‘Investing’ in Astroturf

The Giffords PAC is using Congress’ bipartisan gun deal to fuel ads supporting Democrats and attacking Republicans who voted against it. [More] They’ll pick races where they think it will be close, so gun owners who live in those states and districts are responsible for knowing what the score is with their reps and making … Continue reading “‘Investing’ in Astroturf”

Names That Should Live in Infamy

The Republicans who joined Democrats in voting for the bill were Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and Sens. Richard Burr of North Carolina, Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia, Bill Cassidy of Louisiana, Susan Collins of Maine, John Cornyn of Texas, Joni Ernst of Iowa, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, Rob Portman … Continue reading “Names That Should Live in Infamy”

‘Staunch Supporters of the Second Amendment’

The U.S. Senate voted Tuesday to advance a new bipartisan gun control bill in a procedural move that saw 14 Republicans support firearm restrictions. [More] What did anyone expect? Courage and principle from career poltroons? I can’t wait to see the superlatives NRA will use when describing them in its next endorsement. UPDATES Speculation is … Continue reading “‘Staunch Supporters of the Second Amendment’”

Too Little Too Late

Bipartisan Negotiation On Gun Control Bill Stalled [More] Let’s hope “Are you nuts?” is making an impact. Yeah, but you know what, guys? Even if the angry feedback is scaring you into backing off, the trust has already been broken. Way to take the fire out of bellies. UPDATE ‘I’m through talking’: top Republican negotiator … Continue reading “Too Little Too Late”

A Proven Defender of Your Freedom

“Obviously, my goal is to get much more than 60 votes…” [More] The proof is in the pudding. [Via WiscoDave] UPDATE: You don’t get to take people rights without convicting them of a crime, or showing they are nuts and need to be in the booby-hatch. There’s no special exception to the Constitution because ten invertebrate … Continue reading “A Proven Defender of Your Freedom”

An Unlikely Savior

Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez expressed concern about the recent deal announced by a bipartisan group of Senators to combat gun violence. Ms Ocasio-Cortez spoke to reporters before votes Monday evening and said she was specifically concerned with what she said was “juvenile criminalisation.” [More] Oh, yeah, play that up, along with “disproportionate” and “racist”! Be great … Continue reading “An Unlikely Savior”

‘First Step’ Admission Points to Chronic Gun Prohibitionist Tactic

So background checks aren’t enough. The prohibitionists want more. They’ll take what they can get now in increments, but once that beachhead has been secured, they’ll use it to launch their next attack into deeper territory. That’s forever been their M.O., something you’d think even an establishment Republican would be smart enough to realize before … Continue reading “‘First Step’ Admission Points to Chronic Gun Prohibitionist Tactic”

Morning ‘Doh!’

MSNBC host Joe Scarborough praised the bipartisan gun control plan made in the Senate on Sunday, comparing the actions to Abraham Lincoln ending slavery. Opening Monday’s “Morning Joe,” co-host Mika Brzezinski quoted President Biden calling the agreement a “step in the right direction.” Scarborough lauded the move as incremental “progress” similar to Lincoln’s steps to abolish … Continue reading “Morning ‘Doh!’”

Not Taking Any Chances

Sen. Chris Murphy urges Biden to not get involved in bipartisan gun talks [More] What better evidence do we need that the Democrats realize the Doatard-in-Chief is an incompetent joke who screws up everything he does and says? And how is their knowing that and not acting on it not treason? Kind of like the … Continue reading “Not Taking Any Chances”

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