So Much for ‘the Supreme Law of the Land’…

Montana has a progressive state supreme court, but a Republican legislature and governor. The result? The state supreme court is striking down laws passed by the legislature — such as gun-rights legislation. Today’s decision of the Montana Supreme Court in Board of Regents v. State, written by Justice Laurie McKinnon, ruled that the state constitution gives the Montana Board of Regents of Higher Education authority over the Montana University System, and it was thus unconstitutional for the Legislature (in a bill called HB 102) to preempt the University System’s ban on carrying guns on campus… [More]

Bruen’s “sensitive places” writ large…

And the judges are elected, so don’t look for the state that gave us “pro-gun Democrats” Jon Tester and Max Baucus to throw the bums out. Especially with all the newly arrived nest foulers from California!

[Via Michael G]

So Much for Spirit and Intent

Tuesday, Sen. Anthony Portantino, a Democrat from Glendale, introduced legislation that he said would “update” the state’s concealed carry law to make it more restrictive, while also complying with the highest court’s latest dictate. [More]

Any doubts this will pass, and challenges and appeals will drag on for years?


And not to be outdone, New York decides to push things to the limit and beyond.

[Via Jess]

Continuously Unanswered Insults

New York sues 10 gun distributors for allegedly flooding streets with ghost guns – The lawsuit seeks to ban the defendants from selling certain parts in New York. [More]

So when is NSSF going to lead the industry in telling New York to go to hell when it wants guns and servicing for its enforcers?


[Via Jess]

Speaking of Layers of Deception…

The campaign to discredit Cassidy Hutchinson has begun [More]

Leave it to The Los Angeles Times to cover up the disconnects and act as a megaphone for the kangaroo court.

The plan, of course, is to goad the agents into appearing so they can betray the trust of their appointments and be asked questions to elicit recollections of statements that can be used to further smear.

Question: Can’t the committee compel testimony if it really wants it?

The Rope-Selling Capitalist

Apple CEO Sucks Up to China in Interview With State-Owned Media [More]

He likes their kind of citizen disarmament laws, too! Except for his protection detail.

Sucking up to tyrants for special privileges denied the unwashed proletariat is kind of his thing.

Tim in a tumbrel has a kind of alliterative ring to it…

The Sins of the Father

Aceves’ father was brought in for questioning and told investigators that Aceves had mental illness in the past and had been placed in a mental health facility twice at the age of 16. The father said that Aceves was prescribed medication but that he stopped taking it after a couple of years. Aceves’ father told police that his son had purchased an assault rifle and that family members are scared knowing he has a weapon based on his past behavior. [More]

So who declared him safe enough to let out and why wasn’t refusing his meds grounds to put him back in?

Aceves’ father sounds like a great example of responsibility.

AzCDL: Arizona Legislature Adjourns

This weekend, the 55th Arizona legislature, second regular session adjourned “sine die.” The terms is Latin for “without a day,” and means that no further work is scheduled for the body this year. Any bills that were still in progress when the legislature adjourned are now dead. AzCDL bills that suffered this fate are … [More]

For those of you who live there or are considering moving…

The Real Crime

A man who shot and killed a passenger on a San Francisco subway commuter train will be charged with gun crimes but not homicide in what was “clearly” a case of self-defense after he was attacked with a knife, his attorney said Monday. [More]

When having the means of self-defense is illegal, the law is criminal. I think that’s why they’re reducing the charges to misdemeanors because they know that under Bruen standards, felony charges would result in a high-profile challenge and community anger over racist standards.

[Via bondmen]

Your Agreement is Mandatory

Disagreement has become an extremely sensitive issue lately; it was once thought that debate was an essential component to a strong and healthy democracy, however, we are now told that it is extremely dangerous, in fact, it may soon be categorised as a form of domestic terrorism. [More]

So we can no longer “agree to disagree”?

We can no longer just tolerate, we must now endorse?

[Via bondmen]

History Repeats Itself

McNamara’s Folly: The Use of Low-IQ Troops in the Vietnam War [Watch]


Army is accepting more low-quality recruits, giving waivers for marijuana to hit targets [More]

And, of course, God forbid we allow anything resembling that which the Founders deemed “necessary for the security of a free State.”

Anybody else getting an enemies-foreign-and-domestic-are-in-charge vibe?

[Via WiscoDave]

Tantrum by the Terrible Twos

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez calls for supreme court justices to be impeached – The congresswoman says Brett Kavanaugh and Neil Gorsuch lied under oath to Congress about their views on Roe [More]


Charlie Crist calls for impeaching Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh [More]

If anybody should be booted out, it’s these two oath-breaking totalitarian wannabes. Besides, I thought the protocol was they stuck to general terms and didn’t ask specific tough commitment questions in the job interview…?

“In recent decades a recurring Senate issue has been what kinds of questions are appropriate for Senators to pose to a Supreme Court nominee appearing at hearings before the Senate Judiciary Committee. Particularly at issue has been whether, or to what extent, questions by committee members should seek out a nominee’s personal views on current legal or constitutional issues or on past Supreme Court decisions that have involved those issues. Usually, when Senators at confirmation hearings have asked Supreme Court nominees to comment on topical legal and constitutional issues, the nominees have firmly declined to do so. In those situations, the nominees typically have taken the position that answers to questions which convey their personal views would conflict with their obligation to avoid appearing to make commitments, or provide signals, as to how they would vote as a Justice on future cases.”

Which makes Susan Collins getting a private heads-up all the more objectionable.

[Via Jess]

I Confess This One Troubles Me

Ninth Circuit Panel Sends California “Assault Weapons” Ban Challenge Back to District Court, so the District Court can reconsider it in light of the Supreme Court’s new Bruen precedent. [More]

I don’t see where “self-defense” alone will cut it without a strong core purpose argument.

I do see this:

The firearms that the law in question prohibits are, in virtually every state of the Union, exactly the sorts of lawful weapons in common use that law abiding people possess at home for lawful purposes; and exactly what they would bring to service in militia duty should such cause be necessary.

Here’s the case history thus far.

If this goes to SCOTUS, and it probably will, we’ll see if any briefs expand on that, and then if the high court will hear it.

Friendly Fire

Portland Antifa ‘mistakenly’ attack pro-abortion pregnancy center during night of rage – Rioters smashed the clinic’s windows and spray-painted slogans on the property, costing the nonprofit at least $10,000 in damage. [More]

Great intel capability, morons. Shock and awe, dirtbags, shock and awe.

What I want to know is how does an “idea” attack anything?

[Via Michael G]

Full of Sound and Fury, Signifying What, Exactly?

The account was particularly powerful because of her proximity to power, with Hutchinson describing what she witnessed first-hand and was told by others in the White House. [More]

“And was told by others”? So all these headlines painting Donald Trump as a delusional, vengeful, and violent lunatic are over inadmissible hearsay?

So headlines that would be just as valid as the above would accuse the Democrats (and Swamp Republicans) and their media megaphones of upcoming election interference by poisoning public sentiment against not just him in 2024, but since he’s an avatar, against people who support the policies he campaigned on, and especially on candidates that he has endorsed who are running in November?


And from the Department of Did I Call That or What? comes this assertion in an email from

More than 100 MAGA election deniers have already secured their GOP nominations for the November ballot. They must be held accountable and prevented from corruptly seizing power.

What, by being elected?

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