Settled Law

The Supreme Court ruled in March that Americans have no right to learn the grisly details of CIA torture because the CIA has never formally confessed its crimes. The case symbolizes how the rule of law has become little more than legal mumbo-jumbo to shroud official crimes. And it is another grim reminder that Americans cannot rely on politically approved lawyers wearing bat suits to save their freedoms. [More]

Using that standard, the government could get away with just about anything.

And generally does.

“Commonsense gun safety laws,” anyone?

[Via bondmen]

Lügen Press

Repealing the Second Amendment is the “only effective way to deal” with gun violence, according to CNN senior political contributor Bill Press, who claims it is clear from the Amendment’s text “that it has nothing to do with individual gun ownership; nothing to do with self-defense; and nothing to do with assault weapons.” [More]

Actually, repealing it would not eradicate the right, since ‘[t]his is not a right granted by the Constitution. Neither is it in any manner dependent upon that instrument for its existence.”

I was going to do an AmmoLand piece on this since there are plenty more fallacies. I still may, but other topics are a higher priority for me than this toothless old subversive ignoranus.

[Via DDS]

The Cognitive Dissonance… It BURNS…


But…but…but…universal background checks… red flag laws… boyfriend loopholes

It’s not really like this at all, is it?

[Via WiscoDave]

UPDATE: Gun Writer Lee Williams notes they didn’t do their homework and what they’re trying to do “violates state, federal and international law.”

And Now, the Rest of the Story

A camp counselor confronted the suspected gunman in the lobby of the indoor sports and fitness center. [More]

Any reason ABC News doesn’t mention the staffer “exchanged gunfire” keeping him from entering?

Or is the explanation simply “ABC News“?

[Via Jess]


CORRECTION (June 15, 2022, 11:20 a.m. ET): A previous version of this article misstated the actions of a staff member at the Texas summer camp. The staff member confronted the gunman, but did not exchange gunfire with him.

That doesn’t alter the fact that the ABC story was posted:

Neocon-Approved ‘Gun Control’

Straw-buyer cases are almost never prosecuted unless they are part of a big organized-crime investigation. “Lie and try” cases — in which prohibited buyers attempt, often successfully, to beat the background-check system — are almost never prosecuted at all, which is why Hunter Biden is not in prison on federal gun charges. Possession cases are routinely dismissed without prosecution. [More]

So enforce existing Intolerable Acts?

I take it we can’t count on your support?

[Via Michael G]

That’s What It’s All About

“It’s my honor to be here,” Pelosi said after being introduced by host RuPaul Andre Charles. “Your freedom of expression of yourselves in drag is what America is all about.” [More]

Just read anything by the Founders…

Tell me John Adams wouldn’t have been the first one to jump into the mosh pit. (I’d say “NSFW” on that last link, except in today’s “woke” corporate world, you’d no doubt be canceled and destroyed for complaining.)

A culture with such “values” and priorities in a world filled with ruthless and serious enemies is on a self-induced downward spiral to hard extinction.

Like the Proverbs say


Flores, who had 51% of the vote to Democratic candidate Dan Sanchez’ 43% when The Associated Press called the race, will become the first Mexican-born congresswoman to serve in the House. Her family moved to the United States when she was 6 years old. [More]

An “AQ” rating

And we’ve seen what “the highest possible candidate grade” means again and again and again and…

Nothing about her here?

Here we go:

We MUST … encourage LEGAL immigration.

Why, if the vast majority overwhelmingly end up voting Democrat and anti-gun? Or is that the line the cheaper H-1B worker money guys spinning dreams about her promising future told her to use?

Good thing this has nothing to do with that “single issue”

The Finest Soros Justice Money Can Buy

A Virginia judge has kicked a George Soros-funded prosecutor off a case involving potentially a dozen burglaries in multiple counties, saying the prosecutor’s office had concealed criminal records to “sell” a plea bargain. [More]

Think they’d do that for a “conservative”?

Do you think the judge might be antisemitic?

[Via Michael G]

Maybe Try Plan B?

Hours after the anti-gun March For Our Lives rally crossed through Louisville, Kentucky, five teenagers were wounded in a shooting at a waterfront park Saturday night, according to police. [More]

I’m not sure I see a correlation/causation nexus, but this does say something about the reformative value of such efforts.

Perhaps David Hogg & Co. would be more effective if, instead of holding rallies in public places protected by armed enforcers, they made personal face-to-face appeals to gang members and spoke to them young person to young person…

Unless they’re disproportionately afraid based on race…

[Via bondmen]

An Idea Whose Time Has Come

… the first step is to admit, THIS IS TREASON. [More]

And the second step…?

Because you’ll note who is on trial for “seditious conspiracy” with the full weight of the state being brought down over allegations and circumstantial words and actions, but with no “beyond a reasonable doubt” evidence, and plenty of reasons to conclude “set-up”

[Via bondmen]

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