A Unilateral Action

Constitutional law expert Alan Dershowitz told Newsmax on Tuesday that the Jan. 6 committee ”does not want the public to hear the other side” of the narrative it is presenting in prime time.  “That’s why it didn’t permit any cross-examination, any confrontation, any due process, anything resembling fairness”… [More]

Which is why none of them are interested in publicly questioning why Michael Byrd was given a pass for executing Ashli Babbitt when we all know how this country would have erupted in flames had a white officer shot an unarmed black woman and then been “exonerated” in a behind-the-scenes CYA session.

“Republican” Liz Cheney wants it that way.

Shock and Awe

‘How RIDICULOUS do we look?’: World leaders are openly mocking America — and it’s really no wonder why [More]

Here is a truism, a law of nature, really: Potential predator aggressors perceiving a weaker deterrence are less deterred. That increases the risks of putting those doing the deterring in harm’s way.

So to those on Twitter praising the courage this took, these two won’t be the ones taking fire.

[Via Jess]

In the Spirit of Bipartisanship

Republicans got tougher sentences, Democrats got more gun control, and both got to pretend they were doing something to prevent mass shootings. [More]

The difference being, by removing another obstacle, the Democrats have succeeded once more incrementally advanced toward their totalitarian goal and the dumb @$$Republicans have “succeeded” once more in demotivating a core constituency in advance of an important election.

Chronic and Habitual LIARS

He deliberately spreads a narrative talking point lie about destructive power.

And the “expert” he turns to tells two flat-out lies– first, the VPC deception, that the grabbers refuse to acknowledge because they rely on ignorance:

The weapons’ menacing looks, coupled with the public’s confusion over fully automatic machine guns versus semi-automatic assault weapons—anything that looks like a machine gun is assumed to be a machine gun—can only increase the chance of public support for restrictions on these weapons.

And secondly, the history behind the development of the AR-15, confirmed by ATF in a FOIA response:

“Colt sent a pilot model rifle (serial no. GX4968) to the BATF for civilian sale approval on Oct. 23, 1963. It was approved on Dec. 10, 1963, and sales of the ‘Model R6000 Colt AR-15 SP1 Sporter Rifle’ began on Jan 2, 1964,” one critic of the article contended. “The M16 wasn’t issued to infantry units until 1965 (as the XM16E1), wasn’t standardized as the M16A1 until 1967, and didn’t officially replace the M14 until 1969.”

Hit it, Sir Wilfrid

[Via WiscoDave]

Those Who Can’t

As a teacher, I attended the National Education Association convention last week, and my worst fears were confirmed… From what I observed, the NEA’s goal is for public education to be a training ground for political activism, while demonizing anyone—including students and their families—who does not share those same political and sociological beliefs. [More]

Good grief. How long have you been a teacher? Because I’m not one and I could have told you that decades ago.

[Via Michael G]

Red Sky at Morning

Iran, Russia, and China are gearing up to run a series of major war drills in Latin America in a show of force meant to signal how these militaries can reach the United States. [More]

We can treat it as a shot across the bow and a warning to the U.S. on NATO expansion and support for Ukraine. Just don’t forget this is an older plan than the current conflict:

We know that there are those who have not made a secret of wanting to invade the U.S. through Mexico, and not just with “migrant caravans,” although you do have to wonder about just who is embedding themselves in those. Back in 1985, The Washington Times quoted Nicaraguan Interior Minister Thomas Borge, who advocated:

“We have Nicaragua, soon we will have El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Costa Rica, and Mexico. One day, tomorrow or five years or fifteen years from now, we’re going to take 5 to 10 million Mexicans and they are going into Dallas, into El Paso, into Houston, into New Mexico, into San Diego, and each one will have embedded in his mind the idea of killing ten Americans.”

So naturally, the treasonous Democrats are doing everything they can to remove deterrents.

At least our professional warrior class has empathy bellies.

The Company They Keep

Ron Paul Institute Hosts UN Weapons Inspector Who Was Jailed on Child Sex Charges [More]

Just because you rightly mistrust the West on its Ukraine assertions is no reason to unquestioningly embrace a Russian apologist:

Believe him and his adherents if you like, but some of us aren’t going to kneejerk swallow fantastic allegations without actual evidence, especially when they come from someone who helped the United Nations implement arms control treaties and who was later “found guilty of unlawful contact with a minor and five of six other charges after a three-day trial in Monroe County Court on charges stemming from an online sex sting.”

The Congressman might want to keep a closer eye on what and who is being promoted under his name.

Life in the Parasitocracy

New video shows suspects shoot and kill rideshare driver in Oakland [Watch]

A good man trying to build a better life worked two jobs to provide for his loved ones and these two submoronic predators, who the smart money says have been in the system with prior victims, feel entitled to execute him because he didn’t obey them quickly enough.

And the government there encourages that and demands your guns

[Via 1Gat]


Cowardly DSM apparatchik Lawrence O’Donnell spreads the fear-mongering message that “Resistance is futile.” [Watch]

The scenario he presents of armed teachers congregating in the hallway is hardly the only option, nor even a tactically sound or likely one. And his solution is apparently to have “Only Ones” afraid to face one guy with an AR-15 go after the untold millions he wants to ban.

[Via 1Gat]

We’re the Only Ones Unflagged Enough

Third Chicago Police Officer Dies By Suicide This Month [More]

We’ve talked for a long time now about how the antis exploit suicide as justification for citizen disarmament, with them conveniently not mentioning that the ones tasked with doing the disarming are a much more at-risk population.

Pritzker wants to empower them to further deny guns to citizens they only have a surface awareness of. Yet here we see colleagues they closely interact with on a daily basis slipping through the cracks and given thin blue line passes.

[Via bondmen]


Cause and Effect

Steven Dettelbach, the newly sworn-in director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, said there is no overarching answer to solving the nation’s gun violence, even as guns have become the leading cause of death for children in the U.S. [More]

All by their own selves?

But what about those numbers?

This is how it works: Step one, acquire statistics on firearm-related deaths among children ages 1-14. Step two, combine that relatively low number with the far greater number of firearm-related deaths involving juveniles and young adults ages 15-19, or even ages 15-24. Step three, present the resulting data as the shocking number of “children” (ages 1-19 or 1-24) who are subjected to “gun violence” each day/week/month/year. Step four, use the disingenuous statistic to advocate for pre-determined gun control policies.

Gee, it’s almost like the media are the enemy or something…

[Via Jess]

Look at Me! I’m One of You!

AOC fakes being handcuffed after arrest at abortion rights protest [More]

Everything about her and her fellow Marxist apparatchiks is phony– right down to them pretending to be among the oppressed.

Going back to an earlier “protest,” I’m still wondering why there were no criminal charges for taking over the Capitol and interfering with “the peoples’ business” when John Lewis et al. staged a violence monopoly sit-in. You tell me how oath-breakers undermining a fundamental right the Founders deemed “necessary to the security of a free State” is not a seditious conspiracy.

Locally, the virtue-signaling all-white and woke Stow city council renamed a damn bridge after him.

Clear and Present Danger

Illinois governor makes it easier for police to reject gun licenses – The rule change directs Illinois State Police to more broadly use “clear and present danger” reports to deny or revoke Firearm Owner ID cards. [More]

Pig Pritzker channels his inner Gold Hat:

Due process? We ain’t got no due process. We don’t need no due process. I don’t have to show you any stinking due process!

And who better to be the arbiters than the “Only Ones” who say instead of shooting attackers, women should vomit?

Assuming they can still define “woman”

[Via Jess]

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