We’re the Only Ones ‘I Am Woman, Hear Me Roar’ Enough

A Secret Service officer assigned to protect Vice President Kamala Harris who got into a brawl with her colleagues earlier this week previously filed a $1 million gender discrimination lawsuit against the city of Dallas while working as a police officer. [More]

But wait! There’s more!

Herczeg showed up at the terminal and began acting erratically, grabbing another senior agent’s personal phone and deleting applications on it, according to two sources familiar with the matter… But Herczeg’s bizarre behavior didn’t stop. She then began mumbling to herself, hid behind curtains, and started throwing items, including menstrual pads, at an agent, telling him that he would need them later to save another agent and telling her peers that they were “going to burn in hell and needed to listen to God” …

Well, now we have a name

And a mindset

What’s amazing is that routine testing systems aren’t in place to identify emotional issues for those responsible for the protection of top officials and how vulnerable that leaves them– or maybe someone does know and that’s the way they want it.

If “they’re “law enforcement” is not seeing the bizarreness up close and personal, how are they prepared to issue red flag judgments on strangers?

[Via Lane]

There’s an App for That

More guns are now trafficked to criminals through online sources such as Facebook, TikTok and Tinder than are trafficked at gun shows or flea markets, according to new Justice Department data that argues the marketplace for illegally obtained weapons is quickly evolving. [More]

You really can’t stop the signal.

[Via Jess]

How the Game is Played

One of LA Soros DA George Gascon’s Top Employees — the Attorney “For Ethics and Integrity Operations” — Illegally Accessed Police Files on Political Opponents [More]

If you have enough dirt on them, they’ll do anything.

Just ask Mike Johnson.

[Via Michael G]

Tangentially Related UPDATE

U.S. Intel Community Probably Has Dirt on Members of Congress: NAPOLITANO [More]

Come to think of it, anybody seeing the DSM making an issue out of no Epstein list yet?

[Via GP]

On Target

New Jersey Target employee thwarts 3 women stealing shopping cart full of merchandise: police [More]

He’s lucky they didn’t go violently entitled on him.

Or that Target doesn’t fire him.

In general, when the grabbers say women are endangered by a gun in the home, these are the types — whose chronic poor choices include with the males they attach themselves to — that they’re talking about.

But if they admit that, they won’t be able to spread risk equity, and diversify it to include women who have made better choices.

Buyers’ Remorse

Feminism has left middle-aged women like me single, childless and depressed… I do not know one single woman of my generation who lives such a life and actually likes it. [More]

OK, fine, but could you not lash out at those of us who have not wasted our lives on a series of chronic militant poor choices?

Funny, how long it takes some people to realize they can’t have it all– and how many never do.

It Depends Upon What the Meaning of the Term ‘A+ Rated’ Is

Texas governor endorses Tony Gonzales over Brandon Herrera in House race [More]

Right…endorse the Vichycon who helped enable Biden’s unconstitutional private sales ban.

Hey! This guy's a great big phony!

[Via Jess]

The Impossible Dream

    “Firearm liability insurance” does not exist. By requiring consumers to obtain a product that isn’t available as a condition for legal gun ownership, this bill would essentially ban legal gun ownership by default. [More]

    That’s kind of the point.

    This reminds me of a story I heard years ago about discriminating against black voters in the Jim Crow (Democrat) South, where the sheriff kept a jar of beans at the polling place and administered an eligibility test to guess how many it contained if they wanted to vote.

    [Via cydl]

    Stop Me If You’ve Heard This One Before

    This year, grants will be prioritized for organizations that focus on youth diversion and mentoring, and violence interruption, among other related areas, according to a news release. [More]

    And we quickly saw the dividends from 2023 “effort”s…

    It’s working about as well as it does in St. Louis.

    And it depends upon what the meaning of the word “decline” is.

    [Via JG]

    A Fine Line

    This career trough-feeder

    Looks like Mike reined in his attack dog after he realized he couldn’t prove who took the video.

    There’s a lot to be said for this theory

    [Via Jess]

    All in the Family

    A DNA test identified the suspect as Alvin Campbell Jr., a burly 43-year-old with a long criminal history and a prominent relative. Campbell is the brother of Andrea Campbell, then a Boston city councilor and now the state’s attorney general. [More]

    Alvin demands his Moms defenseless, does he, Sis?

    [Via bondmen]

    Things You’d Expect a Totalitarian to Say

    An Australian Senator has called for X owner Elon Musk to be jailed for life for refusing to adhere to the Australian government’s demands to remove a video of the brutal attack on a Christian Bishop in Sydney last week by an apparent Muslim extremist. [More]

    Naturally, these are the same tyrants who demand a monopoly of violence unto themselves.

    [Via bondmen]

    We’re the Only Ones Diverse, Equitable, and Included Enough

    To sum up: A Secret Service agent who was fast-tracked through the vetting process due to the color of his skin or his sexuality or some other identity group had a mental breakdown and started punching the commanding officer before his fellow agents restrained him and wrestled away his gun. [More]

    And he was “armed during the flight.”

    Anybody see him ID’d anywhere?

    Why not?

    [Via Michael G]

    All Clear?

    That is why the week before that we promulgated a new rule to implement the bipartisan safer communities act and to at long last make it crystal clear that if you’re engaged in the business of dealing firearms for profit, there is no Gun Show Loophole and there never was. [Watch @ 11:24]

    Did the poles just shift or something…?

    [Via Jess/HT Langley Outdoors Academy]

    Sympathy for the Devil

    MA Middle School Responds to Trans Student’s Threats of Violence With Anti-Bias Training, ‘Empathy’ for the Student – “The district placed a higher priority on the transgender student’s comfort than the safety of 40 other individuals.” [More]

    So, which ones are the bullies again…?

    [Via Michael G]

    Aruba, Jamaica, Ooh, I Wanna Take Ya…

    Firearms and ammunition are strictly forbidden in Turks and Caicos. The U.S. Embassy in the Bahamas last September issued this warning to travelers: “Firearms, ammunition, and other weapons are not permitted in the Turks and Caicos Islands (TCI). TCI authorities strictly enforce all firearms related laws. The penalty for traveling to TCI with a firearm, ammunition, or other weapon is a minimum custodial sentence of twelve (12) years.” [More]

    We’ll get there fast and then we’ll take it slow

    Unless you’re Mike Bloomberg

    Also from SAF


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