Adventures in Government Solutions

Attorney General Merrick B. Garland Delivers Remarks Announcing Charges Against Alleged Gun Trafficker [More]

All this to get one guy? Any figures on how much has been spent so far and estimates on how many more of us will have to work for the rest of our lives to pay for this?

And “Blah…blah…blah prohibitionist talking points…”

At this rate, they oughta have things under control sometime before the sun burns out…

[Via JR]

We are Controlling Transmission

A group of 200 top writers, producers and directors have signed an open letter backed by the Brady gun violence organization that includes a pledge to incorporate gun safety best practices into their shows and to scrutinize the use of firearms in storytelling. [More]

That means scripting in more manipulative lies.

Funny, how everything “progressives” do has been done before.

And before that.

[Via Steve T]

Put Out My Hand and Sprayed the Face of God

Officials at Yosemite National Park are searching for a person or group who defaced trail blocks with graffiti. [More]

So much for people from Democrat strongholds leading the way on the environment. Animal territory marking is not only tolerated there, it’s encouraged under the desperate pretext of cultural vibrancy.

You’ll notice that when hiking, the garbage is where anyone can get to a place in a car. Funny thing about wilderness, and how the harder you have to work to get someplace, the more beautiful and desirable of a place it is to be.

There’s an analogy about life and about character in there somewhere…


To Affinity and Beyond!

Disney/Pixar’s ‘Lightyear,’ with same-sex couple, will not play in 14 countries; China in question[More]

So, not everyone embraces Disney Family Values?

They can’t leave anything alone, can they? And they’ve gotta bring the kids into it.

How come all the protestors are focused on how bad things are here in the Land of the Woke instead of going after places where Pride Month is celebrated from the rooftops?

And when are objections to the “Magic Kingdom” celebrating patriarchy going to get serious?  For that matter, when are they going to tear down that Frontierland monument to white colonial genocide and put a Planned Parenthood on that most racist and privileged of neighborhood stereotypes, Main Street USA? And don’t get me started on the Mark Twain Riverboat and Tom Sawyer Island…

At least they got rid of the damn gun shop.

‘First Step’ Admission Points to Chronic Gun Prohibitionist Tactic

So background checks aren’t enough. The prohibitionists want more. They’ll take what they can get now in increments, but once that beachhead has been secured, they’ll use it to launch their next attack into deeper territory. That’s forever been their M.O., something you’d think even an establishment Republican would be smart enough to realize before signing onto any more “bipartisan deals.” [More]

The first step for grabbers is to lie.

Morning ‘Doh!’

MSNBC host Joe Scarborough praised the bipartisan gun control plan made in the Senate on Sunday, comparing the actions to Abraham Lincoln ending slavery. Opening Monday’s “Morning Joe,” co-host Mika Brzezinski quoted President Biden calling the agreement a “step in the right direction.” Scarborough lauded the move as incremental “progress” similar to Lincoln’s steps to abolish slavery. [More]

They intend to make slaves of everyone and they’re doing it in increments, which makes stupid GOP “compromises” all the more unforgiveable.

Per a Daily Caller report on what Republican Scarborough advocated when he wanted gun owners to help him get political power:

And despite his modern day support for background checks, in 2000, then-Rep. Joe Scarborough was, without qualification, a full-throated opponent to expanding federal background checks… Also in that survey, Scarborough sided with the NRA by opposing federal limits on magazine capacity, licensing requirements from a government agency to “buy and/or own” a firearm, firearm registration and bans on certain types of ammo including “armor-piercing” ammunition.

This fraud is a career stool sample.

Leading By Example

Trudeau, 50, tested positive despite being double vaccinated and boosted. He was criticized in January for announcing that he tested positive and was isolating when truckers who were part of the “Freedom Convoy” first arrived at Parliament Hill in Ottawa to protest vaccine mandates and other COVID-19-related restrictions. [More]

Yeah, listen to these guys.

Something in Common

Police say the 14-year-old is currently on probation for robbery with a weapon, burglary and criminal mischief. He was also previously arrested for making threats of harm with a weapon to another juvenile through social media. [More]


Records show all the teens are already on juvenile probation. They have 25 prior felonies and 25 misdemeanor charges between the three of them. [More]

It’s almost like they have no respect for a system that won’t hold them accountable…

Now tell me with a straight face this doesn’t prove the need for universal background checks!

[Via Remarks and Steve T]

Virtually From the Horse’s Mouth

ATF Virtual Training for FFLs on ATF Final Rule 2021R-05F – Definition of “Frame and Receiver” and Identification of Firearms [More]

For those of you who need to know where the traps are to keep from having your livelihoods destroyed, the split sessions will be presented 10 a.m. – Noon ET / 2 – 4 p.m. ET on Tuesday or Thursday…

And no, I don’t know which section of the Constitution authorizes them to have any say in any of this. Neither do they. The point is they know they can impose it with impunity.

We’re the Only Ones Self-Defending Enough

Uvalde Police Chief Defends Response To Robb Elementary Massacre In First In-depth Interview [More]

In fairness, it looks like his plan may have worked.

[Via bondmen]


As public pressure mounts for more information on the deadly Uvalde school shooting, some are concerned that Texas officials will use a legal loophole to block records from being released — even to the victims’ families — once the case is closed. [More]

Or to channel our old amigo, Gold Hat:

Records? We ain’t got no records. We don’t need no records. I don’t have to show you any stinking records!

[Via Lane]


Counter protester storms stage at ‘March for Our Lives’ rally in Washington DC shouting ‘I am the gun’ and causing stampede as activists flee in terror amid demonstrations across US against gun violence [More]

Can you imagine fleeing in terror being your only option?

The Eloi who did can — for Everyone in Everytown.

Backed up by aggressive militarized enforcers bearing “weapons of war.”

[Via bondmen]

We’re the Only Ones Entrapping Enough

Police Officer Finally Admits That Patriot Front Was Infiltrated By “Several” Law Enforcement Members And That They Were Working With The Feds – 31 Arrested Near An Idaho Pride Event [More]

You don’t say. My first thoughts on the morons who crammed themselves into a U-Haul for the Satan/Bloomberg Parade were “low-hanging fruit” and “headlines.”

[Via bondmen]

Misreading Everything

There will be no gun control: For many white Americans, the idea of the gun is all they have left [More]

Wrong. It’s there to protect all we have left. That’s what’s really being gone after.

See, this is what happens when self-styled “progressive” intellectuals (i.e. insulated provincials) who can’t start a lawnmower presume themselves to be more sophisticated and smarter than everybody else. Ignoring basic Sun Tzu, they’re likely to egg on the start of something more mature and self-controlled minds would know to be self-defeating.

[Via bondmen]

Speaking of Systemic Racism

The Washington Supreme Court has overturned the conviction of a man for lying to police, because the man was non-white. If he were white, his conviction for making a false statement would have been upheld, because there was no dispute that he lied, and the questions he was asked by a police officer were typical attempts to gather information. [More]

Bask in the white privilege!

[Via Michael G]

Who Will Check the Checkers?

Immediately following passage of the “Untraceable Firearms” section of H.R. 7910, Gun Owners of America tweeted that the bill would “criminalize disassembling, cleaning, and re-assembling your gun without a firearm manufacturer’s license.” [More]

Gosh, if we can’t trust the Associated Press, who can we trust?

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