Teenage Wasteland

Guns seized from car full of teens in Akron … As officers say they detained five teens in the car, a large crowd formed around the officers. Officials say the crowd was aggressive and made threats toward the police. [More]

Now watch “the community” complain about “gun violence.”

I wonder what Mr. Adams would have to say about this

[Via Sweet Babboo]

Preemptive Strike

In light of the shooting, Dyer said the city will implement checkpoints on weekends. People who want to visit the area of Orange Avenue from Washington to Pine Streets will have to walk through one of six pedestrian checkpoints…The city said people should expect to see more officers, K9s and metal detectors. There will also be a voluntary weapons screening at the checkpoints. [More]

What if we don’t “volunteer”?

So the patchwork quilt works against the Fourth Amendment and the Privileges and Immunities Clause, too?

Funny, how gun-grabbing Democrats like Buddy Dyer demand “commonsense infringements” on all freedoms

[Via Remarks]

It’s Ronnie Barrett Time

I spent this am contacting every gun manufacturer I do business with and asking them to PICK A SIDE and go full Ronnie Barrett on every state and agency presuming to infringe on Heller, Bruen and the constitution generally. It is time for the industry to stand up for their customers and NOT SELL GUNS TO AGENCIES AND STATES ADOPTING & ENFORCING RED FLAG LAWS and passing rebound statutes to piss on Bruen. [More]

Longtime WarOnGuns Correspondent Dave Licht is doing the job NSSF won’t do.

The thought strikes: If someone had the wherewithal to create an auto emailer like what GOA does with our elected reps– but this one going to all gun, ammo, and gear mfrs. —  this letter could be used as a customizable template or you could write your own.

The next thought strikes: If someone put that together, how many gun owners would send one?

Music to My Ears

Georgia’s Gun Laws Are Forcing Atlanta’s Midtown Music Festival to Cancel This Year – The annual event takes place in Piedmont Park, a public space where guns are permitted and a short-term tenant of that property can’t enforce its own ban [More]

They interviewed Phil Evans who let them know the ban was illegal. He wrote about it here.

The Stuff that Dreams are Made Of

What Are Your “Dream Guns?” Pick Any Three And Tell Us About Them [More]

I have none. I’ve made no secret about that (see #5 from 2006).  I’m in it for the rights .

That doesn’t mean I haven’t had fun, and if I had to name with what, I’d probably say a Ruger New Model Super Blackhawk, an M1 Garand and a MAK 90.

I have tried to attain a level of proficiency in what I do own (not that I’m publicly admitting to having any) for my own safety and the safety of those around me, but the hardware has never been what animated me. I’m in it for the principle.

That’s why you’ll never see me presuming to do a “gun review.”  Like the saying goes, “A man’s gotta know his limitations,” and I’m not only not qualified, all those who know more than me, which is a lot of gun owners,  would quickly and correctly label me a fraud if I tried.

I’ve actually turned down businesses who wanted me to test machineguns and write about them, and people who wanted to send me ammo to test and write about. That’s just not who I am nor why I do this.

What Price Freedom?

The federal government has unveiled how much they are planning to pay gun owners for the banned firearms they turn over as part of the mandatory buyback program. On Thursday, Public Safety Canada released a full price list outlining how much compensation individual owners can expect to receive under the program. [More]

Have they factored in the costs of citizens saying “No”?

[Via bondmen]

You Know What Else You Don’t Need to Hunt Deer? My Money

Despite that long history and the popularity of the Pittman-Robertson Act among hunters, anglers, conservationists and the firearm industry, Clyde and other sponsors have painted the tax as an assault on the Second Amendment. [More]

It absolutely is.

Pay for your own “sporting purposes,” Fudds.

See how you like us being the ones throwing you under the bus for a change.

[Via bondmen]

I Rest My Case

Young was charged with driving with a suspended license, felon in possession of a firearm, two counts of grand theft of a firearm, fleeing police, resisting an officer and a probation violation. Maloy was charged with possession of a controlled substance, resisting an officer and felon in possession of a firearm. He also had three warrants for his arrest out of Hillsborough and Lee counties. [More]

Tell me that doesn’t make the case for disarming you and me!

[Via Remarks]

Spooking the Herd

In the United States, we live in a perpetual state of panic to the degree that the sound of glass shattering in one hotel causes mass hysteria the entire length of one of America’s most famous streets. [More]

What you mean “we,” Kemosabe?

Sounds like she plans on going right back to being a sniveling ungulate demanding government do something about those who aren’t.

[Via Remarks]

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