Good Thing This Has Nothing to Do with That ‘Single Issue’!

“And they’re all gonna vote Democrat,” the student admitted. “The illegals, they’re coming here. They’re gonna vote Democrat and we’re going to win.” [More]

Be nice if our “gun rights leaders” finally admitted it

[Via Michael G]

Above the Law

DA Sandra Doorley refuses to stop for cops after being caught speeding because she ‘didn’t feel like it’ and was stressed from working on murders [More]

Did I miss the part where she was cuffed, taken in and araigned, like you or I would be?

Meanwhile, her fellow “law and order” Republicans make it problematic to defend them against charges that they’re hypocritical clowns,.

[Via Michael G]

Marx for Our Lives

They have made the jump from I just want Common Sense gun safety into full on radical socialist leftist economic redistribution…[Watch]

We need a new strategy.

Thing is, there’s a big difference between “What a Socialist Approach to Gun Violence Should Look Like” and what it really looks like.

[Via Jess]

Who Are the Fascists Again…?

WATCH: Activists Assault Breitbart News Journalist at UCLA ‘Palestine Solidarity Encampment’ [More]

Get used to it, and to it expanding far beyond college campuses.

I wonder how many are embedded assets…

James Woods had an interesting observation about self-named “Queers for Palestine.”

The Shlemiel Protection Act

“There’s a bipartisan effort in Congress to equate criticism of the secular state of Israel to violence toward Jewish people in America,” Massie said in a follow-up tweet. “The latter is illegal and the former is protected speech, but if a false equivalency is established, it will be forbidden to criticize Israel.” [More]

Meanwhile, Greg Abbott continues his slide toward the Dark Side.

I’m wondering if Aaron Zelman would have been in danger of running afoul of this newfound demand that we all parrot the ADL.

A Meijer Development

Ex-House Republican who voted to impeach Trump drops Michigan Senate bid [More]

A(Q)-rated / disarmament-enabler Pete…?

Maybe you don’t have “a clear path to victory” because Democrats just use Vichycons, Lincoln Clubbers, “moderates,” and Kristol meth heads, and then flush them like the lumps they are when the idiots are no longer useful.

He’s also an @$$hole on pretty much everything else

Now he’ll have to figure out something else to do with Daddy’s money to inflict himself on his countrymen.

Strategic Location

Why is Panama one of the m0st important pieces of land to the United States? [Watch]

And why did Jimmy Carter and the Senate give it away?

With the expansion of Chinese influence in the waterway, the Canal will likely continue to be a point of tension in U.S.-China relations. China does not operate the Canal, it only manages the two ports on either end, meaning it does not interact or influence all goods transiting the Canal. However, the increase of Chinese companies’ control over transshipment cargo operations bound for the United States and other countries is a point of contention.

Oh… the same folks behind this

[Via George K]

Tonight on Armed American Radio

8-11 pm Eastern…

“Original roundtable” at 9, eh…?

What was I talking about on this date 15 years ago…?

Wait… Dancing with the Stars isn’t on tonight, is it…?

Justice Department FOIA Response on Permanent Entry to NICS Ignores Key Requests

What all those pages in the FOIA response did not do is provide what was being asked for. [More]

I wonder why they won’t share where they get the authority to strong-arm permanent gun disabilities without due process and that are not statutorily authorized from…

The Man Who Would Be King

How instructive to see “New York’s very own” PIX 11 pay so much attention to noted subject matter expert East Harlem resident Arlene on this.

“I think they shouldn’t be learning that on no video,” indeed.

So Fat Alvin presumes the power to coerce rules affecting the entire world… Hey, if you believe you don’t have to respect the Second Amendment, why should the First give you any problems?

Not that Google respects either.

[Via Jess]

Lips are Sealed

Blackhawk Manufacturing Group, Inc. (dba 80 Percent Arms) Settles Legal Dispute With California, Upholding Customer Privacy and Second Amendment Rights … Our refusal to disclose customer data, even in the face of substantial legal costs to keep customer data private, underscores our dedication to privacy. [More]

Good on them.

That’s been a real concern with some of these actions.

[Via Jess]

Send Not for Whom the Bell Tolls

A colleague told police they overheard Decie say, “When something like that happens, it makes me want to go home and get my rifle.” [More]

If hearsay’s all they’ve got on him, why is he facing any charges?

And think carefully about demanding charges for this lunatic.

Because doors can swing both ways.

[Via Edmund M and Michael G]

The Anti-Kraken

But The New York Times reported in early April that covert Chinese accounts are masquerading as supporters of former President Trump, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee. These accounts are also promoting conspiracy theories, stoking domestic divisions and attacking Biden ahead of the election in November. [More]

Just to be clear, when election fraud allegations point at Democrats, they’re “baseless.”

And since “Russian collusion” didn’t work, we’ll just change the meme to “Chinese.”

The Time is Ripe

SAF files brief with Supreme Court in challenge to Illinois semi-auto ban… “Given the ongoing resistance to the core reasoning of Heller and Bruen, (we) respectfully submit that the existence of so many other similar cases cuts in favor of granting certiorari now,” the brief states. [More]

If not now, when?

What’s that saying about a right delayed…?

Different Strokes

Black athletic director arrested for using AI audio to frame white principal with racist rant. [More]

Look at the results appropriate punishment can produce:

“This is the darkest episode of my entire life. I want to apologize to the state of Singapore for the stupid act…I’ve learned my lesson and will never do it again.” and “I promise I will never do it again. I want to apologize to you, and my family for the shame and situation I’ve put them into.”

Text, history, and tradition confirm no Eighth Amendment conflict.

Think of all the money we’d save on “mentoring programs.”

[Via Michael G]

A Form of Reparation

The man accused of sucker-punching women in seemingly random attacks in a span of weeks in Manhattan was arrested and faces hate crime charges, according to police. [More]

Won’t anyone consider the systemic hardships Daquan has had to overcome and realize he has to work twice as hard to punch white women?

Any bets they’re all Democrats?

[Via bondmen]

Gate Crashers

Despite the radical left’s efforts to silence The Gateway Pundit through censorship, de-platforming, de-banking, cut-off from advertisers, and other financial strategies, we will not be deterred from our mission of remaining fearless and being one of the most trusted independent media outlets in America today. [More]

Can’t have information like this getting out.

If you get value from the site

[Via Michael G]

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