Less is Moore

Wes Moore says he regrets not correcting interviewers who called him a Bronze Star recipient [More]

Yeah, while getting caught in a lie of omission won’t hurt you with a home crowd dumb enough to vote for you in the first place, it can hurt broader national ambitions. Although with today’s Democrats, who knows?

Funny, the character of people who don’t trust us

How Can You Be in Four Places at Once When You’re Not Anywhere at All?*

[H/T Wirecutter]

My first thought was you could be legally “carrying in AZ or UT but cross over a few inches into NM and CO and “Constitutionally carrying” in one state while breaking the law in another. Then I saw who controls it and read their rules:

Navajo Tribal Code Title 17, Section 1451, prohibits the use of firearms. No firearms allowed on tribal lands.

Why they’d want that is beyond me. Looks like a familiar “leadership” story: Too many chiefs.


Harris Endorsement Severs All Liz Cheney Ties with Second Amendment Supporters

Her and their actions are contemptible and unforgivable. If these snakes prevail, there truly will be no reason to vote (politically). [More]

Liz to whores: Hold my beer.

Pipe Dreams

I thought I was going to get more work done today, but reality had other plans.

We spent last night in a hotel and will be doing the same tonight because the water’s been turned off.

I’m in the midst of having all the plumbing in my house replaced, an expensive three-day job they started yesterday. I’ve been able to work while the guys are occupied in the basement and elsewhere in the house, but now, on tracing pipes to the master bath, they’ll need to access them through the ceiling directly above my desktop work station.

Wall/ceiling patching and painting to follow…

That’s in addition to other replacements this summer: bathroom subfloor, shower and bathtub replacements, furnace, air conditioner, water heater, well pressure tank, water softener… and I get a bid tomorrow on needed electrical work. Oh, and the sewer line may have a break…

Fortunately, money has never been a problem in the glamorous and lucrative field of Second Amendment Echo Chamber Management. And all I’ll ever ask from readers is this (which thus far has proven to be pretty much a pipe dream of its own)…

Please hold off on news tips and other expectations.

The thought strikes that I don’t drink nearly enough.

An Interesting Admission

I’m on MoveOn.org’s email list, and this solicitation just came in:

Vice President Kamala Harris has taken the lead in national polls. But pollsters have a big warning. Presidential elections are not won at the national level; they’re won in a small number of battleground states that decide the Electoral College. And one survey showed Harris trailing Donald Trump across five battleground states. A pro-Harris Super PAC said their polling “is much less rosy” than public surveys. In a terrifying development, top election forecaster Nate Silver’s model now gives Trump a 55.8% chance of winning the Electoral College, while Harris has only a 44.0% chance of victory. And then there’s the fact that the Electoral College is biased in favor of Republicans and that polls underestimated Trump in both 2020 and 2016. While Harris’s candidacy has electrified the base, Harris remains the clear underdog in the race.

True, we can never tell what these people are claiming is real, and they are trying to fleece the bleaters for more money, but they also source things at the end:

1. “Kamala Harris Trails Donald Trump in 5 New Battleground Polls,” Newsweek, September 3, 2024

2. “Democratic pollsters have a warning about Kamala Harris’ lead,” Politico, August 22, 2024

3. “There’s no “normal” in this election,” Silver Bulletin, September 3, 2024

4. “Democratic pollsters have a warning about Kamala Harris’ lead,” Politico, August 22, 2024

5. “How Much Do Campaign Ads Matter?” Kellogg Insight, November 1, 2021

We’re the Only Ones Untrained Enough

It Was a Setup… REVEALED: Most Agents Protecting Trump During Attempted Assassination Were Homeland Security Personnel Who Received Only a ‘2-Hour Online Webinar’ Beforehand [More]

Some hadn’t even passed the basic holstering course…

[Via bondmen]

Can We All Get Along?

Gunman shoots up pro-Trump pastor Greg Locke’s house with children inside in terrifying attack [More]

So, a Harris citizen disarmament supporter…?

And take that “automatic weapon” reference with a grain of salt until it’s proven. Lotta that going around

[Via bondmen]

Attack of the Vichycons

Liz Cheney says she’s voting for Harris [More]

This Liz Cheney?

And the fruit doesn’t fall far from the tree:

Son of John McCain joins conservatives endorsing Harris over Trump: See the list [More]

Anybody see any “conservatives” in that gaggle of Quislings?

Republicans, they thirst for death.

[Via Steve T]

They Wouldn’t Have to Make Hate Crimes Up If We Weren’t So Racist

…a militant moonbat named Hashim Coates claims that a mom at a school board meeting gripped his shoulder and called him a “dumb n*”… Surveillance video that the school tried to suppress confirms Coates has been lying through his teeth. [More]

Even if she had, I can see how that could be a punchable provocation (man-to-man, and apparently man-to-woman now if the Olympics are any benchmark), but how is that a prosecutable crime warranting police involvement?

Still, how worked up should I get over white liberal George Floyd marchers essentially hoist with their own petard?

[Via Michael G]

On Reconsideration…


I guess Newmax decided its readership wasn’t ready to see its initial sentiments, because the current version at that url, which looks like a complete rewrite, doesn’t include this.

Truth be known, I’ve never regarded it as a reliable “conservative” media alternative, ever since Chris Ruddy gushed about his admiration for Bill Clinton.

[Via JG]

Gun-Free Zone Blues

Georgia high school shooting: Injuries reported, one suspect in custody, sheriff says [More]

Blood dancing to ensue.

At least 4 killed. 30 injured.

A suspect is in custody who is of student age


“School safety zones” irony

Updates here

#apalachee on X

Republicans, They Thirst for Death

If Republicans Want to Win, They Need Trump to Lose — Big
To dominate the country once more, Republicans need to hasten the move to a post-Trump party. [More]

Talk about a PsyOps piece–right, listen to the DSM.

If the GOP lets Democrat infiltraitors take over and morph into a party of Lincoln Project dominance, more than I will never vote for them again, which is the plan. What Vichycons haven’t figured is they need us more than we need them, because we will not disarm regardless.

[Via Dan Gifford]

We’re the Only Ones Harboring Enough

Cop Tells Citizen He Let a Double Homicide Suspect Walk Free Because ‘We Don’t Report Illegal Immigrants… We’re a Sanctuary City’ [More]

That door doesn’t swing both ways, does it?

And rebelling against the deliberate destruction of the Republic by government subversives is “insurrection.”

[Via bondmen]

Gabby Giffords Had a Farm…

The spokesperson also said that around 80 animals were killed, including chickens, birds, rabbits, guinea pigs, goats, ducks, other types of birds and a miniature horse…Arroyo was booked and charged with … illegal possession of an assault weapon.. and felon in possession of a firearm, per the spokesperson. [More]

Introducing Giffords CAnimals!

With a bang bang here and a bang bang there…

[Via Steve T]

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