AzCDL Action Alert – SB 1177 & SB 1251

With a budget agreement reached in the state legislature, attention is finally returning to the bills that have been stalled for the last several months. We are happy to report that, thanks to your activism, both SB 1177 and SB 1251 are now on the Governor’s desk awaiting his signature. [More]

If you’re an Arizona gun owner, are you a member?

Time to Cancel the Queen of Soul

The wife and I took Mom to a concert last night by a local ensemble playing popular music in big band style. One of the songs was Aretha Franklin’s “You Make Me Feel Like) A Natural Woman” and the thought struck: it’s hateful and hurtful to imply there are unnatural ones.


Sure is a great song, though.


We have a socialist government, but we aren’t a socialist country [More]

The blue parts are. And some of the red parts are going purple as politicized “entitlement” incentives,  education subversion, media deception, and citizenship malpractice converge and take their toll by demonizing and canceling out traditional culture, values, and beliefs.

[Via Agustin B]

Meanwhile, Over on the ‘Pathway Superhighway to Citizenship’

Federal prosecutors are quietly dismissing stacks of cases against illegal immigrants under a Biden administration mandate that could be on pace to effectively pardon 1 million people by 2024. [More]

Good thing this has nothing to do with that “single issue”

I mean, I have that on good authority

[Via Michael G]

Speaking of Serious Misfires

The Supreme Court’s gun ruling is a serious misfire [More]

This from a Vichycon stooge who advocates:

Gun control advocates who want to square their policy preferences with the Constitution should squarely face the need to deconstitutionalize the subject by repealing the embarrassing amendment.


Republicans Better Off Losing by Landslide

Funny he should mention “The Second Amendment is the only one in the Bill of Rights with a preamble” without acknowledging the Bill of Rights itself has a Preamble that makes clear what Founding intent was:

“THE Conventions of a number of the States, having at the time of their adopting the Constitution, expressed a desire, in order to prevent misconstruction or abuse of its powers, that further declaratory and restrictive clauses should be added: And as extending the ground of public confidence in the Government, will best ensure the beneficent ends of its institution.

It has “restrictive clauses” against the government.

[Via Mack H]

The Best Laid Schemes

Terrified revellers at a gay bar in Oslo hid in a basement and desperately called loved ones as a gunman went on the rampage, killing two people and injuring more than 20 on the day the city was due to celebrate its annual Pride parade. [More]


The country has had strict rules for years, including mandatory gun safety classes and an involved licensing process. But it took seven years after the 2011 massacre to enact a ban on semiautomatic weapons that was inspired by the attack. It went into effect at the end of last year.

[Via Jess]

And now, the rest of the story:

Islamist Terror Attack on Gay Nightclub in Oslo, Norway Kills Two, Wounds 21; Iranian Gunman Arrested [More]

Funny, what the Reuters report minimized and buried.  It’s almost like they have an agenda

[Via Michael G]

Some Good News and Some Bad News

California Attorney General says “effective immediately, issuing authorities should no longer require proof of good cause for the issuance of a public-carry license.” [More]

These weasels always have big “buts”:

Don’t “Back the blue” or ATF or…? So much for “respect for the law.” How is being against fetus butchering or drag queen story hour for preschoolers “respect[ful] for the rights of others? If you’re against “sanctuary” for illegals (hell, if you even call them “illegals”) or “critical race theory” school curricula, and BLM Marxists, how is that an “absence of racism”? Plus, we all know anyone smeared as a “white nationalist extremist Nazi” is the greatest threat to “our democracy.” Just ask the U.S. Department of Justice!

Page 3 shows all the arbitrary and politically -exploitable “good moral character” outs they’re sending signals to impose, so look for delays and denials that will take more drawn-out court cases to wrangle out.

I wouldn’t be calling the “Supreme Court victory” a slam dunk just yet. If there’s one thing leftists are good at, it’s weaponizing the law against their enemies while ignoring it themselves.

[Via several of you]

Dual Purpose

The United States and Arizona state government making exceptions for so-called “exceptional” foreign nations in the context of establishing so-called “dual citizenship” or “dual nationality” is a misguided, disingenuous, and dangerous artificial construct, disrespecting, offending, and insulting the institution of U.S. and Arizona citizenship. [More]

Scroll down to “Readers Speak Out” and go down some.

No Problem Here

Supreme Court rules out suing police for Miranda violations [More]

Maybe it’s just me, but I always figured if you were dumb enough to admit anything to the police you deserved the same sympathy as the lunatic who climbs into the hyena enclosure at the zoo.

The thought of a proven sexual predator being able to sue the productive sector (yeah, it’s not “the police” who will pay) because he didn’t know ratting yourself out would hurt is not something the Founders ever contemplated.

[Via Mack H]

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