Via bondmen]

First Time I’m Hearing of This…

Me too. [More]

And it tells me something I could believe. But I’d feel better about sharing it if I knew:

  • Who these guys are.
  • When this was taken and by whom.
  • Why the sound is out of sync, making it tough to verify it’s not been dubbed.

If you know the answers, please enlighten me.

[Via Jim S]

Thank Your Republican Leadership!

A manufacturer of untraceable “ghost guns” has been ordered to pay D.C. $4 million as part of a legal settlement that will also prohibit it from selling any guns to city residents in the future. [More]

Left unsaid is that Ebony Scott is a leftist tool confirmed with the help of Lindsey Graham, Mitch McConnell, Mitt Romney, Susan Collins, Roy Blunt, Shelley Capito, Lisa Murkowski, Rob Portman, and Thom Tillis.

And yes, we could come up with damning links on all of them.

[Via Jess]

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